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Dr. Keller or Dr. Panine??? Chicagoland Area


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I've consulted both doctors and I'm still not convinced who to select for my surgery. Please help! If you are one of the patient, please share your experience and the outcome results. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Edited by leanne79
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  • Senior Member

Both do very good work. I've seen impressive results from both, but I'm partial to Dr. Panine. He is underrated, kind of the sleeper on here. He is also among the cheaper ones on here if that matters.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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I had "consultations" with both of them, and obvious if you read my profile you'll know that I went with and highly recommend Dr. Keller. To me, my consultations between the two were like comparing night and day.

And as mentioned Konior is plastered all over this site, but I really truly feel that Keller is a hidden gem on this site.

My Hair Loss Web Site


FUT - 8/12/11 - Dr. Keller - Chicago - 3140 grafts

365 singles, 375 doubles, & 2400 multiple hair grafts


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a professional within the hair transplant field, but I am one hell of a researcher and have been dubbed "master googler" by people that know me. So, anything I say is solely my best opinion or answer based on everything I have read and/or experienced. :)

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I wouldn't go so far as to say Konoir is plastered all over this site. I think the Chicago doctors don't get much coverage on the HTN, maybe they just keep a low profile, I don't know.


That being said, why not consult with Konoir and Keller and Pannine? It's worth the time.

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Of course people should consult with many doctors. I thought that was a given. And in my opinion, as far as Chicago are HT docs, Konior is plastered or should i say "very well represented and talked about to a larger degree than other Chicago area HT doctors?"

I have had many messages and emails, confirming that there is no lack of patient posts and testimonies from Konior's patients, but hardly any with the other two doctors.

Trust me, I have scoured not only this site, but the entire www and I think I have read every single post to every single thread on this site. :)

My Hair Loss Web Site


FUT - 8/12/11 - Dr. Keller - Chicago - 3140 grafts

365 singles, 375 doubles, & 2400 multiple hair grafts


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a professional within the hair transplant field, but I am one hell of a researcher and have been dubbed "master googler" by people that know me. So, anything I say is solely my best opinion or answer based on everything I have read and/or experienced. :)

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I had a procedure with Dr. Panine and could never be happier with my results. His work is exceptional and as good as any of the doctor on this site. My barber has seen many transplants through the years and told me this is one of the best he has seen. By the way southbeach not sure what you did not like about Dr. Panine he is by far one of the nicest doctors that I have ever met and spent a lot of time with me prior to my surgery answering all my questions for me. I hope your results turnout as good as mine keep us updated with your pictures.


Here are my pictures




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I had a follow-up at Dr. Panine's office two weeks ago. It was for a three month follow up but I was actually at 4 months when I went. So far I am very pleased with my procedure and I hope you do you research before deciding. You may not get marble floors and 70" LED TV's in every corner on a Michigan Avenue Mag Mile high-rise, but thats OK! the value is in the results for the patient and so far, I can say that Dr. Panine is very good at what he does. My hairline was lowered 3/4" and I feel that so far I'm right were I should be with growth and already feel like time has been turned back 5 years to when I didn't have to think about my hair. Once my new hair is fully mature I will be even happier. So far I'm very please with Dr. Panine's skills. The last picture is Pre Op. Whom ever you go with, I wish you the best and hope you're happy with your results as I have been.






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I agree that a consultation with several doctors is a great idea and you should ultimately choose the one you are most comfortable with. I have seen great work by Drs. Paine, Keller and Konior. I have seen more work from Drs. Keller and Konior and I really like what I have seen from both. That is nothing against Dr. Paine, just have not seen as much of his work. I would suggest you consult with all three. Everyone has an opinion, but as long as you are dealing with top notch doctors you should pick the one that you feel best about.

Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUT 6/14/11 - 3048 grafts


Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUE 1/28/13 & 1/29/13 - 1513 grafts



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  • Senior Member

While Dr. Konior gets the most attention, both Dr. Panine and Dr. Keller do excellent work. You would do well with either of the three.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • Senior Member

I think orlhair just said it best, "choose the one you are most comfortable with."

I will definitely keep you all posted on my progress with HT from Dr. Keller.

Best of luck with whoever you decide to go with and I am so glad that the other two members had great experiences with the doctor they chose. We are lucky to have some good resources locally here in Chicago.

Happy hair growing to you all.

My Hair Loss Web Site


FUT - 8/12/11 - Dr. Keller - Chicago - 3140 grafts

365 singles, 375 doubles, & 2400 multiple hair grafts


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a professional within the hair transplant field, but I am one hell of a researcher and have been dubbed "master googler" by people that know me. So, anything I say is solely my best opinion or answer based on everything I have read and/or experienced. :)

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