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Didn't see the grafts

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I notice in a lot of these post ht pics people are posting they have a lot of hair in the recipient site prior to shedding. It kind of seems like a pre picture to what their hair should look like after the ht grafts shed and regrow. I never had a bunch of hair in my recipient sites. Sure I could feel some stubble but visually couldn't hardly see anything. I actually have less hair in my hairline now then I did before the procedure. I am almost six weeks along and it seems I have shed a lot. I also started propecia three days pre op. I had 1000 grafts to the hairline. What I was wondering was since I didn't see any hair after the scabs healed which took about three weeks. Does this mean I won't have much density? I didn't need to cover a large area but I do have fine straight hair.

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I thought exactly the same when I was researching and I was disappointed when I didn't get that. However, I had an excellent result, so try not to worry at this stage.

HT No1 : Nobel clinic, Gatwick 500 grafts - Terrible result, left with bumpy skin


HT No2 : Marwan Saifi 1680 grafts. Great result


HT No3 - Marwan Saifi 1250 grafts. Another good result.


HT No4 - Hakan Doganay 2134 grafts. Result TBA


Total 5134 grafts.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Getsome1,


I just had my hair restoration surgery last Friday, and I too have the same concerns! It seems like on the majority of the post-op pics I've seen on these forums, that the follicle in the recent transplanted follicular unit is visible on the surface, and gives a very obvious idea of what to expect when it starts growing permanently. I too however, can only see what my new hairline will (should?) look like based on scab formation (granted I'm only 9 days post-op). I was hoping I'd see a bunch of new hair in my recipient area before it begins to shed in the next couple of weeks.


I am keeping my fingers crossed that having a visible hair follicle above my scalp at this stage is not indicative of how successful my transplant outcome will be, and that more importantly, the graft is indeed successfully transplanted where it needs to be in my scalp?! I don't understand why some patients have visible hair immediately post-op, and others like you and I don't?!


At 6 weeks, you are about half-way 'til you should start seeing some new hair sprout!! That's got to be exciting. I wouldn't worry too much about it as Buzz2 said......and he had an excellent result! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us buddy!!





4737 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 11/16/2012


Daily regimen: 1/4 Proscar (1.25 mg Finasteride), Rogaine Foam (twice daily), 1000 mcg Biotin, 1 combo Vitamin D/Calcium/Magnesium, 1500 mg Glocosamine, 750 mg MSM, 1200 mg Fish Oil, 2000 mg Vitamin C, Super B-Complex, 400 I.U Vitamin E.


I am not a medical professional. All views and opinions expressed in this forum are of my own.

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I had the same observation post op where the newly planted grafted hair only stuck out of the surface barely so it could almost not be seen while in other patients I have seen post op, the hair planted is obvious as it sticks up well above the surface. For example, Dr. Feller and Lindsey patients. I asked the Rahal clinic back then and the reason is simple, they trim the hair extremely short before its planted while other docs leave the grafted hair a bit longer when its planted. I agree that it would be nice to see the little hairs clearly post op but of course, it does not impact the final result.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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What you see immediate post -op does not correlate with the final results. Doctors use different hair lengths to work with during the procedure depending on what their staff is comfortable working with. Hang in there and try to remain positive and confident that you will have an improvemnent in the end.

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Hi, Getsome1.


I didn't see if you had FUT or FUE. This can also determine the length of the follicles when transplanted. Grafts from strip harvest are left slightly longer than those harvested via FUE (because you need those short in order to determine the exact exit/direction) in our practice. So, even within the same clinic, you may have variety in immediate post-op hair length. Best of luck!

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Thank you all for your replies, they are much appreciated and I feel more at ease now after reading your responses. In regards to FUE or FUT, I had the FUT procedure. I will update you all in about a two months when it should be around time for growth to be coming in. I'm halfway there!! Best of luck to you too Agenteye and Cant decide. Dr. Charles and Dr. Wesley are either of you in the Southern California area? I think I will have another procedure in about a year when this one is final. I only had a small procedure to the hairline (1000 grafts) and will probably like to add density, temple points and maybe even lower it a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Wow, I'm glad I found this post too because just today I was posting this same concern...you look at some people right after post op and they have a decent head of hair lol. I know exactly how you guys feel, even though you know they are going to shed it's nice to almost get reassurance of watching them grow in nice before they fall out. I'm actually seeing some grafts that are growing very quickly just 6 days post op, but also many others that are so tiny just barely poking out the skin. But after others posting on this post and the two great doctors above, I think we're all ok! So best of look to all of you with great growth as the months progress!

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