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Special Thanks to Spex!


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  • Regular Member

Hey Guys--


Just wanted to say how AWESOME Spex is.

When I first came to this forum, I didn't know a single thing about anything that had to do with hair, except the fact I was loosing it! LOL


When I decided to go with Dr, Feller, Spex was just amazing.

He guided me through everything....


Spex--if you're reading this--THANKS DUDE!!


You know what guys, occasionally I sometimes come across old pictures that I have before the surgery--and then look through pictures I have now after the surgery-- and it's surreal really.

It takes a lot of courage and trust to be able to get that boost you need to make a decision that's right for you.


Spex helped me.

He really did.

If you ever head out to NYC Spex--I owe you a drink!! or two!



So, thanks again Spex.







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Ditto. Spex helped me enormously as well. I'm just 4.5 months through my second HT with Dr Feller, can't wait to see the final results.


Nicky - just checked out your pics. Amazing results! Only thing missing from your page are your pre-op pics! ;)


For anyone based in UK, especially, definitely worth dropping Spex a line for some advice. Check out his website Spex uk hair transplant veteran |. Great guy, very happy to help and really knows his stuff.

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  • Senior Member

Great results Nicky! I can only imagine how happy you must be with the results :D


I concure with the kudos for Spex. I have been in touch with him alot over the past few months, and met up with him in London a couple of weeks a go. I am due for 3100-3300 strip with Dr. Feller on 25th Feb, and had alot of concerns since my previous experience with Bosley, NYC (1800 grafts, strip) was horrific to say the least! Spex is a great guy who has tremendous empathy, honesty, integrity and kindness. Thanks Spex, you most certainly do ROCK! :D


Thanks Nicky for sharing your great results, I hope to be equally as happy in about 18 months time :D

Edited by Dan72



July 2002 HT #1 - Bosley NY - 1800 Grafts

Feb 2011 HT #2 - Feller Medical - 2372 Grafts

July 2012 HT #3 - Feller Medical - 1702 Grafts (no pics as yet)

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I just gave spex a 6 month update form my first HT back in August. I actually forgot where I was until I got him to send the pre op pics and it suddenly all came back! Only now do I remember going through 1 can of nanogen a month!- Now it's just a sprinkle and hopefully won't need that again


I just like to say thanks again to spex as well. He really made me choose wisely and coaxed me into using the meds both finasteride and rogain foam, together they have def had a synergistic effect along with the great work Dr Feller had done. He kept emphasizing me to get the DHT inhibition which I was not going to factor in, but I'm glad I did and I know I would not be this good at 6 months without his reason logic and making sure I got the best possible result out.


Spex it's almost as if it's your own hair that you are looking out for! Cheers again and I can't wait for the full result. Any one considering taking the first step for preventing their hair loss should speak to Spex as a matter of priority before you do anything.

:)2250 Strip Dr Feller

:)1900 Strip Dr Feller


2 Great HT's & Experiences


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  • Regular Member

Ditto the above. Good sound advice whilst allowing me to make such an important decision by myself in my own time. Whilst, like Spex, I chose Dr Feller several other clinics were recomended and in no way was there a hard sell.


Still trying to get funds sorted for second pass and hope to hook up again in future. By the way when I offered to sell a kidney to fund next pass I didn`t mean one of mine :-)

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  • Regular Member

Hey Guys


Just wanted to add to all the well deserved adoration for Spex. As a former patient of the incredible Doc Feller, i'm now 12 mths post op from my 3300 fut and throughout the whole process Spex has been solid. Great advice along the way and follow up support second to none...infact i'd go as far as to say l want your babies spexster;)......only joking, i'm not going all 'broke back mountain' on ya buddy:O........your the man spex and l will be eternally grateful for all your help and support throughout my HT journey and as for my results...simply fookin awesome!!!


Loving your work


Edited by thoughtsbecomethings
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  • Regular Member

Nice to see an appreciation thread for sir Spex, worthy of a knighthood for services to hair, seriously, helped me immensely. If it wasn't for this guy i'd probably be sat here still mulling depressingly over a terrible norton ht or foolishly trying to correct by going to a different uk butcher but spex turned it around, in a nutshell great help, great advice and in the end with Dr feller, great hair!


Cheers mate for all the help.

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Yes agreed spex is a top man he helped me a lot too and you know he cares it's not just a mad push to get you to his dr he does and says what's right!

Bonkerstonker! :D




Update I'm now on 12200 Grafts, hair loss has been a thing of my past for years. Also I don't use minoxidil anymore I lost no hair coming off it. Reduced propecia to 1mg every other day.


My surgeons were

Dr Hasson x 4,

Dr Wong x 2

Norton x1

I started losing my hair at 19 in 1999

I started using propecia and minoxidil in 2000

Had 7 hair transplants over 12200 grafts by way of strip but

700 were Fue From Norton in uk

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I had my first procedure twenty years ago , back then we had no net and had to take our chances !


Having been a member of this site for some time now , i know that Spex is passionate about helping people and making a difference , he maintains an unbiased view, and offers solid and sound advice to others based upon his vast experience within the industry , a must to meet up with as part of your necessary research into getting a procedure .


Thanks Spex



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