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After 1000s of hours reading.....i finally post!


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just to start i have to say a massive thank you for this forum, talk about free counselling lessons;)


A little bit about myself, started losing my hair around 20, im now 28. i have been using proscar for the last 3 years and would say my hair loss has not progressed much if at all.


I have been reading/researching forums for the last 5 to 6 years and have probably researced/ put more effort into this than my degree! not good but probably true.


I currently live near Machester and have been in touch with a few Doctors who have recommended from 1500-2500 grafts to improve my frontal 3rd and hairline. All have assured me this will be no problem and donor area is fine. Now the hard part:confused: believe me im sure i have read every post, argument, pics and topics on most forums they is to know and maybe reread! so i guess i could say i have a decent enough knowledge to prepare myself:p


I really only want FUE...i know what we want and what we need should be taken into account but i cant bring myself round to strip even though the yield is probably always better (please no FUE/FUT arguments) read enough to last me a life time!


I want to improve my hairline/frontal density within the next year as this has affected me for to long and you only live once so why not try to be as happy as you can be:) i plan on traveling this summer as im a student so see this as a perfect chance to have a procedure done. budget is an issue but can be achieved with what i want hopefully.


sorry about the long email......now for the questions and hopefully some advice back from you nice chaps in the forum:D


Density in the front? Im being told different scales from different doctors, from 35-40 to 50-60? i like my hair short on top, about an inch long with a current hairstyle. Surely this wouldnt be achievable with density of 35-40?


BUDGET???? i know this is a no no in the hairtransplant industry but is it possible to get a Doctor like the fellers and Rahals on a budget? commitments in my life really mean i can only budget a certain amount each year:(


Also.. why do hair transplants not really have many styles with a fringe? i cant seem to find many styles, they all seem to be brused back:confused:


once again sorry for the long email but it is my first in a few years!


And just a big thank you to spex who has always been a great help, not once has he mentioned a procedure to me, just given good solid advice. And believe me that is hard to find on some forums. big respect, keep up the good work fella:)


hope for some feedback guys. :)

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2000 FUT grafts in the hairline/frontal third with Dr. Feller, hotel, flights from UK to NY and spending money cost me (my parents) around 6-7 grand. FUE is more expensive (or so I've read) so perhaps it'd be closer to 10 thousand pounds for you if you went with Feller. I heard Rahal compensates for long distance travelers though, and that maybe you could work out a payment play with any doctor.


Hair style: I was concerned about this too initially but there are plenty of photos with people's hair brushed down. I think it's only brushed back to show the hairline. You'd have no problems with a fringe - if the pics I've seen are anything to go by.


I don't know the ins and outs of density sorry!

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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Concerning density: Of course it depends on your hair type and caliber but in general, anything lower than 45-50 g/cm in the frontal third of a hairline is simply not going to be dense enough for most people's liking.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Senior Member

thank you for your replies..


I feel im now at the stage to have a procedure, however choosing a doctor is a different kettle of fish!

has anyone ever noticed you have had a hair transplant? i dont mean after the procedure, i mean when the procedure is fully grown out?





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  • Senior Member
thank you for your replies..


I feel im now at the stage to have a procedure, however choosing a doctor is a different kettle of fish!

has anyone ever noticed you have had a hair transplant? i dont mean after the procedure, i mean when the procedure is fully grown out?






If you go to any number of docs on this site, guaranteed, 100%, NOBODY will ever know you had a ht unless you tell them. Of course friends and family might suspect something is up with your new full head of hair but there is no way a stranger can tell you had a ht

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Nobody has ever spotted my new hair as a HT. It is 100 percent natural.


The naturalness is quite remarkable actually and I never think for one second that someone is thinking its a HT (and my procedure was over 5000 grafts!!)

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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thank you once again for your replies guys. much appreciated.


cant decide your hair transplant is fantastic, i followed your procedure and was very impressed:)


The truth is if i could afford to go Rahal or Feller and have FUE with them i would however in all honesty i cant afford and probably wont be able to for a long time so my research is now focused on finding a Doctor who i can probably afford and give similar results....differcult challenge i know:confused:



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  • Senior Member
thank you once again for your replies guys. much appreciated.


cant decide your hair transplant is fantastic, i followed your procedure and was very impressed:)


The truth is if i could afford to go Rahal or Feller and have FUE with them i would however in all honesty i cant afford and probably wont be able to for a long time so my research is now focused on finding a Doctor who i can probably afford and give similar results....differcult challenge i know:confused:




Hey man, if you feel rahal or feller is the doc for you than save your money and go see them in the future. If you can find a doc that you're comfortable with and save some cash that's great, but don't settle for the doc you don't want just cause he/she is cheaper.

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  • Senior Member
thank you once again for your replies guys. much appreciated.


cant decide your hair transplant is fantastic, i followed your procedure and was very impressed:)


The truth is if i could afford to go Rahal or Feller and have FUE with them i would however in all honesty i cant afford and probably wont be able to for a long time so my research is now focused on finding a Doctor who i can probably afford and give similar results....differcult challenge i know:confused:




As world class as Rahal and Feller are, and I'm intending on going to Rahal myself, I wouldnt go to either for FUE.


I think there are better clinics out there when it comes to FUE and the good news is that they're typically cheaper and closer.... in my opinion Europe has the edge and I would consider Bisanga, Feriduni in Belgium, Lorenzo in Spain and a number of clinics in Turkey dare I say it.

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I have been researching FUE in belgium and turkey.

Bisanga maybe out of my price range, Dr Rey seems to have plenty of experience and have been in contact, he seems to know his stuff!


Dr keser results look superb but getting contact/info from this docter seems impossible sometimes and maybe out my price range, i hear different prices all the time.


Anyone any guidance for Dr reys or the doctors in turkey???


once again appreciate the replies and fully intend to document my procedure on here if i ever pick a Doc!



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Dr Keser is good but is expensive for Turkey. There are other surgeons out there who give equally as good results for a 3rd of the price.


Stay away from the 'super cheap' ones in Turkey though as these are often performed by the technicians and not the surgeons.



2800 FUE, Istanbul

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When my hair loss began, believe me i have researched, rearched and researched some more and still seem no closer but really feel i am ready, never had to put my trust into surgery before so i understand how massive the choice can be:confused:


Did you guys know once you met your Doctor it was the right choice? although they is still a risk?


spex your opinion is valued and your advice in the past has been invaluable so much appreciated.



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I went to my consultation with Dr. Feller very nervous - there were so many things I was unsure of. I came away knowing for sure it was the right thing for me and that I had complete faith in him to be my doctor.


In the month between the consultation and actually booking, and then the month between the booking and the surgery, I of course got many doubts again - lots of cold feed. But I kept remembering how AMAZING I felt when I came away from the consultation........so I went ahead with it. 4 and a half months down and I'm very happy I made the choice, hopefully I feel the same way in a year!


An in person consultation is exactly what you need in my opinion. No amount of research makes you feel as satisfied as getting your answers in person and meeting someone who you trust to perform the surgery on you.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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  • Senior Member
When my hair loss began, believe me i have researched, rearched and researched some more and still seem no closer but really feel i am ready, never had to put my trust into surgery before so i understand how massive the choice can be:confused:


Did you guys know once you met your Doctor it was the right choice? although they is still a risk?


spex your opinion is valued and your advice in the past has been invaluable so much appreciated.




I echo tommylucchese. Once I had my consult with dr feller I knew based on how knowledgable he is that he's the guy to fix my dome. However nothing will keep you from being a nervous wreck before the surgery...

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