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FUE vs Strip

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I had 2 strip procedures, one in 2006(1500 grafts) and in 2008(2500 grafts). The 2008 procedure was with Dr Rahal and the 2006 was done by a Dr not listed on here.


I am happy with Dr Rahal's HT but i am finding as time passes i am having additional thinning. It has been fairly well stabilized with propecia(1mg EOD) and 5% minox 2X/day, but I am considering 1 final procedure. LOL


Since this likely will be my final HT i am strongly considering FUE for the following reasons:

- I don't want the downtime that comes with a large scar or concerns with possible stretching.

- I want to get back to a normal exercise routine ASAP

- I think I would like approx 1500 to 2000 grafts which is doable with FUE


My question is how well do FUE grafts take vs strip, all things being equal for comparison sake? Also, is recovery in fact quicker with FUE? I'm hoping FUE outcomes are similar to strip.


If this helps, I am in my 50's and have diffuse thinning on top only and am looking to increase density on top of my scalp. i also plan on using Dr Rahal for my possible FUE.


Thanks for any input and reco's.



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  • Senior Member

Recovery will be quicker with FUE. But the doctor does need to shave down the donor area to make the extractions.


Yield for FUE is generally slightly lower then for FUT (strip). This is because each graft undergoes much more trauma with each FUE extraction.


If you have done two strip surgeries already then why not consider maxing out on strip before going to FUE? The down time sucks more for sure. But you probably have at least 2 or 3 thousand grafts left via strip now and that can get you a great result. I would go for the "sure thing" first (if you can call strip that) and then FUE for the future. But it's your call and I'm sure Dr. Rahal would do you well either way.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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My hunch is FUE plus fill in scar a bit (if Rahal is confident with yield) otherwise, God forbid, strip.


First, I would ask you,


1) How do you normally wear your hair? Do you like your current hairstyle? Would you ever be thinking of buzzing your hair?

2) How is the state of your scar? would you be considering breaking it up a bit with FUE? -or is it something that doesn't really bother you? And to some extent, your hair style might be so that it doesn't figure in the bigger picture?

3) How is your scalp laxity?

4) How ready are you to follow the doctor's orders, both when a) he 'recommends' strip and b) when he gives you the post-op routine regarding exercise?


If buzzing your hair is not on the horizon, and you already have an ear-to-ear smiley scar, never see yourself wanting a really short smooth cut, perhaps rolling the dice with strip again might not seem so bad, even though there is always a risk with scarring. Anything can happen.


I hate strip personally, think it should be banned, but if ever there is a case for it, someone in your boat could be 'pardoned' if you know what I mean.


That said, I'd be interested about what Rahal's opinion is on the yield of his FUE. Like all docs who do both procedures, he will prefer to do strip, why wouldn't he? But if he is confident on yield I would take him up on it, because FUE is such a breeze on you personally, compared to strip. And yes, you will ponder for months, each and everytime you roll your neck in the gym (and elsewhere) post-op strip. As you should. Furthermore, with FUE, you could pepper the scar with a few grafts too.

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Thanks aaron1234 and scar5. I appreciate the information. If it uploads properly I've attached two pics to show my current situation. Given the short haircut, i think things look pretty good and will admit i could leave things as they are and be happy with my hair, especially when it's longer. I'm prepared to hear other opinions though.


I am still leaning to FUE as I don't think i need alot of grafts. Anyone have any idea how many grafts i would need to achieve a fuller look on top?


Thanks again,





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Your hair looks pretty good right now. I don't know if I would even undergo another surgery at this point. Might be more risk (shock loss of surrounding native hairs) than reward.


You are wearing your hair awfully short in these pics. This should make it look thinner - but still your hair holds up pretty well. Also, I can't see your donor scar even with your hair that short. So you are in a good spot.


Have you ever tried dermmatch or toppik (or nanogen)? These concealers would be fantastic for someone like you. A small amount in your case would go a very long way.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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I must agree with aaron1234's comments...ur hair looks pretty good and good coverage as those pics are taken with flash which would show worse case scenario and still it looks good. I can't even see the scar and ur hair is short...nice! It is up to u to do another surgery as only you can make that choice but from an outsider it seems pretty good...do you have any pre-op pics? what NW were u originally?!


I am considering Rahal too...how would u rate your experience? Did you travel to him? Any feedback you can give would be great regarding Rahal...you can PM me also...thanks!

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Thanks for the input. I have wondered about shockloss so your points are well taken. I have some things to think about.


FYI, here are some photo's immediately prior to my 2008 HT with Dr. Rahal. As mentioned in my initial post, he gave me 2500 grafts via strip.


Thanks again,






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I also saw your thread about narrowing your Dr. choices and i can vouch for Dr. Rahal. I've heard good things about H & W too. I live in another province so flying in just for a consult with Rahal wasn't feasible.

I hoped they had a good idea of my case via email pics and conversations. When i showed up for the HT they confirmed i was a good candidate. I assume if i wasn't, he would have told me my options but thankfully i didn't have to worry. I imagine it is the VERY rare case that can't move forward. He's not someone who would mislead you for the business. He has a well earned great reputation and wouldn't jeopardize it. You would be in good hands there.


I am currently wearing a short haircut (#3 clippers) and did take the photo with a flash to show worse case. In normal lighting my hair looks fuller. I guess it's in our nature to want more.

I am probably going to hold off for now, unless it gets thinner up there.


All the best,



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The hair style you are wearing is not helping to provide any illusion of density so you should definitely try growing it out a bit. If you went longer on top and did a choppy, spikey, layered cut it would look much more dense. Add some styling paste and you're good to go!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Thanks for the input. I have wondered about shockloss so your points are well taken. I have some things to think about.


FYI, here are some photo's immediately prior to my 2008 HT with Dr. Rahal. As mentioned in my initial post, he gave me 2500 grafts via strip.


Thanks again,





kman001, I agree with aaron1234 that your hair looks really good and a bit of more length and they must look perfect.


BTW, in your pictures it seems that your hair look quite curly, have you considered (or talked to any physician) about FUE on curly hair? What is your information regarding this?

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  • 4 years later...

My opinion on can complement the other. . .


I had one strip procedure. Have/had classic horseshoe pattern. Covered front half, with hairline, but my hair is straight and fine. I'm happy overall, happy with coverage, but it could use additional density. To complete, I'd need one more procedure for full coverage, per se, and here's where FUE comes into play. . .


I have areas on both sides of my head due to tight stitches that need repair. Areas where hair was lost. Along the back of my head not bad.


For full coverage and repair I'd use FUE this time for faster recovery and to avoid the slight damage due to strip. . .


My opinion.

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