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Bobman's 20th Class Reunion


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Well here I am...and this weekend was great! Two nights of meeting people that I haven't seen in forever. Fact is and I'll cut to the chase....EVERYONE said plain and simply that I look like I haven't changed a bit. Many have changed....and there were the classic goatee/shaved heads and whatnot. And there were many that didn't. At the end of it all and with a friend that I had been hanging with...I confided in her what I had done....she was very impressed. Now I'm working on a new goal....gotta keep the momentum going to be my best.....you know the drill. Thanks again fellas for everything!


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Bobman, must have been awesome, you look great, congatulations. Very inspiring.


Just curious, did you notice any bad HT jobs on any of the attendees, I assume your hairdar was scanning the crowd? Was this upcoming reunion a small motivation for your transformation?


Good luck with the new goals!





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stumper: No topic or anything...all natur'al.


nobuzz4me: no-one had any Ht's that I could tell. I normally don't scan for them...the bad ones just kinda "pop" out at cha, right? The reunion wasn't really the reason for my transformation...just something I could appreciate this time around.


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Larry David: Must have been the right sweater to wear, since I got hit on (strong) by about three very fine ladies that evening. icon_wink.gif


Martin: "jumper"??? and it's 1986 buddy. LOL!


Well Nobuzz...I guess you can't please everyone.


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Glad to hear things went well at the reunion. I continue to be amazed at your change.............the dew looks great!!


Styling question for you.........how long do you wear it?? I'm still at the end of letting HT#2 mature but want to grow the hair out and try a few things. It's be nice going to a hairstylist versus being my own barber for so many years!


Thanks for what you've given back and what you continue to do for others who have hair loss!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


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Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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It looks likes the votes are in and its big no on the sweater and a big yes on every thing under and above the sweater :-) I think you would win the award for most amazing transformation of the year if this site had one. Thanks for being an inspiration to many.



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hairbank: I have been happy with more volume up front and keeping the sides and back tighter for a cleaner look. Actually sitting in a stylist's chair for more than five minutes IS a great feeling, I agree. You're so welcome...and you know what they say about "giving"....it comes back 10 fold. Have a great Christmas!


Pat: You're killing me with this sweater thing....AH! But a big THANK YOU for the compliment...coming from you it's really nice to hear.


Michaellovesnyc: Thank you my "non-gay" buddy! And, sorry but I didn't do any banging of old classmates...not that the offer(s) weren't there. Funny, I did see a couple of guys walk out at the end of the night with former classmate chickies...hmmmmm? To add to your first comment...I just found out from a woman I'm dating that she confided in me that I'm the "hot Dad" of the school where I pick up my son...you know how women talk...funny stuff.


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HK500: Thank you...I like helping where I can.


John: "that gay"...ha ha ha, you're too funny. I don't really have any idea on the meds question....we'll have to see over time. Fact is....almost all my hair on my crown and top are HT. So, I believe its just a matter of taking care of one's self through proper diet and excercises, vitamins etc... all that should help in the long run in my opinion.


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Bill: Glad I helped you...your choice was top notch! I'm sure your gonna look great when all is said and done. Thank you for the kudos!


iwanthair: LOL! At my age these days....thats all there is!


Michaellovesync: Wow...and Thanks!


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Michaellovesnyc: Sorry, didn't see the next reply you posted... I style my hair when it's wet, then let it settle that way. Afterwards..I usually use my hands to brush through it. If it seems difficult to deal with, I'll wet a brush a bit and use that...or, I'll use some soft mouse or palm aid for control. That evening was simple....just wet, style, let dry and wet brush. Thanks for the compliment on my hair style of choice these days. I'll be going much shorter this summer....maybe even buzz. :P


Spex: Nobody suspected a thing...they just said I hadn't changed since High School. A compliment I gladly accepted. icon_wink.gif


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