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Is my hairline to far back?


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I dont have anyone to take a good picture, so I apologize at the moment, I also dont have a camera, just a stupid iphone.


I am just curious though if my new hairline is still a bit to far back? I always have had a big forehead, somewhat receded since I was a kid. My doctor is very well known coalition member on here, I will keep his name private as I wait for a final result, perhaps im worrying for nothing.


I had around 3000 grafts using strip into the front part of my head. My feeling was that the hairline should be slightly forward just a bit more if you look at the picture i have a cowlick you can hopefully see in the picture where he did not transplant any hair. The transplanted area is slightly behind the actual cowlick. Before surgery I expressed that it should as far up as the cowlick to create a decent hairline, he did not think so and felt it would create an overwhelming hairline. I backed off since I highly respect his work, and trusted him.


Photo below, and again maybe im over exaggerating and it will give a good enough hairline appearance, im not looking for brad pitt or anything, i also might completely forgot how hair that actually grows can mask or cover your hair line since i have had very little hair infront for a few years and im only 27. Hopefully you guys can see the red circular area where the transplanted area goes to. Again I apologize for the pictures im providing.



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I dont have anyone to take a good picture, so I apologize at the moment, I also dont have a camera, just a stupid iphone.


I am just curious though if my new hairline is still a bit to far back? I always have had a big forehead, somewhat receded since I was a kid. My doctor is very well known coalition member on here, I will keep his name private as I wait for a final result, perhaps im worrying for nothing.


I had around 3000 grafts using strip into the front part of my head. My feeling was that the hairline should be slightly forward just a bit more if you look at the picture i have a cowlick you can hopefully see in the picture where he did not transplant any hair. The transplanted area is slightly behind the actual cowlick. Before surgery I expressed that it should as far up as the cowlick to create a decent hairline, he did not think so and felt it would create an overwhelming hairline. I backed off since I highly respect his work, and trusted him.


Photo below, and again maybe im over exaggerating and it will give a good enough hairline appearance, im not looking for brad pitt or anything, i also might completely forgot how hair that actually grows can mask or cover your hair line since i have had very little hair infront for a few years and im only 27. Hopefully you guys can see the red circular area where the transplanted area goes to. Again I apologize for the pictures im providing.


Hmmm it could be the perspective. Once the hair has grown out it won't look as high, although the hairline is not close to low by any chance. The Doctor was probably not comfortable going any lower at this point in time due to your age, level of loss, possible future loss and donor quantity. Unfortunately some people going in thinking the doc will comply with their hairline desire or at least be negotiable a few mm only to find out that it can't be done and they already have paid the deposit and are basically booked in that very day. Does your Doctor's first or last name start with a H by any chance?

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Thanks for your reply.


No it does not start with an H :), he posts his work quite a bit on here and I dont want to say his name because it may turn out fine. My hope is once the hair starts growing in it will not look bad at all, i never had a strong hairline, my hairline has always been "high", but i felt it should be slightly more forward. Not much but a bit.


This is my first operation I spent alot of money so I am a bit worried, but perhaps once the hair comes in it will be fine?


Your explanation I think is why he put it their, he said to where its receded it will look best where he put it, and putting it slightly more forward will make my hairline to strong, and look feminine. I conceded because I have a ton of faith in him and chose him after a year and half research.


I do trust him, his work has been excellent and very well received on here, I am just a bit worried its still going to look to very receded :(



Below is two files uploaded, the first is me looking down for another perspective. 2nd is unfortunately the last picture I have on my pc of myself from 6 years ago 21-22 right when the hairloss started to kick in. In this photo its a bit worse then highschool, but have not lost much at that point. You can see my hairline has been somewhat far back naturally, although I assume its started tor recede slightly about that time the picture was taken, but not alot. Just for reference of where my natural hairline has been in life. Again I am hoping I am overreacting and it will look natural and fine.



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No worries. A factor I also forgot to mention was that for 3,000 grafts, the Doctor only had a certain amount of area/grafts to work with. A lower hairline would mean less density given that the amount of grafts were fixed. In my opinion a slightly lower hairline(say half a cm) would not have given a feminine look. A feminine look is mainly defined by totally closing temples to hairline at a right angle or sometimes a more acute angle. I take it the Doctor is probably more on the conservative side.


You need not worry. You said you weren't after a Brad Pitt hairline and once your hair grows out it should be fine. There are plenty of results here showing off a mature hairline and the patients are ecstatic about their results.

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Based on your old photo, I think it is on point. Especially considering you have pretty aggressive mpb.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Based on your old photo, I think it is on point. Especially considering you have pretty aggressive mpb.


Thanks, sounds like my docotr was correct. When you say aggressive mpb do you mean at a young age how much i lost in a few years? Or do you mean aggressive because oft how little i have? He transplanted in quite a bit in the frontal sides where I had decent amount of hair already but shaved it off and put some in their should I loose it, i also normally have my hair longer its shaved to a 2 right now. Im not quite as bald as the picture pre transplant :) Not that I didnt have bad mpb, it just is not nearly as bad as it looks in the picture pre surgery.

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Did you discuss the placement of the hairline at the time of your procedure? I remember discussing this when I had my hair transplant.


Regards Rod


Yup and he felt where he put it was best, I suggested slightly closer or forward, he explained why, I did not argue to much because he did not make a name for himself not knowing what hes doing :)

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Please don't take this wrong, but I don't think I've ever seen someone lose that much hair in a 5-6 year span. That is aggressive MPB, and I am sure that your surgeon is being careful seeing that you are still very young. Later on, once you've established a pattern, he may find that you have enough donor left to lower the hairline.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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Really? I did loose quite a bit and am quite young, i lost alot no doubt, I do have one friend thats balder then me but thats the only person I know of, and yes mine is was bad.


I just want people to realize its not as bad as the post op transplant picture. I had more hair then this but again some current hair he took a razor to and shaved it right off and apologized but said since im young he is going to put some in areas i have some already in case i ever lost more. Again not as bald as the picture, but yea it was bad and bothers me alot to the point i went for surgery. Although he also said he has done a few like me at my age already, he didn't find it un-ordinary like i did when I asked him, and believe me I asked him what the heck was wrong with me.



I should also mention i have not lost more hair in the past 3 years, it has stabilized since I started minox-nizoral. Fell out rapidly at 23-25. After a third course of accutane i still wonder if that drug is to blame or i just have bad luck. My father whose sixty had more hair then me :)


Anyway I do trust him, I was just worried it was going to look to receded, he felt he can get me back to that old picture btw so if its anywhere close I will be a happy camper.


Hopefully in 4 more months I can post a new picture and we wont have to discuss how bad my mpb is.

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If you just had surgery any swelling remaining can also through you off in both a good way or negative way since it doesn't help you see things clearly for a couple of days. However, from the pictures I honestly can't tell where your existing hairs were razored and where the grafts were placed in your native zones. The iphone isn't the best when it comes to showing it unless you do a close up and mark or indicate those areas between native hairs and transplanted hairs.


You said 3000 grafts so I am assuming based on the area covered it may have been placed with a decent amount of density. Do you know the density and hair groupings placed or area covered in cm? Did you address your concerns with hairline placement in previous emails or talks prior to meeting the doctor? Did they say they can lower your hairline to address your concern initially? When your razored down native hair is grown back, then analyze the distance between the placement within days because you will have a temporary outline that will enable you to see how far the doctor positioned your hairline from those native points.


I know firsthand what you mean with the forhead thing and also the desire and hope everything looks proportional in the end without looking too conservative or making the forhead look distinct in accordance to hair restoration or styling goals in the end.


I don't know the full extent of your hair loss or norwood level but from the photos you have posted at this point, it obviously looks like a conservative approach whether that is something you wanted or are concerned about now, but again, it could be you just had surgery which can be throwing it off a little bit due to post op temporary swelling. If you can possibly do a frontal side by side before and after surgery comparison, that would help give you an opinion from a restoration member more accurately. I am sure your doctor has preop pics as most doctors take them for their own records, so you can request them and put them up as comparison points like I did. Then take photos every few days or month to month to compare the changes for your own record as well. Hope you get what you wanted in the end and wish you the best. :)


No point in stressing over things like that at this point though. Just take good care of yourself with the post op care.

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Hello, thanks for the information.


I did have surgery about 50 days ago, i dont know if thats fairly recent yet or not?


When I originally sent my photo he had me go through the assistant, and his assistant who was great spoke to the dr. I drew out an outline and sent them a much better photo from a friends camera which was better, i wanted to realistically consider what i wanted to spend where i wanted hair and consider his comments about density and making it to strong, I also had someone take the photo which was much better quality then what i posted.It was basically exactly what he did, almost perfect except my hairline I drew on my head was just a half centimeter more forward where i had it, to the point where the cowlick was. So its not a big change and its 90 percent what i thought out, but I did suggest it be slightly more forward and he felt it was best where it ended up and would give me a nice hairline. More forward and he said it would look to feminine and just didnt think it would look right on me. Maybe he also looked at my old photo which I sent and noticed I never had much of a hairline.


Im hoping it turns out good, and it should he is a coalition member and I liked his work. Im hoping once it comes in it will add volume and lower.


As for the hair on the front sides, he shaved and transplanted into the frontal sides, he said he wanted to do the whole area even where i had hair should i loose it so the transplant holds up, that area i noticed is just sprouting now and is coming in first. but its not really noticeable unless i take a mirror to it.


Maybe im making to much out of it, i actually measured where the hairline I would have liked would go to, and where it ended up, and its not much at all, actually just under half centimeter slightly. So maybe im being overly picky.

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If you measuring your hairline I definitely think that you are overing thinking this. The surgeons recommended on this forum are very experienced and you need to trust your doctor. If your that concerned telephone the clinic.


Cheers Rod

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If you measuring your hairline I definitely think that you are overing thinking this. The surgeons recommended on this forum are very experienced and you need to trust your doctor. If your that concerned telephone the clinic.


Cheers Rod


No i somewhat agree, but I only measured it because I was just trying to quantify the difference in where i suggested it be, and where he put it as I did not know how else to explain the difference or describe it over a forum.


I am probably over thinking it, i should probably wait a number of months to see yet how it looks with some actual hair, and not just bald scalp.

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if i understand this right...usually its about 4 fingers from the top of your eyebrows that the hairline should be placed



I think that is being very liberal unless the patient has little loss and an abundance of donor hair.

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Mate it looks fine , I agree with the posters above .


you are young , you have lost alot of hair already , any good doc was always going to go on the side of caution .


Mate let it grow out , maybe an 1-2 inches , stick some wax in it , make look funky , like yer ........ I've lost a bit of hair but I'm cool with it look , and go rock the new "maturing" hairline , pull some chicks and have confidence in the work , your new hairline will look fine bud .



good luck


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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I think your right.


And thats my plan as well.


These first few months are killing me but I am going to let it grow out in the front and style it and take good care of it when it does come in. Even though I have had a somewhat back or receded hairline all my life, it never really bothered me because I had a decent amount of hair to play with grow out and style. Maybe i shouldnt even be complaining considering its not like i had a deep hairline ever in my life. Even that younger picture of me is about where its always been or not to far off and my friends always suggested i have had a receding hairline since they knew me in grade 7. Didnt bother me though when I had hair :) Hopefully those days are back again where i can joke about my hair.

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