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Advice for styling soft hair

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I had a HT in May with Dr Path and am currently awaiting growth and hopefully some decent results but I would like some general advice please.

I have always had soft, fluffy hair that is hard to manage or style. Now it has never really bothered me until the last few years when alongside my hair loss the hair has taken to just growing straight out of my head (like grass as my girlfriend says) - so it makes my hair loss look even worse as it just sticks straight up on my head.

The only time my hair ever looks OK is after I have worn a cap for an hour or so and it has flattened down so it looks quite natural and obviously this also helps it look a lot more dense.

Is there some way of styling it like that - I know there are gels etc but they tend to separate the hairs dont they? I just want it to look quite natural and stay down and not sticking straight up.

Any advice would be really appreciated, my HT cost me a lot of time and money that I struggled to get and I would like to be able to get the full benefit of it if possible.

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  • Senior Member

My hair has a tendency to stick up as well. The hairdryer is your friend! I use the hairdryer after applying Rogaine to flatten and shape it. I then use a pretty heavy product -- American Crew Military Grooming Cream and then hit it with the hairdryer again after that. Sometimes I'll use a little bit of hairspray too if I need to.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the reply, does this help with it looking natural and quite flat too? I have never used a hairdryer, how long would it take to get hair looking OK from start to finish? 15 minutes?



My hair has a tendency to stick up as well. The hairdryer is your friend! I use the hairdryer after applying Rogaine to flatten and shape it. I then use a pretty heavy product -- American Crew Military Grooming Cream and then hit it with the hairdryer again after that. Sometimes I'll use a little bit of hairspray too if I need to.
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  • Senior Member

I've had the same problem all my life. Long straight coarse (or fine where it is thining!) hair that can't be brushed into a style.


I find L'oreal 'out of bed' fibre cream gel works best.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for the reply, does this help with it looking natural and quite flat too? I have never used a hairdryer, how long would it take to get hair looking OK from start to finish? 15 minutes?


It probably depends on your hair, but I don't hit it with the hairdryer anymore than a minute or two. Yes, you can definitely shape your hair using a hairdryer. I have a few really bad cowlicks that would look ridiculous if it wasn't for using a hairdryer. If those things can be flattened anything can!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

volume shamppos and conditioners, hair drier and putty type styling products with a bit of hair spray.


Avoid gel, mouse, wax (especially) and any product that gives a greasy wet look. With fine, fluffy hair, it just clumps it together and makes hair loss look worse.



2800 FUE, Istanbul

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