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6 months and getting impatient!

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I had my hair transplant done in early December- about 6 months ago. I had 2238 grafts transplanted to rebuild my hairline.


I had a follow-up consultation with my doctor about a month ago. He said everything looks good and as it should look.


I keep looking at my hair and think it looks very thin. The doctor told me this is normal at this point and and I have 3-4 more months of growth and then another 3 or so months for it to mature. He said a person really has to wait until a year to see the final result.


I am just writing this post to see if there is anyone else out there going through this or has gone through this same point I am at. My patience is really running low at this point- it takes SO LONG. I feel like my hair looks really thin right now and I am worried that it is going to be that way at a year too.


Any words of encouragement would be appreciated.


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  • Senior Member

Give it time buddy :) Not everyone sees significant growth in months 5-6. Still early days. Who was your doctor? Have you considered applying Rogaine to speed up the process?

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  • Senior Member
I had my hair transplant done in early December- about 6 months ago. I had 2238 grafts transplanted to rebuild my hairline.


I had a follow-up consultation with my doctor about a month ago. He said everything looks good and as it should look.


I keep looking at my hair and think it looks very thin. The doctor told me this is normal at this point and and I have 3-4 more months of growth and then another 3 or so months for it to mature. He said a person really has to wait until a year to see the final result.


I am just writing this post to see if there is anyone else out there going through this or has gone through this same point I am at. My patience is really running low at this point- it takes SO LONG. I feel like my hair looks really thin right now and I am worried that it is going to be that way at a year too.


Any words of encouragement would be appreciated.


Everyone grows differently. I know the waiting game is hard as you are always waiting and wondering when things will grow more and even out more etc etc. But try to relax though, it's 6 months post op and remember you are just half way based on the 1 year timeline doctors seem to mention most of the time. The one year timeframe is where you should have the MOST growth and near final growth. Some doctors say it continues to get better up to the 18 month mark in some people. But such a change at the 18 month mark has been mentioned on the forums and some say it is only 2%.


So, you are just half way through and I do see some growth in areas where it wasn't and it's starting to fill up. Give it time. Eat/Stay healthy and try not to overstress about it even though I know it may seem like a task not to.


I still see growth and have around 3 months when I hit my 12 month mark. I did have an early growth spurt initially where some hairs did seem to grow suddenly but it's still continuing to come in. I know how it feels when you want things to be all perfect as soon as possible. Looking in the mirror doesn't help either.


Some doctors may advise using certain medications at certain times. Don't try anything without speaking with your doctor. I am on Rogaine/Finasteride as well as other supplements, but I keep the doc informed before I mess with it. Even down to the shampoo I use. This way, by being informed, you know the right dosage and all the other important details to see if it's right for you.


So, hang in there man. You are on your way to some serious growth and it can come at any time now. Definitely keep us updated with the progress. Before you know it, you'll be rockin an awesome set of hair when it's all done.

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  • Senior Member

Yeah, I can understand the impatience at six months. But the good news is is that you are definitely getting some growth and judging by their caliber the new hairs look like they just started to sprout. I wouldn't push the panic button for another couple months at the very least. You could definitely be a slow grower.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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I am righ there with you man. I am at the 5 month mark and getting impatient myself but unfortunately we are just in that group of people who are the late bloomers. Try not to compare with others. I did that and felt sick to my stomach. We all grow at different rates.


Also my doctor told me that all the hairs will grow out by month 6 and from there they mature but I hear people on here say that they still see some new ones sprout out up to month 9. I also read on this forum that in terms of new hairs (not maturity of hair) there is about 70 to 90% growth by 6 months so you can expect more.

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My doctor told me when I was at month 5 that I still had 3-4 months of new growth and then maturity. It seems that a lot of doctors say different things.


All I know is that I am really not that pleased with it at this point- and I spent a lot of money and have patiently waited 6 months and I dont like it at all.


It seems to me that most of the hair has grown in but it the density is really bad. I can see my scalp right through it when its dry and wet. I asked my doctor about it and he said he advises me to wait a whole year and then see.


But at this point. I just want to wear a hat all the time, like I have for the past 10 years. Ugh.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I had my hairline rebuilt in a very similar fashion to yours. Your growth at 6 months does look slower than average. Based on how many new baby hairs I see, you a have a good way to go. So hang in there, those hairs will grow out and thicken up over time. The density won't match your native hair, but from the photo I can see it will look natural. A negative, I do see a few sparse areas. Hopefully some hair starts kicking in there soon. I had a few new hairs sprout at 12 months so hang in there. When your final result is in, I recommend you dye it. Dying it thickens the hair shafts a bit.

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That photo was actually taken at 4.5 months. The hair has progressed since that point. It is definitely thicker and coming along much better.


I am definitely not one to dye my hair, so I will just have to be patient and wait. The doctor I chose was a great and honest guy, so if the density is not up to par, he will fix it for me.


Thanks for the support.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Joshelstad,

Its looks like you didnt have to shave your whole head for this procedure. Is that right? was that because it was a strip method? are you able to comb your existing hair over the transplant area and get away with it? good luck with the growth. Hope it all works out and you're happy in the end.

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  • Regular Member

4.5 month pic looks on schedule. The hair dye thing for me is because I'm over 40 and it gets rid of the unwanted grays. The side effect it does slightly help thicken up the hair too.

If your not happy with the end result and the doc gives you more transplants you need to tout him. I have never heard of a doc giving added transplants for free!

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