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20 yrs. old with very thin hair(pics attached)

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i used to have a very thin hair since i was a child and at the age of 14 my friends told me that they can already see my scalp but that time i still doesn't encounter hair fall until at the age of 17. everytime i take a bath i noticed 8-10 strands of hair in my hands when i shampoo.


at the age of 19 i tried to use minoxidil but noticed no effect and then i tried herbal topical lotion for hair loss and seems to be very effective and hairs growing in front of my hair but not at the crown (which makes me sad).


My question is, should i undergo hair transplant at a very young age? or if not what age is ideal for HT? My confidence is greatly affected by my thin hair i might be good looking but with my thinning/ thin hair makes me look ugly. i already started saving money for having ht in the near future. i need advice :(


i included pics of the back of my head. this is the latest and it is really fucked up. i cant enjoy my life as a teen because of this. i THANK all of those kind people who will give me advice.





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Your young age along with your present state does not warrant any type of surgery. Do not allow your emotions to get the best of you. A slick HT salesperson will potentially try and talk you into surgery. Another thing. Don't tell anyone including any doctor that you have the money to pay for a procedure either!


IMHO, you need to seek the advice of a dermatologist who, "Is experienced is treating hairloss" but not with surgery. They must understand what Propecia (finasteride) is and knowledagble in the medicinal arena in treating MPB.


Your hairloss in the crown is exactly where Propecia is the most effective. Some docotrs may not want you to start Propecia at age 20 and may suggest other forms of minioxidil in the crown which is also most effective in that area.


Then give it "adequate" time. Why you ask? Because with the rapid type of hairloss that you are now experiencing along with the fact it started showing at age 17 is a cue that you are headed for Norwood class 7. Unless you experience hairloss stabilization from meds like Propecia over the long term, you will regret ever starting HT surgery because you will never have enough donor to cover the loss adequately.


Keep doing online research!




Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I highly recommend scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist or hair restoration physician and undergoing a thorough scalp examination.


At this point in time, you are too young for a hair transplant procedure. Furthermore, at your age and level of loss, I would immediately investigate finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine).


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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thank you so much for the concern. just wanted to ask if propecia really has a side effect for some males that they start having troubles with their own sexual life like impotence or something?


this one thing that i found when having my reasearch with propecia.

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thank you so much for the concern. just wanted to ask if propecia really has a side effect for some males that they start having troubles with their own sexual life like impotence or something?


this one thing that i found when having my reasearch with propecia.


Propecia has sides for very few...most sides go away with continued use..it will be up to you to find out if you are one of the unfortunate ones who get the sides...Ive been taking it for a while and Im fine..FWIW:)


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I agree, you"ll never know until you take it under the direction and advice of a reputable physician.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I agree w/ all the above.


One thing I can add, that I think could give you the most profound, immediate boost in your happiness and follicular survival: concealers.


Check out Nanogen and Dermmatch. IMHO, one day of practicing a bit with one or both of those with a mirror, and your look will be 100% set, just requiring a minute a day of your time.


FWIW, a lot of times when someone very young gets smacked by MPB, it's actually quite aggressive, and not uncommon to have loss a lot worse than yours, even at 20-21.


If you get on Propecia, ASAP, I think you're going to be alright :cool:


Re: finasteride/Propecia, the side effects are most often psychosomatic. I don't want to say don't look into getting on a med, but I would advise against scouring the internet looking for feedback on it. The side effects are extremely rare, and reversible even if they happen.


Since the side effects do revolve around sex, and sexual dysfunction and performance is so entrenched in confidence (aka the human psyche and emotion), you don't want to start messing with your head.


That personally happened to me -- I overreacted, and blamed a one-time psychosomatic response to getting hyped up about Propecia side effects -- and I ultimately lost what will probably cost me about 1000 to 1500 grafts from my donor in the ground I lost by going off the fin.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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thana,where have you been i always enjoyed your intelligent and helpful posts


Hey, thx!


Just a combination of a lot of changes occurring, and being super busy, all happening in a short period of time (new job, moved to a new state, girlfriend, etc). :) It's always wondered "what happens to forum members"; for me at least, it was just the above, combined with having been so passionate and involved, it wasn't easy to just go right back to posting here and there.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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yd, you've been given some really sound advice.


Thana, welcome back brother! Great to see you on the boards again. How about an update?

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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yd, you've been given some really sound advice.


Thana, welcome back brother! Great to see you on the boards again. How about an update?


Hey bro! Thx, likewise great to see you here, too! Ya, will definitely whip something up, re: update. It'd be an interesting one :)


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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