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new user...need help with hair transplant

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I am 32 and completely bald and depressed. i am tired of looking in mirror and go s***t. i dont know if hair transplant is going to work for me or not but i am afraid to try it. i walk around with shaved head and always hear funny jokes about my baldness. I need to know a best Dr and go with the procedure. Please help......... can i see the procedure or meet any patient to see the results?

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I am 32 and completely bald and depressed. i am tired of looking in mirror and go s***t. i dont know if hair transplant is going to work for me or not but i am afraid to try it. i walk around with shaved head and always hear funny jokes about my baldness. I need to know a best Dr and go with the procedure. Please help......... can i see the procedure or meet any patient to see the results?

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  • Senior Member

If you mean you are completely bald on top (NW 6 or 7), you will require strip surgery.


I suggest you read the posts here, look at the photo albums and blogs, make a list of surgeons you would consider. After that, contact the surgeons for a consultation to make sure that you are a candidate for HT surgery and to get an estimate of the number of grafts you will require and how much donor hair you have. Request to be able to meet some of the patients. Then make your choice and make an appointment. There is nothing to worry about if you go to one of the top HT surgeons - they won't do the surgery on you if you are not a candidate and are not likely to get satisfactory results.


(I have also experienced all the bald jokes "take your swimming cap off" etc. icon_mad.gif But now I'm growing hair - no more swimming cap jokes icon_biggrin.gif)



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Baldman,I am a good norwood 6,needing around 200 cm's replanted.Sure there are deals out there on hair tranplants,but i know i only have so much donor area to work with,so i am not going to take any chances.It is either going to be Dr.Keene,Wong/Hasson,or Dr Schpiro.IMHO,those are the best,i will not take any chances with anyone else.If you look at Wong/Hassons website you will see a gentleman that got over 5,000 grafts in one session.


Here is something to work with that is from Dr.Keenes website;


Thin: 10-15 grafts per square cm on average - provides contour and thinning coverage, see through in certain lighting.

Moderate: 15-20 grafts per square cm on average - moderate coverage and contour.

Cosmetically Dense: 30-60 grafts per square cm on average - in most cases imperceptible difference between this density and normal hair.


That will give you a guide to help you calculate your desired transplant results.One rule of thumb to consider,curly hair does look thicker and after i get my transplant and has grown to a considerable healthy stage i am going to get a perm.

Also,do not get multiple small sessions,the best is to sart with a megasession of 4,000 grafts mininum,i am going to go for 5,000 if i have enough donor area.If you do some research you will find that is the best way to go for your initial transplant of a larger bald area(like mine,(lol)

My game plan is to get the best coverage i can with what i have until hair manipulation is sucessfully accomplished.

Good luck!and remember,you do get what you pay for,i want the best and i am working and saving for it.Don't cut yourself short,>icon_smile.gif~

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Keep reading this and other forums Baldman (that's quite a handle you have there,maybe in a year or so you can change it to "Lions mane")Your best friend in this situation is education and knowledge about HT's. While most people get great results some butchering still goes on and that's worse than being bald. Find a good doctor with a good rep. and make sure he understands exactly what YOU want.

I'd say you'd need 2 op's. (but Im no Dr.)

Some guys with NW6 get the front done first then go back to get the back done 6-12 months later. Dont let price be an issue.You're not buying a gift for your mother-in-law.

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You've been given lots of solid advice here. Look around at results of posters here (and results from the Coalition Surgeon's websites) that mirror your loss. Then, schedule a few consults to see what they have to say about your donor area and potential coverage.


This Graft Calculator is a useful tool in helping you determine the number of grafts needed to achieve your desired outcome. You'll need at least 45 grafts per sq cm of coverage for the appearance of hair density. Most will go with 45-55 per sq cm in front/top then taper to 25-35 sq cm in the crown.


I'd tell you to try propecia (and it still could help you) but at your stage of loss it sadly sounds like there's nothing left to keep on top. However, Propecia may help you keep the fringe around your head from receeding further downward. You might get some opinions regarding this during your consults.


Keep your chin up, get some consults to help assist you with making an informed decision, research.....research......research and keep us posted on your journey.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Baldman, i'm 4 days from a HT with Dr Epstein. i was concedering one in ireland, found this site and did the research. i'm off to miami soon for procedure and a little holiday. point is that there are some fantastic people on this forum they will answer your questions, will gladly accept private messages from compleat strangers and in return will know the answers and will see you right. use the site get the information,take your time till you are happy with your choice of doctor-)

HT2 2570 grafts Dr Feller

HT 2350 grafts Dr Epstein

Finax 1mg per day

nizoral 2% 3/week

MSM 3000 mg / day




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Welcome to our community. As you can see you are in great company here, with many knowledgable people who are willing to share great advice (thanks to all who have given the above sound advice).


If you are realistic about what you can achieve and go to one of the very best clinics you should achieve a real and natural improvement in your appearance. If you view the photos at the Hair Transplant Network photo gallery or the blogs you will soon see what I mean.


No one goes from extreme baldness to Elvis. But dramatic improvements can be achieved.


Best wishes for going from "Baldman32" to "Distinguishedman32".

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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I had some repairs done in January and 2,400 transplants. I could not be happier, even though I am only now starting to see growth. It is amzing how proud you become of the growth. My kids and wife think it looks great already and that I look younger. Bernstein did my transplant. I don't think My scalp could have handled 5,000 in one session, although I will need another session for better coverage. Good luck----if you go with a top doc----you will have good results if you are a candidate for the procedure.

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If you say you are completely bald at 32, chances are you aren't a good candidate for HT, and could be even worse off after an HT than you are now. Talk about depression, would you rather be naturally bald, or have a head of hair that looks like a hair tranplant because you didn't have enough donor hair to get complete coverage?


If you are exaggerating when you say you are completely bald, and things aren't that bad, then maybe you should get on some meds for at least a few months to a year, see if that stabilizes things or even shrinks the balding area down a bit, then pursue options if you still want a HT. Worst thing to do is rush into a HT because you don't like being bald- also, if the meds don't work, then you will continue to bald, and in that case, HT is just not a good idea at all...it certainly isn't for everyone.

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Baldman32, do you have any pics?

Give everyone a better idea of your situation and it can maybe lead to some better advice.

Alexander has a point.HT's are not for everyone but it would be a pity to scare you off without actually seeing your hair first.

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