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Hi all


I have been recomended to take propecia to stabilise my hair loss before i consider surgery as it will help stabilise hair loss.


One question i forgot to ask is that because the results of propecia ae not permanent and subside if you stop taking it is there really any value in it?


By the way i am 25 years old.

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  • Senior Member
Hi all


I have been recomended to take propecia to stabilise my hair loss before i consider surgery as it will help stabilise hair loss.


One question i forgot to ask is that because the results of propecia ae not permanent and subside if you stop taking it is there really any value in it?


By the way i am 25 years old.


Most definately! It's probably the most powerful tool for preventing further hair loss or slowing it down considerably.


If you get a HT and continue to lose more hair you will end up with a lump of hair with nothing surrounding it. This would look terrible for most people.


The only exception is people with high norwood numbers who have more or less lost all the hair they were destined to lose.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member
because the results of propecia ae not permanent and subside if you stop taking it is there really any value in it?


Cashmoney.....I am half joking ...but look at this way.


That's like asking...since the results of a proper diet are not permanent and subside if you stop eating a proper diet is there really any value in a proper diet?


That's like asking....since the results of exercise are not permanent and subside if you stop exercising is there really any value in exercise?


That's like asking.....since the results of blood pressure medicine is not permanent and high blood pressure will probably return if you stop taking the high blood pressure medicine is there really any value in taking blood pressure medicine?

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Just to play devil's advocate:


-"since the results of a proper diet are not permanent and subside if you stop eating a proper diet is there really any value in a proper diet?" becomes: "since the results of a proper diet are not permanent and subside if you stop eating a proper diet is there really any value in a proper diet? Addendum: a proper diet may or may not cause erectile dysfunction (permanency unknown) and/or testicular pain; nipple pain; and depression. Consult a doctor before starting a proper diet." The analogy maybe does not hold then?

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Just to play devil's advocate


Just to play devil's advocate: Me2


Not taking propecia because of some possible side effects will lead to me becoming more bald.


In my opinion it's not like taking propecia or other meds is "optional" and you get to keep your hair if you dont take them.


You either take the meds or you will eventually go bald or be balder than you would be if you took them.


Even after a hair transplant if you dont take the meds you will probably continue to lose native hair all around the transplants.


So when I see someone say "oh I've decided i'm not gonna take propecia" that translates in my mind to "oh I've decided i'm gonna be balding".




ps: plus his question did not mention side effects, he asked only about whether propecia was worth it since you had to always keep taking it....so my analogy does work for the question he asked.

Edited by Shampoo

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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id say that someone that says i dont want to take propecia. is saying im not retarded enough to ruin my sex drive to have hair.....

anyways.....to each his own on here...people that take propecia and have zero sides have to realize others HAVE sides...i cant understand why most people o this forum cant understand that....

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  • Senior Member
id say that someone that says i dont want to take propecia. is saying im not retarded enough to ruin my sex drive to have hair.........


All drugs have side effects for a certain percentage of the people taking the drug....propecia is no different. You ever seen those TV commercials for drugs that at the end list all the possible side efffects?...It's like "this drug may cause stroke, heart attack, nausea, kidney failure, blah blah blah" and millions of people take those drugs for the benefits because they tolerate the drug well. The millions that have zero to almost no side effects we rarely hear from; the people that do have some side effects we hear loudly from....making it appear much worse than it really is. Many times the initial side effects greatly decrease after several weeks or by adjusting the dosage. As with all drugs those with serious side effects from propecia sadly will not be able to benefit from the wonderful anti-balding effects of propecia and will most likely bald more and quicker than those on the medication. That's why most of the respected hair transplant surgeons recommend propecia to their patients if they are one of the millions that tolerate it well. Are all these respected hair transplant surgeons "retarded" or reckless? I suppose we can agree on one thing......2EachHisOwn.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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  • Regular Member
All drugs have side effects for a certain percentage of the people taking the drug....propecia is no different. You ever seen those TV commercials for drugs that at the end list all the possible side efffects?...It's like "this drug may cause stroke, heart attack, nausea, kidney failure, blah blah blah" and millions of people take those drugs for the benefits because they tolerate the drug well. The millions that have zero to almost no side effects we rarely hear from; the people that do have some side effects we hear loudly from....making it appear much worse than it really is. Many times the initial side effects greatly decrease after several weeks or by adjusting the dosage. As with all drugs those with serious side effects from propecia sadly will not be able to benefit from the wonderful anti-balding effects of propecia and will most likely bald more and quicker than those on the medication. That's why most of the respected hair transplant surgeons recommend propecia to their patients if they are one of the millions that tolerate it well. Are all these respected hair transplant surgeons "retarded" or reckless? I suppose we can agree on one thing......2EachHisOwn.



Well said! I nearly didn't take the tablets the doctor gave me when I ended up with shingles because of the POSSIBLE side effects, and guess what, I had none of them!

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