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Excellent result - National Hair Institute


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Hello all


I have had 2 HTs with National Hair Institute in Melbourne and could not be happier. The result is so natural and full that none of my friends ever picked that I had it done.


In my opinion the two best clinics in Australia are National Hair Institute and The Sydney Clinic of Hair Restoration (Dr Russel Knudsen).

These are two genuine and honest clinics who will guarantee a good result.


If you are thinking of having a hair transplant and unsure of who to go with, have a consultation with the clinics and make up your mind.


The best piece of advice is to check this link from the National Hair Institute website:

(promotional link removed)


This lists the most important things you should look out for and ask the hair transplant clinic during your consultation and will save you a lot of pain. The info is useful no matter which clinic you go to.



A friend of mine recently had a consultation with Dr Jennifer Martinick's clinic and asked her if she offers a guarantee. She clearly and bluntly told him that it is impossible to offer a guarantee due to the possibility of the scalp rejecting the transplanted hair. My friend asked what if he has the procedure and after 12 months no hair has grown? Will she fix it or give his money back? Do you know what she said to him?? "You will just have to wear it. There is nothing we can do about it!"


Don't know about you but I would never go to a clinic that does not offer a written guarantee.


Remember that the right clinic is the one that you feel most comfortable with during the consultation who does meet the criteria listed within that link I sent you.




If anyone has any questions about my experiences with NHI, do not hesitate to ask me.


Mr X

100% satisfied patient of NHI

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Congrats on your HT. Just know, that when someone makes their very first post, without divulging pics, and it pumps up a certain clinic....it comes off as "shillish"...not saying I even think this, but just so you might understand any feelings of skepticism that come across.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Hello all


Please find an attachment showing 3 shots of my hairline. One in the evening, one in the sunlight and one of a slightly side on view in the shade. The one in the shade had my whole body in it so some resolution was lost when I zoomed to the hairline.


I always said that if I ever made a post in a forum, that I will never say anything that will result in a backlash from readers. I guess as a hair loss forum rookie I have already broken the rules.


I was a Norwood 4 when I had the first HT a few years ago and had my second one just over a year ago. None of my friends know I had it done but I did tell them that I do take Propecia. So there is no way I am letting people see my face.


This forum did request surgeon reviews and that is all I have done. Given my positive feedback as well as mentioning what occurred to a friend of mine my information is to be used as a guide. I don't care if you do have a transplant or where you go to have it.


There is nothing wrong with being a skeptic as I am sure some of you have been burnt by clinics in the past.

Perhaps you found out that the super growth program offerred by the clinic was just a Proscar/Minoxidil combination which you could have purchased at any chemist for 1/5 of the price you paid.

Perhaps you were made to think that a "laser program" would grow your hair as promised by the salesman only to realise it was never going to happen?

Or the advanced technology that guaranteed a full head of hair was found out to simply be a glued on wig?


I have read enough posts in my time to know how many have been burnt.


I am sorry if my message sounded like a "salesman" as some of you put it.


Enjoy the photos and I will not offer any opinions from now on unless asked.


Mr X


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3rd shot.


My initial plan which was to past the 3 onto a word document did not work.

I tried to save the crops as JPGs but that did not work either.

So I basically printed up the word document and then scanned the shots.

Still clear enough.

I had about 2600 in the first HT and just over 2000 on the secon.


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Guest josh - b

mr x,


All you've done is post very blurry pics of a hairline...so what? Where are you before pics, immediate post op pics and final result pics using a standard quality camera?


As a sydney resident i've researched all aussie docs and clinics.

National hair institute is i believe Dr Barry Whites clinic. The same dr barry white that was kicked off here a couple of years ago by pat for performing substandard work.


Here's the link (there are plenty more)



There are plenty more examples of dr whites shoddy work.

He also advertises on national tv in australia and trust me, if his ads didn't put u off ,nothing would. icon_eek.gif

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It is obvious that many people post negative comments on forums no matter what you write.


Sorry to those who were interested in hearing more about my feedback.


Good luck on your searches. Keep positive and do your research so that you can judge for yourself.

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Guest josh - b
Originally posted by MrX:

It is obvious that many people post negative comments on forums no matter what you write.



you are the one that in your very first post here made negative comments about one doctor (martinik) while clearly promoting what would be seen as a rival doctor in australia(white)


The doctor you glowingly promote has a well documented dreadful reputation.


So, rather than skulking off , why don't you back up your initial gushing post by posting proper clear and concise pics, pre op, post op and grown out.

I won't however hold my breath

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If you are truly a legitimate patient, then congratulations. Often, our members are skeptical of newcomers who seem to be promoting a particular clinic without posting surgical details and pictures.


I do appreciate however, that you posted a few photos.


I encourage you to share your surgical experience and post before, immediately postoperative, and after pictures at various angles so we can see the quality of work performed on you. The easiest way to do this is by creating a hair loss weblog. Please do not post promotional links however.


Best wishes and happy growing!



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the pictures look old like 70's style. And to boot they look like a magazine photo copied onto your computer. I can say that I have a cheap digital camara,but your post pics look a bit shady. I would stay clear from one of your posts actually,just because I was a newbie on this site since last october and by never having a post up. Yeah like one guy said (go for the trifecta) I am a bit disturbed by this post and all the people who are on this site need to trust each other,but like the lord said there would be wolfs in sheeps clothing among you. Please if you are going to post, lets see before pics,post op and just not the wonder shot WHICH LOOKS FAKE IN MY EYES. SORRY SIR BUT I CALL IT AS I SEE IT. COMPARE YOUR PICS TO OTHERS WHO HAVE POSTED AND YOURS LOOK LIKE A MAGAZINE SHOT. MAYBE BY SOME CHANCE THAT I AM WRONG AND I WILL APOLIGIZE BECAUSE I DO WANT TO JUDGE YOU,BUT MAYBE I AM RIGHT AND I WILL TAKE THE CHANCE TO PROTECT THE SHEEP IN THIS FLOCK SITE.

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Hi Guys,


National Hair Institute has a terrible reputation in Australia. They advertise heavily and they used to be recommended on this site a while back.


They got kicked off this site partly because of my experiences with them. I know over 5 different cases were people are dissatisfied with their work.


Even Dr. Wood's mentioned that he has had former patients coming from National Hair Institute seeking repair Heck, when I walked into his clinic looking for repair work Dr. Wood's guessed it was Barry White (founder of NHI Australia) who performed the work without me even telling him.


Guys, trust me they are terrible. They're better options out there!

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Guest josh - b

Hi parable,


sorry to post that old link of your bad work with nhi but when they blatently come on here shilling it does my goat.


How did your repair work turn out?

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  • 6 years later...
  • Senior Member
I'm desperately trying to seek some information on results from Australian Doctors and experience of patients who've undergone the HT procedure.


Honestly this topic and pictures are of zero help.


I recommend starting your own discussion thread if you're not finding the information you need.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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