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Had six transplants.....need advice


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Hi Everyone,


First time on this site......wish I had found this site before I had my first transplant surgery. I have had 6 procedures by two different doctors. Boy I am extremely disappointed and depressed. I have pictures from my first four procedures, but not the last two. I need to get a camera and learn how to post my pictures so you can see what I look like now. I would say I have had between 6,000 to 7,500 grafts all together that took over 5 years or so to complete. I feel a lot of that transplanted hair has stopped continuing to grow. I have spent between 25,000 and 30,000 and don't make a lot of money...it was all years of saving and planning. At one time the frontal area had some density to it and now it has thinned out again. I'm going to schedule a consultation with Doctor True because of what I read about him on this site. I am afraid I may not have the donor hair now available for another procedure. Any feedback or words of encouragement would be appreciated.

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Hi Everyone,


First time on this site......wish I had found this site before I had my first transplant surgery. I have had 6 procedures by two different doctors. Boy I am extremely disappointed and depressed. I have pictures from my first four procedures, but not the last two. I need to get a camera and learn how to post my pictures so you can see what I look like now. I would say I have had between 6,000 to 7,500 grafts all together that took over 5 years or so to complete. I feel a lot of that transplanted hair has stopped continuing to grow. I have spent between 25,000 and 30,000 and don't make a lot of money...it was all years of saving and planning. At one time the frontal area had some density to it and now it has thinned out again. I'm going to schedule a consultation with Doctor True because of what I read about him on this site. I am afraid I may not have the donor hair now available for another procedure. Any feedback or words of encouragement would be appreciated.

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  • Senior Member

you have come to the right place. Welcome!!


I also wish that you had found this place earlier, but now is your time to move forward and do the proper research, take time to ask a lot of questions, consult with more than one doc recommended by this site, let the information sink in and make a knowledgeable decision. Don't jump right back in to having another HT...take your time.


Everyone here is here to help you make a more informative decision. Talk to those who have had repairs by the top docs--they are more than willing to help, consult with as many top docs as you feel necessary and make a decision you are comfortable and happy with.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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My feeling is that you did not take finasteride and minoxidil to stabilize your hairloss before planning your surgeries. My advice would be to start medication. The fact you will halt or slow your hairloss will be your greatest encouragement. Greater than any words.

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Guest wanthairs



very sorry to hear about what has happened. As serious said, have you been taking propecia and rogaine? also please tell us who your dr's were and how many grafts they did etc, etc....

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please let us know who did your procedures

im very sorry to hear about your case.... posting pics will give a us a better idea of what you are talking about. there are alot of helpful members here that will be happy to give you sound suggestions as to what your next move may be... all the best man, i understand what your going through your far from alone.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Why would knowing the doctor have anything to do with the hair that grew and then him losing it. That is not a doctor issue, so please don't say if it was done by a "TOP" doc, it would be different...(except only putting him on finasteride, minox). If the results were poor yield (or taken from the wrong donor area) then I agree.


We all have biological differences, the docs job is to get it into his head and grow. After that, it is how he responds to hormones (DHT, etc, and other existing medical issues).


With that said, the part that scares the crap out of me, and should you guys, is why the heck the transplanted hair was permanently lost!

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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Originally posted by Filipinoboy:

does your family have norwood 6 or 7?maybe the transplanted hair is also doomed..2 good news for you(i think)1.body hair can be transplanted to ur head if your hairy chest or what not,research on that 2.cloning hair is almost here. maybe 10 more years so just buy lots of caps for diff occassions and wait.




1. BHT (body hair transplants)is largely unproven in terms of yield and overall effectiveness.... not to mention that ALONE it DOES NOT PRODUCE A NATURAL LOOK FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.... and to anyone who thinks your leg and/or chest hair will "change characteristics" or magically grow thicker in calibur simply because its been moved from your leg to your head, PLEASE POST PROOF OR KEEP QUITE... it logically makes no sense. BHT IS MUCH MUCH MORE RISKY THAN THE TYPICAL TRANSPLANT... too many have found this out the hard way


2. how can you possibly know that hair cloning will be available in the next 10 years?? please do inform us because unless you have inside info all your doing is creating FALSE hope for this guy, your not doing him any favors if you ask me. you MAY be right and cloning is out within 10 years, but im pretty sure you have NO CLUE as to whether or not you actually will be correct...hairloss cures have been "5-10 years away" since the 80s man... maybe longer....its not a very good idea to count on something that may never happen in your lifetime, IMO.


im sorry to be harsh but im not sure any of this was sound info/advice.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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  • Regular Member

You're not alone. I had that many procedures before finally getting refined work. The real element of failure is the breakdown of trust.


People inherently TrusT doctors which is a major mistake many of us make in life.


Dont give up. You can look better now, with the technology available no matter what your situation.

hardcore long-term veteran of hack plug doctors to ultra refined coalition doctors.


knowledgeable about show business hair transplants

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I'll second the celeb hair vet, he gave good advice. It happens to the best of us (happened to me) but thankfully technology, information from boards like this one and improved surgical skill of doctors with ethics to match makes repair possible.


Also, if you are experiencing thinning and need immediate improvement, try using Dermatch, you can order it online. I've found that it works well as a concealer and does a great job thickening your hair and hiding scalp to hair contrast.

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Hi Everyone,


Thanks so much for all of your feedback and words of encouragement. I'm sorry it took me so long to respond to your follow up responses. First late me say I have been taken finasteride within months from the time it was first approved. My goal was to keep as much of my hair as possible and then check in to having hair transplant procedures to fill in the areas where my hairloss was evident. I have also used rogaine since the time you needed a prescription on a pretty consistent basis and still do to this day. Like someone else mentioned the transplanted hair is suppose to remain regardless of finasteride or rogaine. I sent pictures to Dr. True and his assistant replied back saying my donor hair looked depleted, but they do a procedure where they don't take a strip, but do individual grafts which take longer and is more expensive. I am going to send pictures taken from my first 4 procedures and then the pics I took of myself last week. Does anyone know how to make the digital pics I took of myself smaller. They are taken forever to send. Thanks again for your support.

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  • Senior Member

Let us know how your personal consultation with Dr. True goes.


Body-hair transplantation should be able to help densify parts of the scalp, but, of course, it is not an "alternative" to transplanting hair from the scalp. As well, hair-multiplication sounds wonderful, but not one of us (not one person alive) can make a definite statement as to when it "should be" available -- it's the same prediction we've been hearing since "breakthroughs" began occurring: "maybe about a decade." It's been about a decade since this refrain began being uttered.

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