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Long Island, NY, Dr. reviews-PLEASE HELP!


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Good day group,


I live on Long Island, NY, and I am considering getting a third (and maybe more) treatment(s).


I have a few questions that I would greatly appreciate if the group could answer to assist me.


My first two procedures were done by Dr Hitzig. I am not happy with results I got. But maybe it is OK. I am not sure. Are his methods new? Best? Sound? I know about his legal nonsense. Who cares. I care about whether he is good or not. Any feedback?


I am now seeking a new doctor.

Here are the doctors I am considering:

Alan Feller

Mark Baxa

Robert Dorin

Robert True

They all have offices on Long Island

(Does any one know of any other good MD's on Long Island?)


Out of these doctors, which do you feel is the best with best results?


I am not a rich man, so Alan Feller's statement in his ad on the site that he works relatively inexpensively is intriguing. Is he still good?

Does he use the best techniques?


What is the best technique that I should make certain these doctors use when I speak to them?

Which one's of the above use the newest and best procedures?

Does Feller use them?


Has anyone used Feller? Any feedback?


Any idea how much approximately feller charges for an average procedure? The others?


If my units are screwed up, how about having them removed and replaced? Is this a big deal? Am I going to look like heck for awhile if this is done? Does it have to be done?


I have itching sometimes, years later. What is this?


Is these anyone who knows a lot about all of this that I could spend a few minutes with on the phone? I would appreciate it eternally.

If so, you may email me at:


Anyone else may feel free to email me with help as well. Thank you


Thank you all for contributing by taking time to answer all the above questions.


Thank you and God bless



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  • Regular Member

Good day group,


I live on Long Island, NY, and I am considering getting a third (and maybe more) treatment(s).


I have a few questions that I would greatly appreciate if the group could answer to assist me.


My first two procedures were done by Dr Hitzig. I am not happy with results I got. But maybe it is OK. I am not sure. Are his methods new? Best? Sound? I know about his legal nonsense. Who cares. I care about whether he is good or not. Any feedback?


I am now seeking a new doctor.

Here are the doctors I am considering:

Alan Feller

Mark Baxa

Robert Dorin

Robert True

They all have offices on Long Island

(Does any one know of any other good MD's on Long Island?)


Out of these doctors, which do you feel is the best with best results?


I am not a rich man, so Alan Feller's statement in his ad on the site that he works relatively inexpensively is intriguing. Is he still good?

Does he use the best techniques?


What is the best technique that I should make certain these doctors use when I speak to them?

Which one's of the above use the newest and best procedures?

Does Feller use them?


Has anyone used Feller? Any feedback?


Any idea how much approximately feller charges for an average procedure? The others?


If my units are screwed up, how about having them removed and replaced? Is this a big deal? Am I going to look like heck for awhile if this is done? Does it have to be done?


I have itching sometimes, years later. What is this?


Is these anyone who knows a lot about all of this that I could spend a few minutes with on the phone? I would appreciate it eternally.

If so, you may email me at:


Anyone else may feel free to email me with help as well. Thank you


Thank you all for contributing by taking time to answer all the above questions.


Thank you and God bless



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I just had a HT with Dr. Feller. He did nice work. I got around 2500 grafts done. My hairline is a little crooked but I am still happy. He seems like a nice guy and all I have heard about him was nice things. His office could use alittle work because it is very unorganized.

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Welcome to our forum. Dr. Feller, Dr. True and Dr. Dorin have gotten consistantly good patient reviews on this forum (as has Dr. Bernstein in NYC) and they all perform state of the art hair transplantation. I suggest you click on the "Find" button on this forum and do a search using the last name of each of these surgeons.


Then do a free consult with those you are most impressed with.


Keep us all posted and best wishes, Pat

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I had hairline work with dr feller on 11/05 and could'nt be happier. icon_biggrin.gif

1045 FUT "hairline" with Dr Feller on Nov 05

825 "hairline" with Dr Loria "saw so so results" on Jan 01

MHR 325 "hairline" micro/mini 's 1999 "big mistake"

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I am a patient of Dr. Robert True. I can guarantee you and in fact do guarantee you, that in my opinion NO doctor in the world is more capable and expert at crafting the best possible hair transplant result from what's available. In addition he and Dr. Dorin have the kindest, most professional nurses and technicians assisting, all of which has made this whole process a dream come true. I've seen hair transplants as an adult since 1965...so I know what I'm talking about. I am 52 years old. No one can tell that I've had the surgery nor have I told anyone. Everyone assumes I've gotten this unbelievable great result from medication. I realize there are many patients out there with a specific allegiance to one doctor or another. This is my take on things. I would consider making a decision about having a hair transplant in NY without consulting True & Dorin to be a seriously incomplete one.

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I flew all the way from Europe to have my HT with Dr Feller in November 05. My results so far are on view in the photo section. My surgery went well; no pain, no swelling, no complications and now I'm growing hair and it looks natural. So, I have no hesitations with recommending Dr Feller - in fact I'm flying over again next month to see him for his opinion on what could be done about my crown.



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Sorry, but your math doesn't work out. You said you've "seen hair transplants as an adult since 1965...so I know what I'm talking about".


You then say that you are 52 years old. I don't think that an eleven year old is an adult and I find it odd that you were looking at hair transplants as a sixth grader. Is this simply a typo?

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I stand corrected. What I should have said is that I saw my first hair transplant patient in 1965 on an adult, my father, (not as an adult). He struggled with the result all of his life. His experience made me very cautious and discriminating in pursuing this for myself.


I apologize for my mistype. After all I am 52 years old.

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Look at Dr. feller's latest pic post. Flawless. While I like what I've seen from True, the statement that you'd be short changed by not checking him out, before going to Feller or elsewhere, is simply not TRUE. No pun intended.


The only problem I have with Dr. True is past association with his firm Elliott & True. Man, the internet is filled with problem horror stories about that. I know for certain Dr. True regrets this and has moved on and moved up but we often have to drag our pasts around.


Feller, Hasson, Shapiro just don't have those problems.


I took issue with a former patient of Dr. Williams coming on here as a new member "POST surgery" and beating the drum. I will say that while it is not the case here, I do really HATE overzealous statements. And the one about making a mistake by NOT consulting TRUE, and NO SURGEON has more expertise than TRUE, and a new poster GUARANTEES results, is a turn-off. Don't you guys realize that?


I think here if Pat or Jotronic "guarantees" something, it has merit. I think it would be a serious mistake in not consulting with one or two coalition memebers. And lastly I think there are a collective few coalition docs on here, THAT are the best surgeons in the world. Dr. Feller is certainly coming on strong and any conversation that doesn't at least include Hasson is INCOMPLETE. Don't have to use them, just realize that it's just the way it is.


And just to clarify, I love Dr. Keene. I like her manner the best of all. But I will also say that I've had all my teeth done perfectly by a female doc, my general physician is female and awesome! My accountant is female, a business partner female, HELL!!!....my girlfriend is female! And if I decide to cheat on her....it will be with a female.


But I'm certainly not going to tell you that if you don't consult with her you're doomed. She'll tell you that. I actually recommend Hasson from out west here. And until Feller came blazing through I used to tell east coasters to go to Shapiro or Rose if they were uncomfortable going Canuck.

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Good Post Bezane....


I think Dr. Feller is really doing some awesome work and he is climbing my personal ladder, from the things I have seen. In talking around, people seem to really like the guy as well. With that said, I think Dr. Dorin has really stepped up to the plate as well. I have not really heard anything about Dr.True, other than his association with Dr. Elliot, (not something that should be held against him at this point), but doing your homework is paramount in this type of situation.

While I dislike the "first-time" poster endorsement, I can understand what is happening, and I am ok with it, as long as it taken with a grain of salt. When Coalition surgeons encourage patients to post results or accounts of their surgery, this is often the result. What I look for is someone who rabidly continues to push a particular doctor from DAY ONE. Just posting a few endorsements is OK (as long as the doc is a good one!)and our membership here does a great job of policing (yourself, hairbank, Troy, Gorpy, and to many others to name!)this type of behavior.

PS.... I am glad your GIRLFRIEND is a girl icon_biggrin.gif

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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andyb, I think you made some very powerfull statements. I do have concern with, people come on here and are very emotional and see this as a avenue to help them get back to where they want to be. Some start not knowing much at all about this process and are so emotionally stirred up they may take your comments and take action on them. What if something did go wrong, would you truely guarentee it? It sounds like you have been very pleased with your results, I believe the best you can do, is from your own perspective simply tell your expirence-no hype. Also to personally guarentee someone results is completely against cosmetic surgery, remember we sign the waiver before we even start? After being a part of this forum since last september I have come to believe there is not a "best" doc, but rather what a person feels is best for them on thier personal journey going through research. This, of coarse is just my opinion.

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no guarantee's in life but death and taxes. also everyone has diff anatomy and cell makeup, one person's body could do very well with a transplant with great results and others might have soso results. That explains "somewhat" why one patient could be fine with one procedure and other's need 2 or 3.

1045 FUT "hairline" with Dr Feller on Nov 05

825 "hairline" with Dr Loria "saw so so results" on Jan 01

MHR 325 "hairline" micro/mini 's 1999 "big mistake"

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I am also a patient of Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. Both of them have performed surgery on me. Both of these doctors are meticulous in their work. I have documented my journey in my Webblog. I highly recommended both of these doctors. On my second surgery I asked Dr. Dorin how he could do something so tetious day in and day out and he stated 'I find it very relaxing'. I think that says a lot on it's own. It's really is an art form.


My Webblog

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Hey Northern, it seems you're progressing nicely. I'm curious about the donor area. It looks long!


Do you have any idea what the width of the strip was? You said 1800 grafts in front, was that everything? Your blog shows lots of crown. I imagine you had that done as well. What was your total count?


Good luck, but it seems you're well on your way to success. The post op looked easy. Good work.

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Originally posted by PB:

I flew all the way from Europe to have my HT with Dr Feller in November 05. My results so far are on view in the photo section. My surgery went well; no pain, no swelling, no complications and now I'm growing hair and it looks natural. So, I have no hesitations with recommending Dr Feller - in fact I'm flying over again next month to see him for his opinion on what could be done about my crown.



No pain, no swelling. Come on, everyone has alittle of both or one. I had my transplant done with Dr. Feller. He did good work, but my hairline seems crooked, I am waiting for the 6 month period, for the hair to really grow and have a second look at with with dr. feller. The pain was really bad for me the day after the surgery, I almost could not bare it. My swelling started on the 2nd day and last for 5 days. Although, Dr. Feller does great work, lets not say no swelling, no pain, no nothing. There is always something.

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Originally posted by PB:


No pain, no swelling. Come on, everyone has alittle of both or one. I had my transplant done with Dr. Feller. He did good work, but my hairline seems crooked, I am waiting for the 6 month period, for the hair to really grow and have a second look at with with dr. feller. The pain was really bad for me the day after the surgery, I almost could not bare it. My swelling started on the 2nd day and last for 5 days. Although, Dr. Feller does great work, lets not say no swelling, no pain, no nothing. There is always something.





Well... I am now 10 days out from my hair transplant with Dr. Shapiro and thus far: no swelling (I followed the post-op instructions for icing and definitely took it easy plus took the recommended medication) and as for pain - I've had no pain at all. I was very tired the night of surgery and even the following day, I had to lie down for a five hour afternoon 'nap'. Now, I'm not going to say that there's no numbness (there is) and that the scar isn't awkward to sleep on, but there's certainly not been any pain.


I suppose it's all in expectations. If someone had never had a HT before, I would warn them that there would definitely be some 'uncomfortableness' afterwards, and potentially some minor pain and/or swelling, but I'd also say that they may be lucky and experience no pain or swelling.


I think this much has as much to do with the doctor as the patient and their own characteristics and how they follow the post-op instructions.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Mark Baxa is a crook. The guy bought his business from Dr Loria and wouldn't honor my deposit. I lost $1,500 dollars because he bought the business, all the instruments,employs the same staff, and owns all the previous doctors client information and every thing that went with it... BUT, he didn't buy the company name so he didn't have to honor my deposit... AVOID HIM! HE IS A CROOK! I went to Dr True in 1996 and his work wasn't that impressive.

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Originally posted by jason_d:
Originally posted by PB:

I flew all the way from Europe to have my HT with Dr Feller in November 05. My results so far are on view in the photo section. My surgery went well; no pain, no swelling, no complications and now I'm growing hair and it looks natural. So, I have no hesitations with recommending Dr Feller - in fact I'm flying over again next month to see him for his opinion on what could be done about my crown.



No pain, no swelling. Come on, everyone has alittle of both or one. I had my transplant done with Dr. Feller. He did good work, but my hairline seems crooked, I am waiting for the 6 month period, for the hair to really grow and have a second look at with with dr. feller. The pain was really bad for me the day after the surgery, I almost could not bare it. My swelling started on the 2nd day and last for 5 days. Although, Dr. Feller does great work, lets not say no swelling, no pain, no nothing. There is always something.


As I said, NO swelling at all. I took the painkillers before the anaesthetic wore off. Obviously there would have been pain without the painkillers but they took care of the pain completely ??“ I took the next painkiller before the effects of the previous one wore off and didn't experience any pain (well OK, I could feel pain begin to kick in as the effects of each painkiller wore off if I was late taking the next one but the painkillers worked). The sutures caused some discomfort but not really pain.


Having your teeth root canals drilled and filed (especially when the file goes through the tip of the root and stabs you in the inside of your head) by an incompetent dentist, when the anaesthetic doesn't work is what I call pain. A HT is nothing compared to that!

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I had 2 procedures with Dr True and I recommend him as well. Professional, down to earth , and very good at what he does. Im sure the others are very good as well so you should meet them all and go by your gut feeling. No doubt all the names mentioned would do a spectacular job as all are great artists. Just use the Coalition docs ^ you should be fine!


Good luck



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I had 1812 follicular units transplanted on my second tranplant surgery. The donor was 33cm long and 13mm wide. The first transplant surgery had 2654 follicular units transplanted and a donor of 34 cm long and 14 mm wide. I only had 900 or so put in the crown on the second transplant. I am hoping to get my crown done in the near future.



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