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Dr. Keene patient before and after 2200 plus grafts

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This 56 year old gentleman came to Dr. Keene to augment his hair in the hairline and mid frontal area. Dr. Keene made a recommendation of 2100 grafts for moderate coverage, which was this patient's goal. We did a little over 2200 grafts during his procedure, and he is very pleased with his cosmetic results. The photos are from before and either 8 or 12 months post surgery.


Here is the graft breakdown:

1 haired grafts 382

2 haired grafts 810

3 haired grafts 806

4 haired grafts 294

Total grafts 2292

Total hairs 5596










I am a medical assistant and hair transplant surgical assistant employed by Dr. Keene


Dr. Keene is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

Very nice results, I'm sure the patient is pleased, looks 100% natural and he can always add density if he wants. I always like it when doctors can add hair and maintain a "mature" overall look that remains completely natural, and this patient is a perfect example

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For only 2200 grafts, I'm not sure what kind of result you're looking for or what would impress you. Remember most hair transplants can't be "one and done" procedures. Besides, each hair transplant is tailored to the individual's goals and limitations.


In my opinion, the above result is a nice cosmetic improvement and what can be expected for 2200 grafts in a skilled surgeon's hands.


Best wishes,



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