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Dr. Gallagher

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Rug, why are you so impressed with 24 inches? It's really no big deal. Now when I get excited, that's another story . . .


TedGroves: How old are you? If over 80, I'm inclined to classify you as a bitter old man (see your other post directed at the webmaster). icon_biggrin.gif

In addition to being a patient of Dr. Hasson, I act as the legal counsel for Hasson and Wong.

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  • 2 years later...
Originally posted by EastCoast:

Real shit work


Untrue! I completely disagree with EastCoast regarding Dr. Gallagher's work and qualifications and his characterization that Dr. G.does "really shit work" since I know firsthand the high quality work that he does. My initial hair loss/transplant treatment was with another doctor who was incompetent and left me disfigured; this doctor's surgical treatment involved performing a scalp reduction in the crown area as well as some corn-field like grafts on the front. The result was that the middle of my head and back had several large scars, and the front looked like a corn-field. Needless to say that I was very disappointed with the results. Luckily for me, before this doctor could do more harm, I decided to get 2nd opinion and that's when I met Dr. Gallagher. Since my initial meeting with Dr. Gallagher, for the past 10+ years I have been under his care, and results have been fabulous considering how looked when I first saw him. Performing several transplant sessions (each transplant session involved hundreds of very small micrografts) and scar revisions, the top and front of my head looks natural and very decent.


Part of my successful treatment under Dr. Gallagher's care is due to the fact that he constantly improves his techniques by attending the annual conferences and learning from other physicians as well as innovating himself. For example, he was the first doctor to use microscope to harvest grafts, and this made it possible for him to harvest many more grafts from my limited donor area. His technique of using a microscope was featured on regrowth.com (link: http://www.regrowth.com/hairloss-remedy/hair_transplant...plant_news/micro.cfm


Most important of all, there are a number of doctors in the cosmetic hair transplant business who are in it for the money, and their main interest is not the patient. I know for a fact that Dr. G's main interest IS the patient, and I know that his diagnosis is always what is in the best interest of the patient. I say that because there have been more than one occasion when I wanted to get another transplant session done sooner (which would have made him more money) but he said no and wanted to wait 6-12 months so that my head could heal completely from the previous procedure Therefore, I would highly recommend Dr Gallagher to anyone who's losing his/her hair, and I must disagree and dispute EastCoast's negative comments about Dr. Gallagher.

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dccapital, unless you post some pictures and document your transformation for all here to see, i have to say that your testimony is hard to take seriously. yours is the classic shill post--made the same day you registered on this site, confused as to whether you received micrografts (NOT the latest technology, btw) or true follicular units, outrageous in contradicting certain matters of fact (Dr. Gallagher was most definitely NOT the first doctor to use microscopes for dissection). if you're not Dr. Gallagher himself, i'm sure you must work for him. please prove to us that this isn't so....

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Hello Dccapital and everyone,


For starters, this post is over 2 years old, just thought I'd point that out icon_wink.gif.


As nikkop23 said, many people come on here and give false testimonies to try to cheer on the doctor they work for which is why he is skeptical.


However, we'd all be happy to give you the benefit of the doubt if you are willing to share your experience, the number of grafts you received, when, how many HTs, and if you can share photos, etc.


Another of Nikkop23's concerns is also valid...the use of micrografts is outdated and the fact that you had many surgeries of only a few hundred grafts is an old and outdated philosophy and practice.


But I'll warn you ahead of time, if your goal is going to try to convince people that the use of micrografts and small session sizes for all cases is the way to go, then you're fighting against a tough crowd. If Dr. Gallagher or you can prove he is using the latest technologies, philosophies, and practices, then we'll gladly give kudos to Dr. Gallagher. But so many doctors are still behind the times and are trying to convince patients that old school technology (use of micrografts, small sessions for all cases, grafts spread far apart - or lack of dense packing) is the way to go, when most patients from the 90s (and before) are dissatisfied with their results, whereas most patients who have seen a doctor embracing the current trends of Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Transplantation are happy with their results.


However, all that to say...if you are satisfied with the work you have received from Dr. Gallagher, I'm happy for you.



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I've not seen Dr. Gallagher's work (don't remember it anyway) before so you're welcome to post some pictures and show us what he does.


As Bill mentioned, this thread is 2 1/2 years old so unless you can prove your success it seems suspect that thread was dredged up to plug Dr. Gallagher.


Please feel free to post your progress for everyone here to see.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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A favorite practice of shills is too come on the forum and pull up old posts in order to generate some much needed attention towards a Doc. Of course, everyone goes and looks at the website, then comments, then debates, etc.. etc.. etc...


I hope you have some photos, because regardless of your post, I happen to think that Dr. Gallagher does average work at best. Since you have posted no photos to back your statement, then if your statement is true, then mine is true as well.


After 11 years of transplants, you just stumble across the site, pull up a 2 year old thread by a guy who has actually posted photos of the bristle brush HT he received (from the GREAT Dr. Gallagher), then proceed to offer rebuttal, without any HIGH RESOLUTION before and afters?


Tsk, Tsk my good fellow!!!!! That simply will not do!!!!!!


I could just be me....... but after 11 years of HT's, I think I would be able to dredge up a photo or two----


In this case, if you don't have any photos, go by a hairbrush, you know the kind with big thick bristles that stick straight up and take some pictures of that.

We won't be able to tell the difference.


Ok, well I have to go paint my bathroom and basement, so be sure to post those photos now, will ya?

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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To respond to these postings:

1. I am NOT Dr. Gallagher, just a patient of his and was NOT paid 1 cent to post my experience with him. Anyone who accuses me of being motivated by greed or accuses me of lying better prepare himself or herself for legal action since this is a public forum.

2. When I referred to micrografts, I was talking about the procedures that were available 11 years ago when I first started with Dr. G. Today he does 1-2 hair grafts on me. To see the procedures he uses today, go to his website, drgallagher.com.

3. The number of grafts that he can do on me is limited NOT by the number of grafts he does per session, but by my very limited donor area that was damaged by the first doctor before I went to Dr. G.


My motivation of posting my experience is based on the fact that I don't like to see the reputation of a doctor who has taken very good care of me for the past 11 years be harmed by some guy on the internet who just posts a terrible review online. If he or she (East Coast) was indeed harmed by Dr. G, he/she should file a lawsuit..that is the legal and proper way to handle this matter.

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you have no reputation online, mr. paper tiger. that's everyone's point. we await your photos (that will never come).... as far as any of us know, dr. gallagher is still doing the subpar, bristle brush work that B spot and all the rest of us have seen at the top of this thread.

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Mr. Paper Tiger yourself nikkop23, you sh*thead! If you're so sure that Dr. G is "most definitely NOT the first doctor to use microscopes for dissection" [your one words], why don't you name just ONE doctor who has used it before him? Let's see if you can name one, you sh*thead! To use your own words, just ONE doctor's name from you..."that will never come!"


By the way, just because I posted the day I registered does not mean JACK! If you're so convinced that it means I'm biased, show me some proof...to use your own words again, "that will never come."

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Dude, really, it's getting pathetic now. Your case is hopeless and you'd best just piss off. The doctor's name is Bobby Limmer and he's a member of this coalition. He was using microscopes as early as October '88, 10 years before the Gallagher paper you link to. Even Dr. Bernstein, who's credited with publishing the classic papers on FU transplantation, acknowledges Limmer as the first to have used microscopic dissection and to have introduced that innovation into contemporary hair transplant surgery. If you're happy with the results from your mediocre doctor, then kudos to you. But you don't know your history and you don't have any photos.

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There is a lot of pent up anger there. Its simple--just post some photos and a description of the details of surgery. Many of these regulars on this site spend numerous hours providing some quality information for many of us in need of some education. They need to be able to limit people that are wasting their time. Why water the weeds? One way that they can take you seriously is to see proof. They will only recommend doctors if there is a lot of proof and also criticize only when proof is provided. If you want respect please respect others. Post the photos and details and we'll move forward from there.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Originally posted by NervousNelly:


There is a lot of pent up anger there. Its simple--just post some photos and a description of the details of surgery. Many of these regulars on this site spend numerous hours providing some quality information for many of us in need of some education. They need to be able to limit people that are wasting their time. Why water the weeds? One way that they can take you seriously is to see proof. They will only recommend doctors if there is a lot of proof and also criticize only when proof is provided. If you want respect please respect others. Post the photos and details and we'll move forward from there.


To respond to NervousNelly,


I didn't post any Before and After pics not just to protect my privacy, but also because I don't have any Before pics (it's been 10+ years). My recommendation is based on my own word, and my description of my expereince. The reader is free to either take it or leave it as far as my recommendation is concerned....it doesn't hurt me if some one ignores my advice and goes with some other doc who may be incompetent! Regarding "criticize only when proof is provided", I have not seen any proof from either nikkop23, EastCoast (his pics are pathetic as far as resolution is concerned) or anyone else about Dr. G's work is. Also regarding EastCoast who initially posted the pics 2 yrs ago, is there any proof that even the very low res pics that he posted were the result of Dr. G's work...NO. Again, I ask the very simple question: if anyone was harmed by Dr. G, why doesn't he/she file a lawsuit, instead of anonymously causing serious damage to Dr. G's reputation??!!

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Originally posted by nikkop23:

Dude, really, it's getting pathetic now. Your case is hopeless and you'd best just piss off. The doctor's name is Bobby Limmer and he's a member of this coalition. He was using microscopes as early as October '88, 10 years before the Gallagher paper you link to. Even Dr. Bernstein, who's credited with publishing the classic papers on FU transplantation, acknowledges Limmer as the first to have used microscopic dissection and to have introduced that innovation into contemporary hair transplant surgery. If you're happy with the results from your mediocre doctor, then kudos to you. But you don't know your history, you don't have any photos, and after a single day of posting you are already in the running for the Biggest Douche in the Universe award. And you just got pwned biatchhhhhh....


You're the one who's pathetic beyond belief. The undisputed fact is that Dr. Gallagher wrote a paper on this technique that was posted on Regrowth, and you have no f..king way of disputing that! By the way, I'm still waiting for any proof from an a**hole like you about how biased I am? THAT WILL NEVER COME!

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Please post current photos with your face blocked out. Maybe it is unfortunate, but this is not your standard court of law, there is a tendency for the doc to be guilty of poor work until proven otherwise. We need to do so to protect the uneducated from a life of misery if they get poor results. I do agree with you that individuals should not make slanderous statements about doctors without proof.

Lets see photos--its simple.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Your request is reasonable, but as I mentioned before, I can't comply w/ it because I don't have any Before pics. One piece of advice I'll give for free to everyone on this site: even though the standard may be that a doc is guilty until proven otherwise, some docs do care about their reputation, and will not tolerate any harm to their reputation. This website may permit anyone to post their comments anonymously, but if faced with a lawsuit and discovery motions, this website won't hesitate to disclose any and all info (name, address, etc) provided by the people who have posted messages that harm the reputation of any doctor. So be careful what you say about the doctor in question, and be prepared to back up anything negative you say with proof. Otherwise, you may end up facing a lawsuit!

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This post is getting out of hand.


I strongly advise that we bring this discussion down a notch as to keep "peace" on the forums.




I have said that I'm perfectly willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But you drudged up a 2 year old thread. Try to remember that the people posting here are posting their opinions...so for one to say that a doctor did "real shit work" is his opinion, not necessarily a fact. If you are satisfied with his work, that's great. I would ask you to please share your experience in a respectful manner and feel free to post pictures. I have to ask...why do you feel a need to "prove" that Dr. Gallagher is the best doctor in the world (maybe I'm exaggerating here)? Eastcoast shared his opinion (2 years ago I'll add again), now you've added yours. Share your experience with us and your photos and tell us all about your satisfaction. When you open up to a public forum, expect scrutiny. There is no legal matter here, so threats to sue people here are far from threatening. What's it to you anyway? If people bashed my doctor's, I would simply and respectfully tell them I disagree and then share my reasonings. But you are taking this far too personal and THAT is why everyone is questioning your motives. If your motives are pure, step it down a notch, share your experience, and don't take this all so personal. I am here to help...I am not here to criticize. I can see why you may be taking these posts as an attack, so I ask everyone else to back off just a little bit so to give you a chance to share your experience without scrutiny. But I also ask you to tone it down a few notches and share your experience and your photos if you wish. Try and remember when sharing your experience that you will not convince people of anything....share it if you wish, don't if you don't. But this is a public forums and all opinions whether positive or negative of a doctor are welcome. But starting a war with members and calling them curse names will not be tolerated long.


Everyone else...let's not let this turn into a war that we've seen on other forums.


Peace icon_wink.gif



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You say that my request is reasonable then please comply with AFTER pics and we'll all use our imaginations as to what the before pics look like. What a crazy litigious society we live in!! Are you a lawyer looking for business because this ain't the ambulance? You are right people should be prepared for any possible consequences as a result of their statements and actions. I won't argue with that point. If you continue to avoid the topic of you providing AFTER pics I will have to assume that you are not sincere and move on to those on this sight that are looking for help or advise.

Bill--I agree with you and by no means do I want this site to be like the othersm but I think that I am being respectful of DC and trying to just reason with him.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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short answer to your question "why do I feel the need to "prove" ...", first of all, all I'm doing is refuting the claim that he's a really bad doctor, not claiming that he's the very best there is and no one else is as good. Second reason: I've been his patient for over 10 yrs, and am very grateful for all the work he's done for me. I therefore consider him my friend, and I will do what I can to prevent a friend's reputation being unfairly tarnished on the net by people who do so anonymously and without any proof (I'm sure you'd do the same for your friends).


The fact is no one needs to follow my recommendation, which is fine with me. But to suggest that I'm lying or misrepresenting the facts (or that I'm am Dr. G himself) is preposterous!

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One more thing regarding lawsuits...as Pat the Publisher of this community will tell you, doctors have tried to sue patients in the past for posts such as this but they never turn out. The reason is because it's just an opinion being posted. If someone came out and shared a false experience and claimed that Dr. So and So did the work on them, and then it was turned out it was a different doctor, the doctor might have a case in court. But the "freedom of speech" ammendment protects people, yes, even on public forums, so they can share their opinions without worry. Sometimes these things are relative also...what one person thinks is crap, another might find it to be gold. So it's really "to each their own" when it comes down to it. But threats of lawsuits are silly, especially because the only one who would even have a RIGHT to even consider attempting a lawsuit (even though it wouldn't be valid) is the good (or bad depending on your OPINION) doctor himself. Why would you threaten a lawsuit when the claim is not regarding you?


Regarding your quote: "Anyone who accuses me of being motivated by greed or accuses me of lying better prepare himself or herself for legal action since this is a public forum."


If I could actually sue everyone who has wrongfully or rightfully accused me of something, I'd be a billionnaire. The bottom line is, what you are threatening isn't even a possibility. I'm not saying this to be condescending to you, just stating a fact. Sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news to you.


As I said above...please just stick to sharing your opinions and experiences and let's keep the threats and cursing out of this forum. And as I asked everyone else in my previous post...to do the same.



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