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Everything posted by patwillpat1

  1. great link. i've been told to limit the use of concealers to minimize the chance they could stunt growth and cause poor yields (may not be noticeable, but you can never be sure). Yet for most people, its absolutely impossible to go back into the real world without concealers after a HT. So I guess if one must use concealers, probably best to just believe they don't have an effect. I rather possibly lose some grafts rather than walk around with a weird looking scalp.
  2. what you have can easily be covered up with toppik/dermatch until the shockloss fills up. Its not like you have a visible smiley scar that screams out "yes i got a transplant". What you have looks more like a barber mistake (if someone asks). Anyways, I think toppik will work best.
  3. i consulted with 5 docs (all among the top reviewed) and all of them require shaving of the recipient area, to minimize transection of existing hair. They don't require you to shave the donor area, but most people look kinda silly shaving just the recipient and leaving the donor long. If you don't want to shave, some docs in the U.S. don't require shaving, and they'll tell you the cons of not shaving so you can decide for yourself.
  4. Agreed. Most people think others have no clue, but people know you either got a wig or did something, its too easy to spot. Its better the truth came out cause now you can joke about it rather than them gossiping behind your back. On the plus side, in a years time, I bet the other wives will compliment how handsome you look.
  5. If its gonna be somewhat obvious, sometimes better to tell the truth to people who ask...but MOST would be too afraid to ask anyways. Yet in this day and age with the internet, a lot of males have done at least some research on hairloss/HT, so its hard to trick everyone. I work in an office environment and had a coworker who had a obvious transplant (frontal recipient area was shaved, back wasn't to probably cover the scar). He told people he had an accident and needed head surgery. During drinks after work, when everyone gossips like crazy, a lady co-worker blurted out to others this guy for sure had a HT since her husband was also interested in one and had been researching the internet. Next thing you know, a few people where sending emails poking fun behind this guy's back. Kinda felt bad for him, but at least he had no clue about it. Its always hard to predict how much people know and whether they'll gossip/make fun behind your back...especially in a bigger office. I totally envy people who get to wear a hat to work, it makes a HT sooo simple.
  6. sorry, meant how many months after you start using it (post-HT) does the Dr. recommend you stay on it to ensure all transplanted follicles get nourished. I hear some docs recommend 6-12 months after to ensure optimal blood circulation. Didn't know you can actually bypass this step. aaron1234, you got nice results after each transplant. Did you use any minox after the transplant to help the follicles? or only using fin?
  7. Seems HT's doctors have differing views on how long you must use minox for post-HT to get the transplanted follicles nourished. Just want to get an average gauge. So if you were happy with your HT results: 1)Who was your doctor and how many months afterwards were you required to stay on minox post-HT? did you actually do so? 2)What brand/type did you use? Thanks
  8. I guess I shouldn't say bias, but it does seem that hairlosshelp has a lot of strip scar horror stories whereas I hardly see any here. Searching for procedure comparisons at HLH, there's always a response like "the scar has ruined my life" or "i'll do anything to reverse it", etc. That's why i'm wondering why I don't see posts of that nature here, if its because posters here come from better doctors, or something else.
  9. sorry...I probably shouldn't say pro FUE, but hairlosshelp definitely seems more anti-strip than here. When first doing research, I found this forum and felt very comfortable with strip (due to yield size). Then I found hairlosshelp and upon searching/reading that forum, I see a lot more posts about how posters regret ever doing strip, how it ruined their life and how they suggest FUE should be the ONLY choice in this day and age. Maybe its just a few users with bad experiences spreading scare tactics, I don't know....but that scared me A LOT and really made me split. Its pretty prevalent searching their forums.
  10. It seems like certain hairloss forums side more towards certain procedures/doctors. This website seems to be very favourable/reassuring regarding strip method and doctors. But "hairlosshelp" seems to have 90% of people totally against the strip method, favour FUE and have lots of horror stories about their strip scars everytime someone is seeking information between the two. Do a search of their forums and you'll see people totally against strip, where here its more open. Any reason? Is it because different websites take sides with certain doctors and such? Gotta admit, what I read on hairlosshelp has really gotten me scared about strip scars, and they even question the yield difference.
  11. Need 3000 frontal grafts. Can't decide on FUE or STRIP. Doctor consultation/feedback are split in the middle. Here's what different doctors have said for my case: Dr. Feller - would only do STRIP in my case. Dr. Umar - would do FUE Dr. Bisanga - recommended STRIP for me, but would do FUE if I really really wanted. Dr. Armani - would do FUE Dr. Rahal - would do FUE or STRIP. Question: 1)Would you choose FUE or STRIP?? (based on the reputation of these doctors and what they have recommended)
  12. Thats awesome! Partying it up after transplant...how did you manage to hide your transplant? or you said "to hell with it"?
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