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I Know, Another Bosley Topic


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Hey, Brand new to the site, though i have read many post over the last few months.


I am a 22 year old Male with a Class 2- 2a hair line. I have no family history of baldness. None on mother or father sides ( all the way back to great grand-parents.) Father is almost 60 with a full set of hair, all three brothers have a full set of hair. I know this doesn't mean the gen isn't there. One dermatologist once told me that my hair loss could of been the cause of been deathly sick as a young kid which caused me to run very high but that's beside the point.


I have decided to go ahead with a hair transplant using Bosley Atlanta (just a few days away). Prolly around 1000 grafts to add to my hairline. The cost will run me around $5,000, which to me is a lot of money. But at the same time i have seen much more expensive surgeries.


My main question is, do all Bosley surgeries end up horrific or is it just the fact that they do 10s of thousands of them each year using different doctors. I mean the sheer number could be the cause of all the bad press.


Second, I know this is a young age to be performing the procedure but as all of you might know, balding greatly effects ones life. I can't stand it. So even though i know everyone is going to tell me not to do it ( because of age) is their really any true harm with getting it done.


Third, I am also in the Army Reserves. Is the scar on the back going to be a major issue?

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I think your a little bit crazy tbh.


You already know that Bosley have had but results, my advice as someone whio has had bad results in the past is, if you dont want your life ruined, steer well clear of Bosley, they are what is known as a "Hairmill" they churn patients in and out doing bargain basement HT's.


So many people have had thier lives ruined by Bosley and they end up having to be repaired.


The scar will be a major issue if your in the army reserves. You should only be considering FUE as I know how short the Army haircuts have to be and the even finest strip scar will show through a Army haircut.

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But other then what a few of you guys posted, i haven't seen any true evedience against Bosely. And yes i have read over bosleymedicalviolation.com


Spanky, when was your first ht. I mean what year. 1998? If thats the case don't you believe that just cuz you regretted yours in 1998 doesn't mean a person will regret theirs in 2010? That is a serious question. Has the technology not advanced enough since then?

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And if you think I'm crazy for still sticking with Bosley, Here are my reasons


1- Like i said, i still haven't seen true proof. I would love to hear from someone who actually had surgery with them. And at the same time. Maybe i just haven't looked in the right places to see this evidence


2- Knowing that their are only two doctors in Atlanta kinda insures me that the have done this hundreds of times. Which would mean they are experienced professionals.


3- Google Wal-Mart. You will find thousands of sites hating on it. While I, as a matter a fact, love it. Just notice how people love to hate the big guy.


4- What evidence i have found against Bosley took places 8-15 years ago.

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Mmmmmmmmmm, look at Nic Cage's hair, total disaster, hes a Bosley victim, Spex on here, is a Bosley victim, they have just just taken over the infamous butchers MHR, everything i've seen from them has been terrible, i've never seen one good result and i've seen a lot. My first surgery was better than what they churn out now.


Theres no such website as "shapiroviolation.com" or Feller, or Cole, or Hasson and Wong, or Keser or Farjo, or Harris, or Keene etc......


You came on here for a reason, why dont you play it safe and go with someone who is well respected and has proven results.


And you obviously didnt understand my statment in my last post, "OK, one more thing, how do I benefit by telling you not to go to Bosley?" I'm asking you why would I tell you not to go to Bosley? Do I have some sort of hidden motive for this? other than not wanting them to hack up another young man. I'd of thought most people would of understood this..............

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Honestly you two, give this up. If Cad wishes to visit Bosley let him. I would never let a Bosley person work on me but this is really an issue of preference. This forum is about learning and sharing. At the end of the day, everyone has to make their own decisions. They also must live with the results.


While I totally agree with what Sparky is saying, if Cad wishes to have Bosley to his surgery he is the one that will have to live with it.

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Just a friendly reminder to well ... keep this friendly!




I really think you should take Sparky's advice into consideration. He's a valued member who underwent a transplant at a young age and spent time, money, and valuable grafts repairing the situation.


I'm personally not going to rant against any clinic or chain of clinics in general, but offer a few simple suggestions that I hope you'll consider. First, I think you should spend some time researching on our Hair Restoration discussion forums. If you're having some trouble finding Bosley experiences, why not input "Bosley" into our forum search function?


Additionally, I think you should consider consulting with some of our recommended hair restoration physicians. Many of these world-renowned hair transplant surgeons offer free consultations, and this experience will at least give you a second opinion regarding available hair restoration therapies and your status as a hair transplant candidate. Dr Griffin operates in Georgia, and the Hair Transplant Network also recommends physicians in Florida and North Carolina.


Lastly, why don't you look into some proven preventive therapies like minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia)? At your age, these medications can do wonders and really help maintain your native hair until a time when a hair transplant is more appropriate.


I hope this helps. Please, feel free to ask any additional questions and continue researching!

Edited by Future_HT_Doc

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hey, Thanx for all the replies. It was almost as if i didn't want to accept the fact that i had been tricked and cheated by Bosley so i let my man hood step in the way of the facts. So i apologize for acting haste.


Even though i still don't truly believe that Bosley is horrific, I have canceled my appointment and am going to look else where for now. You are the people who know best so i welcome all of your advice!




What Surgeons are recommended. Im from the Ohio River Valley (Kentucky/ Indiana border)so the East coast is about the only opition I would go with.


Sparky mentioned how 22 was too young. What would be the recommended age?


And no i haven't tried any kind of meds other then some pills my dermatologist recommended that promotes healthy hair. In which i saw 0 difference.


Its only frontal so I wasn't sure that any meds would beneficial to me.

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Cad, I think sparky means to be helpful here. Indeed he does not benefit from anything

and yes u can look up spex though I must warn u the mere mentioning of Bosley might rattle his cage as he had a really bad experience.

I agree w sparky here. Since u already know that they violated some medical laws or whatever, why not look for someone else who is not?? It's not a matter u can toy adobe I suggest u thibk it over carefully

also if the recommended docs refuse to operate on u, there must be a genuine reason. It's a business n they make money from operating on u so if they can, y will they reject?


Lastly the buying from walmart issue, u can just scream vulgarities n throw away the stuff n ht is irreversible my friend, hope u get the picture!


Mind u, I m not against bosley, just that as a fellow hair loss sufferer, I do hope u do sufficient research before plunging into anythjng! Best of luck!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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After I had my original work 14 years ago with them in Houston, I had contacted a lawyer to sue their asses. Luckily it was only scalp reductions and I didn't let them work on my hairline. Could have been much worse. I should have went threw with the lawsuit but just didn't have the energy to pursue it.

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I'm pleased to hear you've taken a step back and decided to research some other options. Here is a list of all our recommended hair transplant surgeons. Additionally, we do recommend physicians in both Kentucky, Ohio, and all along the East Coast. I hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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