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CONFUSED! (revivogen-propecia-monoxidil-etc!)


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I have been reading A LOT of posts here... And I am only more confused.


As my nickname suggests: I am 26, and have begun to loose hair, it now looks like V3 (Link removed by moderator - See Terms of Service)


After reading many many posts here and reviews and life testimonies elsewhere here is my confusion:


REVIVOGEN used 5 days a week with NIZORAL used 2 days in between: seems to be SAFE and work to a certain degree. But apparently it does not do enough - does not grow hair BACK. It appearently should be used in combination with one of the following two drugs:


PROPECIA seems to be incredibly effective and helpt many people with miracles with their hair... BUT it also ruined the lifes of others by causing impotence (to different degrees to different people)

- for ever. (Propecia Side Effects - Impotence, Low Libido, Erectile Dysfunction, Finasteride)


MINOXIDIL apparently is a SAFER alternative to Propecia - but it only works in some people.




:confused: HELP! :(

Edited by TakingThePlunge
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Using all 3, known as "The Big Three", is the most successful medical treatment at this time.


Propecia blocks the enzyme that forms DHT which is responsible for hair loss.


Minoxidil is a hair growth stimulant.


Nizoral is a mild topical DHT inhibitor, but do not use more than every 3-4 days.


The only thing better is hair transplant surgery by a recommended physician! Best of luck to you!

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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thank you for your answers! But nobody is touching the topic on the side effets of propecia / DHT inhibitors.


In the original post I included 1 link of a detailed story about the devastating side effects. That is 1 link out of many many others that I read about on the net. Independet researchers have concluded that the 2% probability that the Propecia drug company first suggested for side effects was wrong. This drug company has today chenged its labels and now they no longer say that if one stops the treatment within a month of using the drug the side effects are reversible. This is a result of several lives that have been ruined (some even took their lives) because of permanent/untreateble impotence as a result of using propecia.


Don't get me wrong, I reeeally want to use the stuff! But if I have to choose between sex and hair, my option is simple.


that's why I made this post, I would like to know if ANYONE OUT THERE has found a way of avoiding propecia and still have a good treatment with little to NO side effects.



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Your question to:



that's why I made this post, I would like to know if ANYONE OUT THERE has found a way of avoiding propecia nd still have a good treatment with little to NO side effects.


Tough answer, what is a good treatmebt to one person is not to another, what is good growth to onne person is rubbish to another. Expectation of treatment and result is key? Are you wanting the full shed of hair that you once sported when you were at your best ?

Or are you happy to hold onto waht you have and prey nothing else happnes?


The thing is when we see something work a little even if means no more hairs on the pillow or the shower by using minoxidil for example we start thinking well, mmm oim not using propecia yet? Im not using Nizzoral either, maybe if i stuck those bad botys into the mix I will get even better results., its inevtiable that is what we all think and want.


So the question you have to ask yourself is what expectation are you wanting and what would you settle for?


But the only issue is ieven though for example you use minoxsil and it has actuall halted some loss and even grown back some hair, at some point your hairl oss will profress and get worse it just will that means will minxidil still be able to hold the hair? probably not


The question you will then ask yoursel, what if............. what if I took action against the effects of DHt as early as possible which gave all my existing hair follices the protection tey needed to stop minimization and allow the haisr to contunue in a healthy state, woudl I have no had more hair left than if I did not use DHT inhibition medication? thexanswer most assurable will be Yes.


You have to put all things nto perspective yes there probably are more side effects than the 2% stated on clinical data I mean there are millions more people now takig the drug than 10 years ago, but at the same time there ar emillions of poeple without any issue.


EVERY single drug made has the potential for side effects, take the NSAIDS like Arcoxia also made by MSD - read the side effects list it actually stae DEATH as a side effect !


you have to give DHT inhibition a shot and do the sensible thing and taper urself up as slowly as possbile like on epill a week or something for a good 3 months - if your gonna be serious about doing all you can to stop hair loss you haveto commit to the big 3 and as a last resort HT when your over 30 in my opinion.


there body of data that supports positive finasteride over negative is non comparable.




Uk R

:)2250 Strip Dr Feller

:)1900 Strip Dr Feller


2 Great HT's & Experiences


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Yes....Rcwest pretty much summed it up!! You shouldn't be confused, sounds like you are right on top of your research!! Just keep researching your surgeons if you decide to go that way..


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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Yeah, read the potential side effect of anti viral tablets you get given for things like shingles. Not nice but I had none. Sadly, like most things in life, people are all to quick to shout when something is wrong but don't shout out when something goes good.

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