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My newest - and probably last story

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Havent been here for a very long time.


Since 2007, taking Propecia, using regaine, and looking at myself every day in the mirror, couting hair.


Anyway, decided to log in, and share my latest story, which will probably result in me not coming back to this forum again.


I am over it. Over worrying about it.


I dont want to worry about my hair anymore. Its starting to fall out big time.


I cant stop it, its meant to happen - so be it. I stopped Propecia a few weeks back. I went to the doctor (some random doc, not my own) to get a propecia prescription. He gave it to me, but he was a fantastic man. We talked for half an hour, about being a man, about life and whats important in it.


All of this from a man I did not know, over 1000km away from my home.


I am not going to discuss pros and cons and the like about drugs. Thats covered in many other threads here. I personally always hated knowing I am throwing down a little tablet every day that is designed to play with hormones and stuff inside me. To keep my hair. I had been thinking to stop for a while.


SO, thats it. 4 years of Propecia stopped a few weeks ago. I still have the prescription, but I am not going to buy it. I still use regaine, thats easy, and if it helps, it helps.


I feel somewhat liberated, but sad at the same time. I am going to lose my hair, its going to be tough. Wherever I see a mirror, in an elevator, toilets, bathrooms, car rear view .... I keep looking at that receding hair line.


Its tough indeed.


But it happens to many, many men, right? I just felt that its time to move on with life, and accept what comes with it. I am coming to accept the fact that being bald does not mean you are a second rate citizen, that you are somewhat 'not as good' as that guy with a mop on his head.


What I say now is all very strong and proud and liberating bla bla bla, but its not like that. I still hate it. But I have resolved to do it, get over it, get on with it.


If I am lucky, I have lived perhaps a third of my life. Realistically, I have probably lived half of it. I really dont want to be living the next half, worrying about how many strands I saw in the sink today.


Time to start living again, indeed. I hope it works out how I picture it in my head.


And who knows? Maybe in a few years they will have a quick fix that makes me look like the 21 year old version again. But if I do beat this psychological issue, I am pretty sure I will pass on that fix as well.


Good luck to you all with it - good luck in your transplants, your medications, treatments etc. I just hope you do it all with a smile on your face, and know that everything will be OK and that life will take you where it must, regardless if you have hair on your head or not. Please dont stress and torment yourself like I did for that dark period of time.





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I've been in your shoes bro, and I lived for over 15 years with your attitude.


Many here would probably not believe this from reading my past posts, but I really could give a rats ass about my hairloss personally; I too felt it was something natural and that a "real man" would swallow it with a smile and not let it bother him.


But the problem that I faced was that our society would not let me forget about it. I even traveled to many remote locations thinking that there were other parts of the planet that had not yet been poisoned by western society's bullshit tabloid culture mentality. And I met women who were quite far from the superficial shallow image obsessed stereotype that you see in western culture, the types that are into yoga, nature and not living the conventional life -- and I naively thought that I had beat the game.


But when I made my moves on these women, and ONLY after breaking the ice and arriving at that moment where you are really vibing good with them and you see the green light, BAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMM -- they laid it on me that they wanted a more "healthy" man to mate with and have children. When I asked them why they thought I was not healthy they mentioned the balding. When I explained to them that it was genetic and had nothing to do with my health they just played it off whilst they went after the guy who had the hair even though he may have been less intelligent, charismatic, and not even as sweet and kind to them. One in particular (and this was the moment that BROKE ME and forced me to delcare war on MPB once and for all !!!) was super sweet and really did like me, but her excuse was that she did not want to pass that gene on to her son if she had a male child.


After that (which was in 2004) a part of me died and I became quite bitter about the whole deal. I was half bald, but still I was one of those guys who really didn't care much to look in the mirror and worry about looks. I always felt guys like that were such sissies, so it was quite hard for me to swallow the bitter pill that our SOCIETY would not let me forget about it. I yearned for the days in the past when men were men instead of the overly feminized, pathetic, spiritually castrated automatons that the media mobsters have bred them to be today. It hit me like a ton of bricks that the stupid, meaningless tabloid culture that I so despise had invaded and poisoned the minds of people in every nook and cranny opf the planet.


After all of these revelations, and also after having discovered that URFUT technology had been developed and that I was a good candidate, my BIGGEST and DEEPEST regret was that my former attitude caused me to be woefully inconsistent with my use of finasteride. Yes, my haughty "real man" attitude had actually done me much harm because there was no way to fight the demon of tabloid culture and the media mobster grip upon the minds of people everywhere. What a FOOL i was to have let so much more of my hair (especially my crown) recede because that just set me back further in the result I could acheive with URFUT !!!!!!!!!!! I had a 4500 FU session in May of 2010, and now I can clearly see that had I not lost the crown hair that my result would be even better than it is.


Anyway, sorry for the rant. Every last bit of it is the complete unadulturated truth. I don't know your age, but I am 42 now. When I was in my late 20s to mid thirties I really thought I was a "real man" and had the whole MPB psychology game whipped. If you still have some hair left and are a NW3 or less then you have NO IDEA how society will treat you once you let go and advance to that level. It's a whole nother can of worms and a bitter pill to swallow indeed when you suddenly look ALOT OLDER but you still think of yourself as a young buck and your willie still gets stiff looking at younger women, yet the 50+ sea hags are the only ones giving you any attention -- and even THEY are looking down at you !!!!


I'm not too sure who this doc was, but if he is an older gentleman then he simply has no idea the VAST GULF of difference between his day and yours. We have a dumbed down tabloid culture now where people are just automatons that regurgitate the putrid bile shoved down their throats by the media mobsters.


Good luck bro, I think you will most definitely need it !

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good luck. i think you will be fine if you are not worried. My scalp makes me look like a klingon or I wouldn't care. I think I am handsome enough if I had a "normal" head I would not consider surgery for myself. But I am very happy for those that chose it and are happy and happy for those that are ok to skip it. My grandfather has one leg, a NW6 or 7, is like 5 foot 5, and kinda looks like a orangutan. But he is still a pimp. A married pimp, but he is slick, has style, confidence and charisma. I really don't think women, especially average, are really that concerned.


Good luck to you.


Stay fit, nice clothes, smell good, well groomed, be confident and funny when appropriate and you won't have any women issues.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Anonymous Man,


A heartfelt declaration. I wish you well as you go along. My concern or the only thing that jarred with me reading through your missive, was your Rogaine comment. It suggests to me that you have not fully let go. I just hope that you can and shall find peace of mind doing so. It's a hard road travel well.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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It's kind of weird to say, but I feel like Anonymous Man and Epilepticsceptic kind of reached the same conclusion. You two decided to do what you feel is right for you and your happiness. Best of luck to both of you finding peace of mind.

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Epilepticsceptic - From what I can recall you have a loving supportive girlfriend (who was against you having a HT as she loved you as is). From what i can perceive from your many posts, you are simply wanting to play the field and/or (sorry to be so blunt) - upgrade once you Ht is grown in. I'm not judging you on that, but it's a bit different to just wanting to find one true love & the only thing holding you back is MPB.


That paints a slight different picture ?


Anonymous Man - I feel for every word you shared. Good luck to you ....but just keep taking the finesteride.

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One in particular (and this was the moment that BROKE ME and forced me to delcare war on MPB once and for all !!!) was super sweet and really did like me, but her excuse was that she did not want to pass that gene on to her son if she had a male child.




I hesitate to say this because you seem like a honest guy with a tremendous amount of life experience, and I enjoy your posts, but, per the quote above, people must realize that chicks say sh*t without rhyme or reason or that is not actually true. We can't go around basing life decisions on a couple comments from one girl or any girl.


Girls find it hard to tell a guy they're not interested. At the same time, they are great at zeroing on weaknesses or insecurities that a guy might have. Clearly, for whatever reason, this chicks were not into you. But it seems the extent to which your hair loss affected their perception of you will never be known.


In reading your post, I just had to think if it was not you interacting with the lady quoted above, but rather Vin Diesel or Jason Straithairn or any number of guys I have seen out and about who are balding but carry themselves confidently, and I cannot imagine any chick saying she was worried about passing on their bald genes to their face. It would never happen. It happened to you for reasons unrelated to your baldness - the chick in question did not want you. Your baldness may have made you less attractive, but other aspects - such as your confidence, charisma, wealth, goals, conversational ability, general attractiveness, build, whatever- were not enough to overcome this in their limited perception.


I love your posts, they make good sense, but none of us should get carried away on some lame rejection that a girl proferred. Sometimes chicks just go for an easy way out to let a guy down.



Edited by TomCruise
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