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hasson HT 9th july cant wait


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im booked in ready to have the HT on the 9th july with dr hasson and i cant wait! i cant describe the feeling inside knowing that some thing is actually going to be done about this curse on my life!!!!!! it feels like, just may be this might be the end of my terrible journey and in 12months time a brand new me will emerge with the new hairs!!!!!!!!!!!!


going to hasson an wong was probably the most expensive option but i cant stress enough the importance that relying on a top class dr can offer the peace of mind is worth every penny! if dr hasson cant improve my situation then nobody can.... at least i can rest assured knowing hes going to use all of his vast knowledge and years of wisdom in this area to give me my life back!


im so sick of my hait at the moment that strangely i cant wait to just shave it all of ready for the surgery as im so sick of seeing it!!! every day!!!!!!!!!! im going with the goal of having as many grafts taken out as possible as a really dont think i will be able to afford another surgery this truely is my last chance!!!!


i would just like to thank the forum for being the best source for research on the net. and also the biggest and best concentration of first hand experiances and reviews any where. the amount of lifes this forum has helped to change for the better is what its all about.


the 9th july will be the first day of the rest of my life. picture log will follow!!


cheers everybody for your input and help. vancouver here i come!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congratulations! I think you've made an excellent decision to book your procedure with Hasson and Wong. Good luck, and please keep us updated!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Good luck bro, although you won't likely need it in Dr. Hasson's hands.


Just remember that the post-HT period is a long, hard waiting game. I'm nearing 2 months post-op from a Dr. H megasession, and all I can say is the doldrums are no fun and every minute feels like an hour, and every day feels like a month.


I suggest to make sure you sleep really well the night before surgery, take a valium or sleeping pill if necessary. It's a long day and the recovery period immediately post-op is not necessarily easy. Your travel pillow they give you will become your best friend!


Also, make sure you hit the food store down the block from the Sheraton the night BEFORE surgery! Buy enough stuff so you don't have to leave the hotel room; they have a small fridge in the room so it's no problem.


If you hit the Denny's down the block from H & W for breakfast on surgery day, don't make the mistake I did and just get a couple of eggs. Go full hog for a hearty breakfast because once that anesthetic kicks in and you're lying face down during donor strip removal, you don't want to come as close as I did to barfing all over Dr. H's shoes. That stuff really increases your heartbeat and if your stomach is near empty (like mine was) who knows what could happen. I came pretty close and it was a burp that saved me, which is a moment I'm sure he remembers as I had to lift my body up off the table to get it out. He had no clue where I was at, but it was damn close to really messing up the whole day! :D


If you need any more info. or support feel free to shoot me a PM.

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thanks for all the great replys and comments and advice.


i couldnt wait to have my hair shaved off. its strange how much you hate the sight of your balding hair enough that shaving it completely bald seems ok!! lol


i went for my pre surgery interview etc today and met with all the gang. mr hasson and doug are so cool. doug really looks after you!!! the view is so good i almost had a heart attack and fell of the roof its incredible. remember to take a camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dr hasson said i had great hair and donner hair needed for a good result! my laxticity of my scalp is great he seemed quite surprised when he tested!!! doug said the scar an work carried out by rogers was not good. and mr hassons scar will be superior which is what i like to hear!!!!


all in all the clinic is busy friendly clean and tidy and has agreat view. they fill with you confidence and mr hasson really knows how to get the best result for you!!!!!


my hotel is so good ive booked it for a few extra days to chill longer after the surgery!!!!!


and thanks for the comment on going shopping to stock the fridge im just about to pop out n do it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dr hasson said my characteristis where ideal for the surgery donor hair and laxiticity all good. but having said that he has got a old shitty scar right in the area of best donor hair to contend with. so his initial estimation came out around 3000-4000 grafts!!!!!!! but im hoping hes just saying this so i will fall out of my chair when he tells me he got 5000 hahahaahahaha


fingers crossed guys and i will log i tmoz to tell you all about it.




im taking my camera for bloody scalped head pics oh n the view!!!





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