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Is this MPB? Please help... can't live like this... (PICS)

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Hi guys,


For the past 4-5 months I have had a s***load of shedding every single day. I mean, I run my fingers through my hair and I can see strands on them and if I just lightly stroke my hair I can see strands falling. I wake up and see 5/6 strands on my pillow, I take a shower and lose at least 40 strands of hair. Putting gel on I can see 5/6 strands on my hands. It's really unbearable.


I had VERY thick hair throughout my childhood, so much so that I couldn't sport some styles. That's all gone now and I'm really worried because my hair is my best feature so you can imagine how I'd look without it.


Here are the pictures...


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The hair is a lot finer than it was before and as you can see from the sides people can clearly see my scalp.


Please help.

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if you're experiencing hair loss it appears it's at the earliest stage, because you appear to have very good density. It is ok to see some hair shed in the shower or in your hands after brushing, because hairs break, that does not mean that the follicle is dying. If you are very concerned you should meet with a recommended doctor from this site and see what they recommend. If they feel you are indeed having male pattern baldness they can recommend propecia or rogaine to help stop further loss.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I see zero signs of loss. Take pics in 6 more months and compare them to these. It's normal in the crown area to see scalp because of the way the hair fans out.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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I agree with TheHairUpThere. At most I see the beginnings of slight recession in the frontal hairline but it is extremely minor. Seek out a qualified doctor to get an assessment, potentially begin medical treatment (Propecia) especially if there is a history of hair loss in your family, and document your loss (or lack thereof) with photos on a monthly basis. Same room, same time of day, same lighting.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Ok guys I went to the doctor who sent me off for blood tests and then told me that I have a vitamin d deficiency and that could be causing my hair loss. Is that right? She also refused to refer me to a derm until I try the vitamin d pills for at least 3 months but I'm scared this will get really, really bad by then. I also took some pictures of spiked, gelled hair and I could see my scalp upwards of the crown but only on that side, I can also clearly see my scalp from the front. I'll post pics up spoon but can lack of vitamin d be causing all that?


As I've said I can't afford to lose my hair because its my best feature and I'm sorry for freaking out but I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help. Thanks guys.

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I agree with TheHairUpThere. At most I see the beginnings of slight recession in the frontal hairline but it is extremely minor. Seek out a qualified doctor to get an assessment, potentially begin medical treatment (Propecia) especially if there is a history of hair loss in your family, and document your loss (or lack thereof) with photos on a monthly basis. Same room, same time of day, same lighting.


I see zero signs of loss. Take pics in 6 more months and compare them to these. It's normal in the crown area to see scalp because of the way the hair fans out.


if you're experiencing hair loss it appears it's at the earliest stage, because you appear to have very good density. It is ok to see some hair shed in the shower or in your hands after brushing, because hairs break, that does not mean that the follicle is dying. If you are very concerned you should meet with a recommended doctor from this site and see what they recommend. If they feel you are indeed having male pattern baldness they can recommend propecia or rogaine to help stop further loss.


Can lack of vitamin d cause all that?


Thanks a lot guys.

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First, I just wanted to state that it's okay to be worried, but I really wouldn't let yourself get too worked up. As others have mentioned, you're very young, and if you are experiencing any sort of hair loss you've caught it in the early stages and can retain and prevent from here.


Second, after reviewing your photographs, I must concur that I don't personally see any recession/hair loss. However, at your age, it is likely that you could be experiencing a natural hairline maturation. Hairline maturing is essentially a phenomenon that seems to occur between late teens and early twenties in men and involves the natural progression of a hairline from it's adolescent to adult position. Only a select number of individuals maintain the hairline they were born with for their entire lives (think about how low hairlines look in younger children/teens), and in many cases hairline maturation does NOT equate to further loss or progression.


Third, as far as the vitamin D deficiency is concerned, I have personally never heard of a link between this and hair loss. Vitamin D is associated with regulating Calcium levels and bone health in our bodies, and I've never seen any articles (anecdotal or otherwise) that suggest altered vitamin D or Calcium levels cause hair loss.


Personally, I would wait to see if the Vitamin D pills make you feel better about the situation (and keep in mind that the non-professional opinions offered on these forums in NO way, shape, or form should trump the medical advice provided by your personal physician), and keep an eye on the situation. If you still feel like you're losing hair, maybe you should consider requesting a dermatology consult or contact one of our hair restoration physicians for an examination.


I hope this helps. Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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First, I just wanted to state that it's okay to be worried, but I really wouldn't let yourself get too worked up. As others have mentioned, you're very young, and if you are experiencing any sort of hair loss you've caught it in the early stages and can retain and prevent from here.


Second, after reviewing your photographs, I must concur that I don't personally see any recession/hair loss. However, at your age, it is likely that you could be experiencing a natural hairline maturation. Hairline maturing is essentially a phenomenon that seems to occur between late teens and early twenties in men and involves the natural progression of a hairline from it's adolescent to adult position. Only a select number of individuals maintain the hairline they were born with for their entire lives (think about how low hairlines look in younger children/teens), and in many cases hairline maturation does NOT equate to further loss or progression.


Third, as far as the vitamin D deficiency is concerned, I have personally never heard of a link between this and hair loss. Vitamin D is associated with regulating Calcium levels and bone health in our bodies, and I've never seen any articles (anecdotal or otherwise) that suggest altered vitamin D or Calcium levels cause hair loss.


Personally, I would wait to see if the Vitamin D pills make you feel better about the situation (and keep in mind that the non-professional opinions offered on these forums in NO way, shape, or form should trump the medical advice provided by your personal physician), and keep an eye on the situation. If you still feel like you're losing hair, maybe you should consider requesting a dermatology consult or contact one of our hair restoration physicians for an examination.


I hope this helps. Good luck!


Thanks for the reply.


It's not the receding hairline I'm worried about because I've been told countless times that it's nothing. Thing is, I'm shedding a LOT of hair. I mean, in shower I can see 30/40 strands if not more, on my pillow I can see 10 strands after waking up and I can clearly see that my hair is much weaker. My GP said that lack of Vitamin D can cause Effovlium Telogen (spelling) and that this is what I possibly have. If my hair is wet and spikey I can practically see the whole right side, the crown side, but the left side has normal hair. I can also see a lot of my scalp from the front. Thing is, I'm losing hair all over. My sides are the thinnest so I'm really, really hoping it's not MPB. My father has a full thick head of hair at 46, his brothers all have thick hair and my grandfather went bald after like 50. On my mums side her brothers are balding now after passing 50.


Thanks for the help again.

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Thanks for the reply.


It's not the receding hairline I'm worried about because I've been told countless times that it's nothing. Thing is, I'm shedding a LOT of hair. I mean, in shower I can see 30/40 strands if not more, on my pillow I can see 10 strands after waking up and I can clearly see that my hair is much weaker. My GP said that lack of Vitamin D can cause Effovlium Telogen (spelling) and that this is what I possibly have. If my hair is wet and spikey I can practically see the whole right side, the crown side, but the left side has normal hair. I can also see a lot of my scalp from the front. Thing is, I'm losing hair all over. My sides are the thinnest so I'm really, really hoping it's not MPB. My father has a full thick head of hair at 46, his brothers all have thick hair and my grandfather went bald after like 50. On my mums side her brothers are balding now after passing 50.


Thanks for the help again.




Is it possible that you're noticing these hairs now simply because you're looking for them? On average, people lose 50-100 hairs a day (which is part of a natural cycle), and most of these are going to come out while your doing things like washing your hair and rolling over on a pillow for 8 hours.


Again, I'm very sorry to hear how much this is affecting you. Have you given any thought to consulting with one of our physicians or requesting another dermatology consultation from your primary care physician?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Is it possible that you're noticing these hairs now simply because you're looking for them? On average, people lose 50-100 hairs a day (which is part of a natural cycle), and most of these are going to come out while your doing things like washing your hair and rolling over on a pillow for 8 hours.


That's something to consider. As we get older, we start looking harder for signs of getting older, and we start noticing things that have been there all along. Shedding hair is natural and not always a sign of mpb, but it can often feel like it.

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Here is a good article on Vitamin D deficiency and hair. It seems Vitamin D is very important in the hair cycle.


The Effects Of Vitamin-d Deficiency On Hair Follicles | LIVESTRONG.COM

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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The three month wait should not hurt as far as additional hairloss goes. you have so much now that i doubt it would be any more noticable.


IMHO, you are definitely not needing any HT surgery at present.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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