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Have to tell you what's in this magazine. A feature on remedies starring Shane Warne.

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Loaded magazine, on the male grooming page. It's like a sales pitch for a load of hair loss treatments that I've never heard of. In the middle is a wonderful pitch for AHS.


Spatone Apple Supplements One common reason for hair loss is iron deficiency or too little protein. To top up your iron levels and get you pumping like Popeye, try iron supplement Spatone Apple. Unlike many supplements for iron it's not like chewing rubber. In fact it's got a nice apple flavour and added vitamin C so it's bound to be healthy for you. 9.95 for 28 sachets (four weeks supply).


Thikrx serum: This range blocks the harmful hormone that triggers hair loss. Makers say they are clinically proven to improve hair growth in 60% of men. Included shampoo for finer and weaker hair. 24.99.


Natur range: Developed to boost cell activity and strengthen hair follicles, it's one of the best selling hair loss ranges on the market. Products include five different varieties of shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, hair treatment and serum. 9.99 - 29.99


Phytostim range spray You can't really stop hair thinning permamently, but there are ways to speed the loss down. PHYTOSTIM is a spray that aims to fortify the hair bulb, delaying thinning hair and encouraging growth. You divide your hair into sections and spray eight to 10 times onto your hair. Massage your scalp, or better still get her to do it and use two to three times a week (the spray, not her obviously). 35.50


Redken Intraforce kit This stylish set is great if you are on the go. It's a three step system with zinc and vitamin E, promising to promote thicker, fuller hair in 30 days. The Redken Intraforce kit includes a shampoo, tner and stimulating scalp treatment - all helping you to get that shiny shaggy mane like Samson you dream about. 35.


And, for the main event...


Advanced Laser Therapy (AHS) If you want to go where the stars have their hair restored The Advanced Hair Studio (AHS) is the place to go. It's where cricket aces Shane Warne and Michael Vaughan were refurbished to their former glory.

AHS offers a range of treatments such as its Advanced Laser Therapy Programme, which takes place over 3 to 6 months. Fans say the effects are amazing - you can go from thinning patch to glossy mane in a few months. Or you can go the whole hog and opt for their strand-by-strand treatment, where a second skin or membrane is 'fused' to your scalp, creating a cushion, which hair is added to. So a barnet that is totally secure on a windy day.

It's not cheap, prices start at 595 for three months of AHS-FP (hand-held laser) but that includes all the pharmaceutical prescriptions plus serum, shampoo, capsules and antioxidants. The strand-by-strand treatment is priced according to the number of hairs transplanted.


The AHS stuff is laughable, as is the sales pitch for the other products. However maybe there's some truth in that some of these products could help, like the vitamin C and iron supplement.


Thought I'd share this with you all. Though it's not how I envisaged spending my saturday :mad:night

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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Cricket stars like Warne intrigue me. I mean this guy, is being a wig wearer and he is smack bang at the epicentre of sports-jock culture in Aus. And how does he pull it off? Super confident guy, model super star actress girlfriend, sports-yob-bogans, hair-hair, yeah..yeah...A sports God in a sports mad country that defines itself as sans the pompous and pretense of British class culture (of course it can't) - cut a tall poppy down..etc.. Truth is he would get SHYTY for it, but it doesn't matter.


What about the average guy down at the pub watching him bowl on the pub TV. He sits there and some other fella bleets something about Warnie's wig. The poor guy rememvers his appointment with AHS this Wednesday gets edgy. Does he derive any power from Warnie's pluck? Or perhaps, the sports guys wouldn't dare, and it is another demographic entirely, that the marketing is intended for, quite different from the sports genre - that would be interesting.


I guess the average adult just rationalizes it as a commercial thing. So when Warne is playing poker or cricket, under pressure, that wig stuff, jearing about the rug - if it's a wig (and I am assuming it is ? If it is an HT, even more am I amazed) - must be just 'water off a ducks back' to him. In fact I think the secret might be learning to get empowered by the attention it receives. In otherwords, you get so comfortable with the barbs you just take them out and stick them right back in your accuser's face.


Anyway, all the products look like a load of BS. I mean AHS have been the best and most visible snake-oilist for decades and they are keeping up their reputation.


Who are we? Us hair consumers? Hell, it makes us look so friggin dumb? And yet it can empower a Shane Warne? A Jaques Kallis?? Amazing.

Edited by scar5
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Well what restored his hair so emphatically? Their lasers? Their minoxidil?


I should note that it wasn't a whole page for AHS, the AHS is in the middle, the other products were separate. Why did they not have propecia minox nizoral avodart? I feel sorry for the poor sods who are going to be influenced by this.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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Believe me i know all about AHS, i fell for their ''strand by strand '' (bull*** )scam at the tender age of 20. Head shaved, wig placed on, the lot. As far as Shane Warne, from what i remember he was only losing it slightly in the crown, he still had quite thick hair, so he could wear concealer on his crown or something. I met him about 3 years ago, he was still doing the adverts then aswell. My local pub is opposite Kent County Cricket Ground ( i hate cricket by the way, and told him so ) and he was over there watching a game, and came into the pub. He has been in a few times, and ive met him face to face and had a chat with him, and he doesnt wear their wig. Believe me, i would be able to spot one a mile away, I still have nightmares about having that thing out on my head now.

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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I've never thought Warne has worn a wig either. His hair has receeded over the years but not that much.


Michael Vaughn looks quite good in his, but I'm sure joe-public wouldn't get as great a result as him

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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