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Today is a big day for me and my final decision goes to Dr. Mohebi


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Thers still no comparison. It looks like Moebhi was tipsy when making those lateral slits .They are all at different angles. Thats why Bspot had asked him if he weighted the session more on the left side of the head . It just looks sloppy. Yeah maybe grownout will hide all that . Its just the litle things that can also make or break an undectecable result Rassmans name was included in this post because he worked for him .

Obviously he doesent agree with him because thats a session above 3000 grafts which Rassman disagrees with.

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however, i think many of the docs in the coalition are marginal




I'd like to know exactly which surgeons in the Coalition you think are doing "marginal" work and how you are defining "marginal". Please also point to a number of photo examples to demonstrate this.


If I happen to agree with you, we'll reconsider their Coalition membership.


To see our standards for recommendation and the Coalition, including the differences between them, click here.



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One more thing that could never be more density in the front then Dr Wong planted plus Moehbi used more grafts.

This is getting old and I believe its run its course.

Something is having a bad year for some reason looking at some of his posts from the past.

He only wishes he had chimps to warn him about going to Dr [hellraiser} {Dialater] Elliott back in the day.

He also has had to devote years of surgeries because he didnt get it right the first time.

That was my problem .I almost made the mistake once again before I found this site

Thank you chimps for the initial direction to Shapiro for me and Alexander for something.

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PGP and hairthere,


I'm not sure exactly how you can compare the two surgeries of Dr. Mohebi and Dr. Wong above considering the sheer size difference of the balding area covered.


Dr. Wong's surgery is clearly more densely packed, but it is also performed over a much smaller area.


Keep in mind also that many surgeons believe in making incisions at an angle in between coronal (lateral) and sagital incisions. This is not an unheard of or unusual approach at all - it's just a bit different than what some of us are used to seeing.


There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Dr. Wong does first-rate work. But I encourage everyone to be open minded about Dr. Mohebi and offer your input when he starts posting grown out results.


Best wishes,



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You know its funny you say that because I do have a GED . I actually got in in Statesville penitentry . I was in there for quite awhile for henious battery at the McCormick Center in Chicago on the represenitve that tricked me into mini graft work 20 years ago I was 17 .Pm Jotronic about it.

It was my proudest acheivement besides be choosen as the starting 3rd basebal on Statesville traveling softball team icon_smile.gif

There you go more fuel for ya

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Bill, i think i made it clear i was open minded about seeing mohebi's work. however, the incisions from that example look large and not densely packed. that is my definition of marginal work. i don't think it's horrible and i don't think the results will be awful. but i do believe there are an elite few docs who do true dense packing and megasessions. in my mind those are top docs.


i appreciate that you guys are trying to expose new docs and give people options. however, i don't want to turn this thread into a debate about the merit of coalition docs...


bruce, once again, i wish you the best with your surgery.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I think some of the posts have clearly gone off topic and are no longer productive.


There is no comparision between Dr. Wong's work and Dr. Mohedi's and it is incorrect to suggest that. Dr. Wong is one of the best HT docs in the entire world and has been for quite some time. This is not to detract from Dr. Mohedi's skills, but Dr. Wong (and several others) has established a long term record of excellence, both among patients AND peers.


I am trying to restrict this debate to only the knowledge we have about this doctor, who is NOT recommended by this site, and if we are waiting for grown out results, it will likely be MANY months before he is even considered.


Bruce has made his decision-- I believe he has made it using an INCORRECT method (my opinion)---which can have a negative impact on a HT experience.


However, this does not ensure Bruce will have a poor experience, just as it does not ensure a happy one.


Anyway, I understand everyone wanting to steer Bruce away, in fact, I wish Bill, Pat and I had been more demonstrative in letting him know that Pat visited Dr. Mohedi's clinic ONLY, which is only a step in the process, NOT a recommendation.


I would only disagree with Bill on one point about keeping an open mind about any doctor who has no results and no patient base to speak of---this community is founded so that patients can remove some of the guess work involved in making this decision. Until such time as a particular clinic demonstrates acceptable results (which we can debate once we have data) there is NO ARGUMENT b/c we simply have nothing to compare.


I understand that Bill meant something a little different, but I am trying to make a slightly different point.


I will say if we were all out at the bar discussing this over a couple of brewski's...... icon_biggrin.gif

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I would only disagree with Bill on one point about keeping an open mind about any doctor who has no results and no patient base to speak of---this community is founded so that patients can remove some of the guess work involved in making this decision. Until such time as a particular clinic demonstrates acceptable results (which we can debate once we have data) there is NO ARGUMENT b/c we simply have nothing to compare.


I understand that Bill meant something a little different, but I am trying to make a slightly different point.




As you said, we are making different points.


What I meant by keeping an open mind: I intended it for when Dr. Mohebi starts presenting grown out results. To date, the only "comparisions" that really can be made is a discussion of different techniques since no grown out results have been posted.


I hope I made it clear, if not I'll say it again - Dr. Mohebi is not recommended at this time since we are still waiting for Dr. Mohebi to present fully grown out results online for this community to evalute. See How we recommend surgeons here.


Once we have enough results to look at, we can consider him for potential recommendation.


Best wishes to you Bruce and all members contributing on this thread.


Now let's all take a deep breath and remember we are all trying to help in our own way icon_smile.gif



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If you want to play armchair quarterback and make blanket statements that you're not willing to back up then don't make them.


Have you spent years on the road visiting well over 50 clinics in North and South American and Europe to assure that those in the Coalition do in fact provide outstanding work? Do you get hundreds of private reports from actual patients each year? Do you attend all the major scientific meetings?


No, I didn't think so. But you view photos from a minority of doctors who post online and now you see the big picture?


We expect the doctors to be accountable for what they do. We should also expect those with posting privileges to be accountable for what they say. Provide the names of those Coalition members you think are "marginal" or shut your pie hole.



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Bill could you point me to the other surgeons who place slits at an angle in between coronal (lateral) and sagital incisions., and zigzag the donor line. Im interested in seing that


PGP, I was also very curious about the zigzag technique, and during my last visit to his office, I exactly asked him the same question. He told me that based on his research and practice, the zigzag technique decreases more the scar visibility than having a straight line. It seems that this technique is widely used in cosmetic surgery as well to hide efficiently the scars or at least to cheat the eyes.


There a bunch of articles on the Internet about the zigzag technique. Just Google for "scalp scar zigzag"

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Good enough for me .I just havent seen it from any of the hair tansplant /plastic surgery docs on here or elsewhere.

That being said it could be a great thing

Im looking forward to your pics.

You seem like a great guy.

If anyone should have threw out insults it should have been you but you took the high road,unlike me and something. At least it shows you Im not a paid representative acting like that icon_biggrin.gif

I CAN ALMOST PROMISE YOU ONE THING .Your doc is aware of this thread and will want to prove us wrong.

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My intention in this thread wasn't to start an argument over your coalition and i think i explained myself regarding my feelings over it. I only expressed my thoughts as they applied to this thread in that i feel rassman is a "marginal" doc. and by marginal, i mean there are some docs that do an "ok" job, whereas there are others who do truly outstanding work.

I will keep my pie hole open, if you don't like it you can go ahead and ban me as you have done other posters.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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You are missing the point.


Regardless of whether or not you like Pat's approach or tone, you didn't really answer his or my questions.


Which Coalition physicians do "marginal" work and how are you defining "marginal"? Defining "marginal" as "ok" is not specific. What standards do you use to define marginal?


I see you targeted Dr. Rassman as an example. Considering he hasn't presented anything recently in this community, I find your judgement interesting.


Can you please point to examples of Dr. Rassman's "marginal" work with pictures and tell us what you don't like about it? In your opinon, what is the difference between "outstanding" and "marginal" work?


I think it is only fair that if you are going to make blanket statements that you support it with evidence.


Otherwise, I think you should reconsider the actual evidence and form an opinion based on reality.


Try not to confuse lack of online visibility with lack of physician ability. I commend those physicians who take the time to regularly present their work. Those that don't have still be evaluated at one point by our community and were approved by our community based on our high level of standards.



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...You seem like a great guy ...I CAN ALMOST PROMISE YOU ONE THING .Your doc is aware of this thread and will want to prove us wrong


Thanks PGP for the compliment icon_wink.gif and I hope he is aware of this thread so he can prove that some of our pessimistic fellows on this forum are wrong. icon_razz.gif

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you're right, i should not have made a blanket staemtent without backing it up. i will retract it until i can go through all the docs again, and if i change my opinion i will state so....if not i will point out docs i think fall below the bar.


pat, i apologize if you feel i disrespected the nature of your work.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I appreciate your reply. Bill and I are very open to hearing the good, the bad and the ugly about all doctors, including those who may be in the Coalition. In the past three years I have removed over a dozen doctors from the recommendation list. Most of the time this was not known online. They were simply removed with no fan far.


In some cases they were removed based on patient comments or in other cases after I visited their clinic and found it was not what it should have been.


We add doctors as a community and we can remove them the same way. Just keep in mind that there are 700 members of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and at least that number of physicians again who are not members but who perform hair transplant surgery. The Coalition has thirty four physician members who in my opinion and based on all the evidence I could gather in ten years are the true cream of the crop. They represent only 2.5% of all doctors performing hair transplantation.


Are they perfect, of course not. Will some patients prefer some of them over others, absolutely. But I do believe they are all truly some of the very best.


However, none of them can rest on their laurels. They must continue to evolve and operate transparently knowing that any one of their patients can and often does report back on this forum about their experience.


There is no regulation in this industry. The closest we have is patients holding this web community and all doctors accountable to the highest standards.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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no problem, and after quickly perusing the list of docs i saw the list was a lot smaller than i remember it being--i guess you did edit out some of the docs i felt were of lesser skill. so perhaps i was hasty in my claim. btw, you also have most of what were my top considered docs represented.


and i'm glad you've helped expose new docs like gabel who does appear to be doing excellent work.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Thanks for taking the time to go through the Coalition members and offer your input. As Pat said, we are both truly open to real feedback of any physicians whether they are in the Coalition or not. If we find that a recommended or Coalition physician is not up to par with our standards, either during Pat's visit or from patient feedback, they are promptly removed. As a community, we vote doctors in, and as a community we can vote them out. But we need to base our findings off solid evidence.


It is completely normal to have preferences and nobody will share the same opinon. It always makes me smile when I see the "top 5" type threads. Have you noticed that very seldomly people share the same opinion on their top 5 list? Ironically, 95% of the time, the physicians in the top 5 are members of the Coalition icon_wink.gif.


We take real patient feedback seriously which is why I pressured you to come forward with specifics.


Thanks for your feedback,



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I will be having my surgery on July 3rd for 3500 FUs and of course I will post pre/pro-surgery photos including the donor area.


I had to reschedule the surgery day so it's no longer July 3rd but June 26th.

I will keep you updated with my experience and pictures.

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