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When is a better time?


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Peter- It would depend on things like your job, vacations planned, other events planned, etc.


Personally, I wanted the winter since I have less going on, don't have to worry about the sun and don't see neighbors or friends as much given the tempuratures (I'm in NJ).


The timing should also take into account if you've done enough research to determine which doctor to choose and their schedule (some can't fit you in for a couple of months).


Best of luck on your decision and continue to post your situation so everyone here can guide you with their experiences.

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I agree wtih Jersey...it all depends. I think colder months are optimal because you will stay away from the sun more and won't sweat as much. However, for those winter ski people who feel it's ok to go skiing down Mt. Everest 2 hours after surgery (sorry Nervous...couldn't resist lol), it's probably better to wait until the summer icon_wink.gif.


However, as long as you keep your head protected (by wearing a hat) in the sun, and you follow the post op instructions any time is fine.



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O ok than. I wasn't sure. I live in Las Vegas end it does get hot here up to 135 sometimes. Winters not relly cold and I think I can stay away from ski for the time I will have to.

Thank you for your sugestions guys.

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I am also looking for information about Dr. Epsteins prices. I relly like his work. Would you mind to tell me how much did you pay for your HT with him?

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Hey Pete--- I agree with the others--- I think somewhere from end of Sept to end of Feb is the most optimal time to do a HT.


You can get away with wearing a hat, you are under no pressure to hit the beach, sun-tan, etc...


Take Care Buddy!!!!!


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I agree with B. For me the optimal time is the winter. This is due to me wanting to be outdoors all the time in the summer. I work inside, but try to be outside as much as possible during the summer. I did not want to have to worry about the sun, sweat, sand, and all the physical activities that doctors suggest you hold back on. I also learned the hard way by not closely listening to pre-transplant advice and not using minoxidil for a while before the surgery. So, now I will wait and continue with the research...


Have the procedure done when it works best for you. Some people like to be outdoors after the transplant and not be cooped up inside. It really comes down to personal preference.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Winter for me, after the holidays so I am not inclined to be noticed.


I took two weeks off, it is a slower time of year for me. I will probably plan my next round in Jan 08. I am hopeful to have more hair for the Summer months!





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I had mine both in the Winter (Jan. & Feb.) and would probably choose January again. You're done with the major holidays (pictures) and in most places it's cold and gray much of the winter so you really don't have to worry scalp exposure to the sun too early. By summer you've healed up and started to grow!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Hey Peter,


I'm new to this forum and this is my first post. I

discovered this forum only today. From the posts I've read, it's nice to see that there is such a support system in place for someone comtemplating a HT. I only wish I had such support when I had my

first HT in 1991. If you're intent with having a HT, then the people in this forum really seem to be ones that can offer great advice.


That said, I'd like to offer mine. DON'T DO IT. I saw you're pictures, and you look fine. If I were you, I would buzz it down shorter or shave it off all together. As it is now, however, it is fine. I'm just making some haircut solutions you might try to help you look your best. Just like a clean shaven face can look more youthful, so can a clean shaven face.


Go natural. This is who you are and the head of hair you were meant to have. Learn to love it. Spend some money on some counseling if that helps, because it's usually not the hair that's

the problem, it's one's self-esteem. Guys speak

of feeling more confident with more hair all the

time. Why not get to the root of not feeling confident enough with the head of hair you have instead of having a someone cut into your scalp

and start rearranging where your hair grows.


One thing is for sure with HTs, there's no going back. Right now your head and scalp are in their

original naturally smooth condition. Once that surgeon starts cutting, that head and scalp are

gone forever. Everyone will tell you that there are risks with surgeries: infection, etc. But the one risk you should really think about is what if you are not happy with the results. As I

said before, there is no going back. If you felt bad about your hair before a transplant, the feeling is a milllion times worse after having a

"bad" transplant. When I say "bad", I mean results with which you are not happy.


Just think about it more. Try the baldrus website for inspiration.


I don't have much more time to write this post, but I would like to share with you, briefly, my

experience in the hair "game." I've spent about $25,000 total on a couple a bad transplant sessions and trying to correct those bad sessions. Then, after giving up hope on the hair

restoration field, I started being a Hair Club member. I've been a member since 2002 and am now

going to quit. It's just too much work trying to

trick everyone into thinking I have a full head

of hair. But believe me, I've been very good at it. I'm one of those Hair Club clients that get shown to potential new clients, because my hair looks so good. But this is just after I've been serviced, mind you, and I have a transplanted hairline that adds to the natural effect. I have

more to say on hair systems for anyone interested, but now I have to go.


Good Luck, Peter and all who read this post.

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It's just too much work trying to

trick everyone into thinking I have a full head

of hair. But believe me, I've been very good at it. I'm one of those Hair Club clients that get shown to potential new clients, because my hair looks so good. But this is just after I've been serviced, mind you, and I have a transplanted hairline that adds to the natural effect.




You have the right name 'Hitzig SUCKS' did you choose it yourself.


Question ... why are you so angry ??

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Hey HairBrain,


Yeah, I chose the name. It's after the first "Doctor" to butcher my scalp, Gary Hitzig of the former Long Island Medical Associates. Are you familiar with him?


As to why I'm angry, I guess it's with myself for making the decision to first have a HT in 1991 at the age of 21, when my hair was only beginning recede a little at the temples. I had such a fear of balding. I'm also angry with Hitzig for even taking me as a patient. I should have been turned away, but of course he wanted my money. Then I'm angry for thinking Walter Unger could fix Hitzig's bad start; All he did was make it worse. Now I'm left all kinds of large criss-crossing scars in the back of my head and... I don't even want to describe the rest of my head. Maybe one day I'll be bold enough to upload some pics of it. Maybe then some of the knowledgeable gentlemen on this forum could make some suggestions. At this point I'm open to them.


I just took off my system today, that's been covering up the debacle that is my head. I'd didn't realize how long it's actually been---7 years! I actually still had hair on my crown in 2000 when I first put it on.


Anyway, gotta run. Wife's home.



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Welcome to our community. When I saw your post name referencing the notorious Dr. Hitzig I knew you were going to have a horror story to share. His reputation truly precedes him and he has left many unhappy patients in his wake in my opinion.


I can only imagine the misery you have endured. I do agree that some people are simply not candidates for hair transplant surgery. And no one is a candidate for surgery with a hack hair transplant surgeon at any age.


Have you considered getting your old work repaired by a physician using truly refined techniques?


Peter, welcome to our forum. Any season is good as long as it's for the right reason and with a truly top notch surgeon.


Hairworthy, good to see you back on the forum. Your wisedom has been missed.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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WoW icon_eek.gif


Where did all that come from ??


I partially agree... some people are over reacting to a natural process. Valuing themselves for their hair versus their personality and values as an individual.


Any ways.......

I live in Michigan, and in part did mine in the Winter because we wear hats around here during the cold. I was out running errands a couple days after the HT and I fit right in with my Knit Hat on.


Also, I had fresh holiday visits with most of my family and friends. After the holidays, most people are ready to retreat from the social life to the calm of their home. That also made it a good time.

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Hey Pat,


Thanks for the welcome. I'm only reconsidering it now after having found this forum. I'll only do free consultations at this point. Do you know of any top notch docs that do free consultations?


I was inspired to take off my system after visiting the baldrus website, thinking maybe a good plastic surgeon could do something for me. I haven't even begun to do any kind of research yet. These posts have been the extent of it.



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Welcome HitzigSucks,

All docs do free consults, even over the phone after you e-mail picture to them. One of the best ways to learn more is by doing as many consults as you have time to do and of course more research on the forum.


Feel free to ask us all the questions you may have.

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All docs do free consults, even over the phone after you e-mail picture to them


Be careful..I'm not sure that this statement is true. There are SOME doctors who I've heard about charging for consultations. Personally, I think it's terrible...but double check up front.




P.S. Welcome to the forums Hitzigsucks

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Hi again Hitzigsucks,


I hope you find inner peace and maybe through this forum find someone who will give you back your faith in this corrupt world ... It did me.


Keep well, look after yourself and keep posting




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