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Nuhart (NYC) Dr. Glen Ross

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While I'm unfamiliar with Dr. Glen Ross, you may want to perform a forum search (on Dr. Ross and/or Nuhart) and see what information is available on the community.


In the mean time, why don't you review our recommended hair restoration physicians in New York?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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In the New York area the only docs I would consider are: Feller, Bernstein, True and Dorin. There may be other good docs but in my four years on these forums these are the guys showing consistent results.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Welcome to our community!


Just so you know, doing a search on "Dr. Ross" will most likely lead you to many posts featuring results and reviews of Coalition member Dr. Brandon Ross of California. I just wanted to clarify this so you know that Dr. Brandon Ross is a different doctor.


Best wishes in your search,



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Bill ,


I didn't consider the search results for "Dr. Ross" when initially giving the member advice. I apologize for any confusion! Furthermore, I wanted to assure all members that Dr. Brandon Ross (of Ross Medical Hair Restoration in San Diego) is a member of our elite Coalition and an excellent hair transplant surgeon. Again, I apologize for any confusion!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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If you search this forum (and the rest of the web) you can find a lot of disgruntled people that came from those big chains like Nuhart and Bosley. Your procedure is going to be permanent, don't risk it by going to someone that hasn't been properly vetted.

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If you search this forum (and the rest of the web) you can find a lot of disgruntled people that came from those big chains like Nuhart and Bosley. Your procedure is going to be permanent, don't risk it by going to someone that hasn't been properly vetted.


Hah! too late, I already did. I wasnt too happy with the first procedure yet I went back for a second one a month ago because of a discount when I told them I wasnt happy with the prior results. Sheesh I really wish I would of done more research on this site before i made my decision. Well, whats done is done, now I'll have to wait 1 year to see if the second time results will be good. I will say the office staff and the doctor are very friendly though. It was a nice atmosphere. But like I said I was not very satisfied with my first procedure and that is most important. I think if i ever do this again, I will probably consider Bernstein in NYC. But he seems a little pricey. Can you negotiate on pricing with this guy?

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Jeez, sorry to hear that. What was wrong with the first procedure? Did some of the grafts not grow? They should have replaced them for free. Yeah, Bernstein is expensive. I never went to him for a consultation so I can't say if he is negotiable. I went with True and Dorin and they were willing to work with me because I wasn't sure if I could the entire surgery.

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I've been reading many post and I'm starting to pick up on recurring suggestions for who the good doctors are. I wish I would of done this research prior to my own surgery. But anyway, I was curious if anyone had experiences with Nuhart in New York City with Dr. Glen Ross?


I'm looking to have my transplant done with Dr. Glen Ross as well. I haven't hear any negative reports. I've been researching myself. Let me if you hear of anything.


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Mike, Sometimes no reviews can be just as bad as poor reviews. You should really stick with the docs who are well known on this site. Don't become a cautionary tale: it's not worth it.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Jeez, sorry to hear that. What was wrong with the first procedure? Did some of the grafts not grow? They should have replaced them for free. Yeah, Bernstein is expensive. I never went to him for a consultation so I can't say if he is negotiable. I went with True and Dorin and they were willing to work with me because I wasn't sure if I could the entire surgery.


Yeah some of the grafts on my left side of hairline did not grow. There were obvious empty patches. Even the Doctor admitted the results on the left were not good. The right side however turned out good. So i got half good results and half bad. I wonder if this had anything to do with the different technicians working on my head? I went back again because they did throw in a few hundred grafts for free to make up for the poor results from the first surgery. I requested different technicians work on me this time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that in a few months I will see how successful this surgery was. This is just my experience so far. I am just one person, so I dont think this site has enough information to say whether Doc Ross is a "good" HT surgeon relative to others. Goodluck if you decide to go through with your procedure and give us feedback. I didnt keep a good photo journal of my transplants. but if i find anything i'll post them.

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