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Effects of Alcohol on Hair Transplant Surgery.

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Hi, I recently had a hair transplant surgery and was informed not to drink alcohol 7 days before my surgery or take aspirin because of its blood thinning effects. I made sure not to drink before the surgery but after the surgery i was under the impression that it was okay, so i went out and partied a few times. Then when i went to get my stitches out I asked my counselor if it was okay that i drank after the surgery and she said that i wasn't suppose to until that day. Im hoping that their wont be any repercussions from the drinking it did. Can anyone please inform me of the effects alcohol can have on the hair follicles. Can it cause grafts not to attach? Why is the alcohol an issue?

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  • Senior Member

Alcohol should be avoided before surgery because it thins the blood and causes more bleeding. A couple days after surgery it's OK to have a drink as long as your grafts don't bleed. There is a LONG list of things that thin the blood: alcohol, aspirin, aleve, green tea, vitamin E just to name a few.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • Senior Member

Darsha, I wouldn't worry about the alcohol dislodging or hurting the grafts in any way, unless you get to drunk & fall on yoiur head!:D


You shoould be fine.


Happy growing!



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  • Senior Member
Darsha, I wouldn't worry about the alcohol dislodging or hurting the grafts in any way, unless you get to drunk & fall on yoiur head!:D




That's it exactly. If you didn't fall and knock out grafts, you are fine. We tell patients to not mix alcohol with their pain meds so if they don't need pain meds after the first night, they can have a drink.

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Guest Ian512017155

The more alcohol you drink the faster the healing time goes and the thicker your hair looks, haha j/k. Just dont mix your alchol with all your meds and you should be fine, It will not hurt the grafts or cause them to fall out.

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  • Senior Member
Darsha, I wouldn't worry about the alcohol dislodging or hurting the grafts in any way, unless you get to drunk & fall on yoiur head!:D




Haha! The Hangover, HT Edition. You wake up, cant find any of your donor hairs, and theres a tiger in your room!


But seriously, I wouldnt worry too much about it

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  • 2 years later...

hey i did a 2 day fue operation on sept 16th and 17th and i had a few general questions. So i havent consumed any alcohol till about 3 weeks or a month after the operation, but i am a heavy partier and i do not consume just a few drinks but alot so i wondered if that will affect the thicnkess and or time of hair to grow back. Also do you recommend on taking other products to help better hair growth ..because i have read if you stop taking them your hair will probably get worse. its been just about 2 months since the operation and i can see some hairs growing back but i was informed that until 3 months i wont see much. So mo my biggest worry is to see wheter or not partying will affect it and if other products are recommended since i did the operation and dont want to start using products and then stop and my hair to get worse.


thank you !

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  • Senior Member
hey i did a 2 day fue operation on sept 16th and 17th and i had a few general questions. So i havent consumed any alcohol till about 3 weeks or a month after the operation, but i am a heavy partier and i do not consume just a few drinks but alot so i wondered if that will affect the thicnkess and or time of hair to grow back. Also do you recommend on taking other products to help better hair growth ..because i have read if you stop taking them your hair will probably get worse. its been just about 2 months since the operation and i can see some hairs growing back but i was informed that until 3 months i wont see much. So mo my biggest worry is to see wheter or not partying will affect it and if other products are recommended since i did the operation and dont want to start using products and then stop and my hair to get worse.


thank you !

I wouldn't worry about the alcohol. My last procedure I had some drinks at the hotel while I was recovering post-op and in the first few months post-op I tied a few on and I was actually a pretty early grower and had no issues with yield.

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