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cancelled surgery with SMG

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I wanted to thank everyone who took time to personally speak with me and who answered my posts here. I never thought anything would ever give me good results. Ive been on propecia for 16 mos. which was probaly keeping the hairs maybe. I am a diffuse thinner and Matt from SMG told me to try the rogaine foam. Well I didnt like the idea because you have to use it forever.I wanted 3000 grafts from SMG my attitude was shave it down and lest get this over with.Matt convinced me and I tried the rogain foam and 4.5 mos later the results have been quite good, I first started noticing longer hairs in my brush. The top of my head just didnt grow before,when ever I would get a haircut all that was cut was the sides and back. I went from seeing my scalp to now barely seeing it. I decided to cancel because I need to give the rogain a full year. There are only 3 or 4 hairs in my brush now compared to 10 or 12 mos ago. My wife is the one who said something mos ago about the top of my head getting thin, the other day I got out of the shower dried my hair combed it and asked for her opinion she said a definite improvement. I also am using nizoral shampoo I feel anyone who still has some hair get on all three of these atleast for a year, for some people the results are great. Then make your choice. I did loose my $700 plane fare The choice wasnt easy I waited 6 mos for an opening with Ron Shapiro but I had to go with my gut. It just proves that weak hair follicles can grow and get thicker. Good luck to everyone that has to battle MPB. I will post some pics in the future befores and afters, Jeff

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  • Regular Member

I wanted to thank everyone who took time to personally speak with me and who answered my posts here. I never thought anything would ever give me good results. Ive been on propecia for 16 mos. which was probaly keeping the hairs maybe. I am a diffuse thinner and Matt from SMG told me to try the rogaine foam. Well I didnt like the idea because you have to use it forever.I wanted 3000 grafts from SMG my attitude was shave it down and lest get this over with.Matt convinced me and I tried the rogain foam and 4.5 mos later the results have been quite good, I first started noticing longer hairs in my brush. The top of my head just didnt grow before,when ever I would get a haircut all that was cut was the sides and back. I went from seeing my scalp to now barely seeing it. I decided to cancel because I need to give the rogain a full year. There are only 3 or 4 hairs in my brush now compared to 10 or 12 mos ago. My wife is the one who said something mos ago about the top of my head getting thin, the other day I got out of the shower dried my hair combed it and asked for her opinion she said a definite improvement. I also am using nizoral shampoo I feel anyone who still has some hair get on all three of these atleast for a year, for some people the results are great. Then make your choice. I did loose my $700 plane fare The choice wasnt easy I waited 6 mos for an opening with Ron Shapiro but I had to go with my gut. It just proves that weak hair follicles can grow and get thicker. Good luck to everyone that has to battle MPB. I will post some pics in the future befores and afters, Jeff

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  • Senior Member

That is great news JFO!!!!!!


It is good to hear that you have gained enough to put off surgery!!!!!!


There can be no better option, IMHO.


Keep us updated my man,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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that is awesome news. Its always to good to see hair growing back naturally and no need for surgery.


Along with B Spot i cant wait to see some photos.


It just shows that technology and medication are getting better and better every year and sometime in the near future we may see (and hopefully) something that will help regrow more hair instead of HT as the only option.


Thanks for sharing your story jfo and now i am thinking of using those medications when i lose more hair.



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  • Senior Member

Hi Jeff,


Most of my posts today mainly contained rogaine and propecia usage. I'm sure I sound like a broken record. It's great to hear the meds are having a great effect on you. Good luck and I hope you never have to worry about hair loss again. Take care!

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The exciting part is its only been 4.5 mos. I will reevaluate my situation in 12 to 18 mos. I hope the use of rogain, finesteride and nizoral shampoo, will conquer my MPB. If I feel that a HT is needed well I know where to go.The more I read it seems like the rogain and propecia/proscar kinda go hand in hand. IMO you need to be on both to truly get an upperhand on your hairloss, then if it that dont work go with the HT. The earlier you start the better. I guess is all defends how much DHT is in your body. If there is a high amount then even the big three might not work, Jeff

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That is great news! Your testimony certainly gives credibility to the advice of the many knowledgable members who advise to try non surgical FDA approved hair loss drugs like Propecia and Rogaine first before undergoing hair transplant surgery.


I am glad to hear that you have gained enough hair back to postpone hair transplant surgery.


Best wishes,



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