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My HT- Dr. Rahal- 4,600 FUT write up with pics!!!


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Hey Everyone!


Status Update: Got my sutures removed on Day 13 yesterday. I went back to see Dr. Rahal as opposed to having my local GP take them out. My rational was that I wanted Dr. Rahal to see how I was progressing as this is a crucial time to make sure everything is going according to plan. Plus I just figured I came this far why risk going to a GP to have my sutures removed regardless of how easy it may be. He said everything was going great and my scar looked really good and was going to be a good one! I now am able to shower and have to massage my scabs off at this point. Felt sooo good to finally shower my head...felt human again! I now have to put Polysporin still on the scar for the rest of this week and see how it looks from there. My scabs should be gone by this week. I love feeling my hair as it feels like nice stubble...a feeling I haven't felt in years!!!! Now I am going to unfortunately lose my hairs...getting upset about it bc I love my hairline design! Mike shaved me down again to a # 2 to even it out...so now it seems to be better and as even as I am going to get for now...starting to really dislike looking like this but I understand it is a journey so Ugly duckling stage here I come!


In regards to Rogaine post HT...I tried getting out of not using it but the Dr. heavily recommended using it as it stimulates the follicles to grow quicker...it is recommended to use it for at least 12 months. I really didn't want to use Rogaine as I don't want to marry it forever but I have come so far so I figured I didn't want to stray from Dr. Rahal's recommended plan post op. So starting this Monday after my scabs are gone, I will start and see how it goes.


Pic 1 is Day 8 and Day 9 (Top Row) and Day 10 -11 (Bottom Row)

Pic 2 is Day 12 and Day 13 (Top Row) and Day 14 top view and Day 14 pic of my scar (Post suture removal)



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Hey Capelli


Looking great! how are you healing? also how the hell do i PM you? went on your profile and couldnt find out how to message you, 2 and a bit months till i go with Rahal and i cant wait! gonna suck for the first 3 months though i shall be wearing a hat at all times ha


Hope your well and feeling good



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Thanks guys! Jacob...for some weird reason my "send message" link on my profile is gone. I'm emailed the administrators about it. I will PM you.

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Hi Capelli,

You won't have to keep using the Rogaine forever if you don't want to. Dr Rahal feels that it's beneficial to use it post-op, but this isn't the same as using the treatment for the usual hair growth/hair retention purposes, so you won't be married to it.


But on the other hand, you won't jeopardise your transplant if you don't use it.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I have never used Rogaine post op and my HTs always started growing when they are supposed to (roughly 2-3 months). That being said it can't hurt to try. Cap, the one thing you must keep in mind is that a HT really does take at least 12 months before you see the final results. You will be amazed how much it will change from month to month, all the way up till 12. Even with this HT I start to think, OK, that's it, and then I compare pics from month 9-10 and see a big difference. It's a long haul, and you will definitely have moments of doubt (EVERY HT patient does), but a year from now you will be loving your new head of hair. Good growing bro!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Matt- I really don't want to use Rogaine but if the Dr. recommends it I don't want to stray from his recommendations...I will use it for the year and I figured since I was using it...I would also use it on my crown which could use some strengthening...i'll see what happens with that.


Sugar Highs- The Dr. didn't really recommend one over the other...I picked his brain and asked him if the foam was as good as the liquid bc I heard that it irritates your scalp and drys it out and that the foam isn't nearly as bad. So he said that I can use the foam...as it increases the blood to the hair which ultimately stimulates the follicles. I tried pushing back having to use it and he said it was mandatory but he said I have come this far why not just put it on for the next year...and he made a good point...after all of this that I have endured going through the HT and following his orders to the T...why would I not follow his last request of using Rogaine?! SO starting next Monday after my scabs hopefully will be gone I will use it...nervous to start but it is what it is! I saw it was priced at $40 in Walmart for 3 bottles...which isn't bad I guess...but the generic liquid brand is sooo cheap in comparison but it seems Foam is only sold by Rogaine.

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Thanks, Cap. I was using the liquid from Kirkland for a while and it was definitely working at least in terms of strengthening the hair at the temples, I felt.


FYI, I heard the foam will be available in cheap generic around Feb next year, because Rogain will not have the patent any more.



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Hope so...I used to use Revivogen and hated putting it in my hair and that was only once at night! I think it will be extremely easy using it with a shaved head because no hair to get in the way but once it grows out I could imagine it being more difficult because the Rogaine will get in the hair and not make its way to the scalp...should be quite the challenge! lol.

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Hey Cap, well it's been almost a month for you, hope you are still doing well so far.


I was wondering - during your visit, did you fall asleep or pass out at any time during the process?


Is passing out common?? I sure hope not!!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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Is passing out common?? I sure hope not!!


I don't think he's talking about passing out from pain or shock or anything. That won't happen. A patient might become so relaxed that during a lengthy procedure they may fall asleep. That's not a bad thing.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Hey guys...yeah it is getting close...on Day 23...I posted some more pics and my write up on my website so check it out.


SugarHighs: The whole procedure was very long and the only time I felt like I could rest a little was when they were implanting the hairs...this literally took about 5 hours as I went through 2 long movies and there still was plenty of more time left! The time went by somewhat thanks to the movies keeping me occupied. I didn't feel faint or like I would pass out at any time...I actually was feeling ok...little tired at some points but I really didn't go to sleep...I was pretty energized the other part of the surgery as it was a surreal experience...I just wished there was a mirror or something that I could have watched them implanting or the Dr. cutting my donor area! lol.


I started Rogaine foam this past Monday...it actually isn't as bad as I thought...I think I am def using more than "half a cap full" but whatever. I think it is really easy because i have a buzz cut...when I have longer hair it might be fun to get it to reach the scalp. When I am applying the Rogaine I massage it in and when I do that a TON of my recipient hairs fly off...my whole sink every time is full of my hairs...so the shedding has def commenced unfortunately! I am going to miss my lovely hairline!!! The hairline design is somewhat still intact but you can clearly see my head is no where near as dense as it was. I also noticed I don't appear to be too red under the grafts so hopefully this will continue so I can blend the skin in nicely. As far as the scar is concerned...it looks pretty good...still not covered as the back scar is less noticeable, the left too but the right side is more noticeable...but this is all expected at this point. I can see how people can become impatient in this limbo stage and I really haven't even entered it yet! lol. I still have to wear a hat (loosely fit) when I go out...getting annoying but it is what it is! I will post more pics when I am a month out next Tuesday! Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!!

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new hair I was thinking more in terms of falling asleep from the sedative lol. I would rather not do that, so I am going to get a reeeeally good night's sleep. If the clinic allows me, I will take a couple tylenol pm before bed the night before. I would think about taking a percocet with a valium instead, but I don't think that will fly, haha.

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I couldn't really sleep too well the night before...just was so anxious! I was surprisingly not nervous but more excited the day of the HT. When Mike gave me the injection/sedative...it really didn't do all that much at least I don't think it did...I didn't immediately feel like I was drugged or anything...it just sort of relaxed your body...I was totally cognitive though. You don't want to be too rested though because you might be uptight...being a little tired is good because it will make you relax more. Before you know it the whole day is done and you are back in Foxbar relaxing!


Enjoy the experience...it really is surreal to be finally sitting in Rahal's chair after reading sooo many reviews not only about him but HT's in general. I actually enjoyed so many people catering to me all at once! lol.

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Capelli - Lets get those grafts of yours growing, I am dying to see those results because I think its going to be huge.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • 7 months later...
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Hey Mixed Guy: I am just about at 8 months. Hair looks great...such a life changing procedure...I truly recommend it for everyone who truly suffers deeply from hair loss because it will change everything. I will be posting pics and my update shortly...stay tuned!!!

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