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You will love this story (ever happen to anyone else?)


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Did all my research for my 1st ht!! Had a plan for my family and friends not to figure out That I had a procedure. Since my frontal area was where most of my loss was and I wore an addidas visor everyhere and did not take my hat off around my family,because no one in my family had mpb. So I told my wife after the holidays I would have the ht done and I would not have to see my family until really April (Easter time)and if they noticed something new at Easter, the plan was I was on propecia and rogaine and its not completely lying because I was one of those guys who had great response to the meds and even on the front area. Ive only been on the meds for 3 months and its kicking but man with the ht. I thought I was golden with the family and friends. I saw alot of my friends and its only been 3 weeks since my ht and no one has even detected I had one done, and I have taken off my hat here and there in my buddies presence and they have no clue. I thought I was scott free because I told my new wife that we where going to keep it a secret from my family!!! Reason there a bunch of big mouths. I did want to tell them,but I could not trust them at the holidays with the stares and possibly behind the back chatter. My hairloss is not a world topic!!! Its a bummer to me,but lets not always bring it up,like they did at this past christmas. Big sign to keep the family guessing and just say the meds worked miracles on my head. Remember I only see these people at the holidays but my mother is very close to her 3 sisters and there kids and husbands or aunts and uncles and cousins. Guys Me and my wife have been married for 1 year (newley weds) my wife does talk to my mother alot and they get along great!!! I told my family that I was going to Miami for 4 days for a vacation with my wife and new born daughter 7 months,but that is where also my ht doc was located and thought I had the perfect plan. I told my wife over and over for two months before the ht not to tell anyone(not a sole) She seemed trustworthy,but she has been known to drop the ball with secrets. I thought without a doubt she would never do this to me. I was the most worried about my mother finding out because she is the biggest blabber you could ever meet. You know one of those mothers that seems so caring,but shares everything with her sisters and the sisters are just like my mom, same family same talkers. So this is what happenned!!! I saw my brother for the 1st time today and he mentioned how was my trip to Miami and how did your ht go!!!! I was like what are you talking about man!!! I then told him he had got some pretty wrong info and I played it off with who the heck is starting these rumors and I immeditely took my hat off and said does this head look like a hairtransplant has been done on it??? (my ht guys was that good!!) He was shocked and said im sorry,but my girl friend cecelia told me that and she found out from our mother, I was like you better squish that fast my brother,and these people better get there facts straight. After leaving my brother, I called my wife and said did you say something to my mother? She denied it bigtime!!! I was like you where the only person who knew my lovely trusting wife. You better get real with me before I explode. She then confessed and said its no big deal. I was like you know my family and how they talk!!! You gotta be eating rocks in life not to detect that my family is a bunch of gossipers. I said to wife I have to call my mother right away and see if she told anyone else and I hung up on my wife. I called my mothers and she answered and I said hello how are you? She said good!!!! I then said I know that you know that I had something done to my hair!! She was like what are you talking about son? I said ma, dont be playing games with me, my wife told me she spilled the beans to you!!! My mother says oh yeah that!!! My next question was so who did you tell in the family and why did you tell my brothers girlfriend? My mothers reply was everybody knows in the family!!! Guys that means all my aunts,uncles,cousins and there friends. This sucks!!!!!!!! any help boys I got all this news today!!! and Im pissed at my mother,so that means she gets no calls from me for awhile or gets to see the new grand daughter. She is on my shitlist with my wife. I think its funny and comical at the same time,because I thought I had the perfect plan,but it was foiled!!!! Guys make sure your wives read this messege because even your family can take you down.

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Did all my research for my 1st ht!! Had a plan for my family and friends not to figure out That I had a procedure. Since my frontal area was where most of my loss was and I wore an addidas visor everyhere and did not take my hat off around my family,because no one in my family had mpb. So I told my wife after the holidays I would have the ht done and I would not have to see my family until really April (Easter time)and if they noticed something new at Easter, the plan was I was on propecia and rogaine and its not completely lying because I was one of those guys who had great response to the meds and even on the front area. Ive only been on the meds for 3 months and its kicking but man with the ht. I thought I was golden with the family and friends. I saw alot of my friends and its only been 3 weeks since my ht and no one has even detected I had one done, and I have taken off my hat here and there in my buddies presence and they have no clue. I thought I was scott free because I told my new wife that we where going to keep it a secret from my family!!! Reason there a bunch of big mouths. I did want to tell them,but I could not trust them at the holidays with the stares and possibly behind the back chatter. My hairloss is not a world topic!!! Its a bummer to me,but lets not always bring it up,like they did at this past christmas. Big sign to keep the family guessing and just say the meds worked miracles on my head. Remember I only see these people at the holidays but my mother is very close to her 3 sisters and there kids and husbands or aunts and uncles and cousins. Guys Me and my wife have been married for 1 year (newley weds) my wife does talk to my mother alot and they get along great!!! I told my family that I was going to Miami for 4 days for a vacation with my wife and new born daughter 7 months,but that is where also my ht doc was located and thought I had the perfect plan. I told my wife over and over for two months before the ht not to tell anyone(not a sole) She seemed trustworthy,but she has been known to drop the ball with secrets. I thought without a doubt she would never do this to me. I was the most worried about my mother finding out because she is the biggest blabber you could ever meet. You know one of those mothers that seems so caring,but shares everything with her sisters and the sisters are just like my mom, same family same talkers. So this is what happenned!!! I saw my brother for the 1st time today and he mentioned how was my trip to Miami and how did your ht go!!!! I was like what are you talking about man!!! I then told him he had got some pretty wrong info and I played it off with who the heck is starting these rumors and I immeditely took my hat off and said does this head look like a hairtransplant has been done on it??? (my ht guys was that good!!) He was shocked and said im sorry,but my girl friend cecelia told me that and she found out from our mother, I was like you better squish that fast my brother,and these people better get there facts straight. After leaving my brother, I called my wife and said did you say something to my mother? She denied it bigtime!!! I was like you where the only person who knew my lovely trusting wife. You better get real with me before I explode. She then confessed and said its no big deal. I was like you know my family and how they talk!!! You gotta be eating rocks in life not to detect that my family is a bunch of gossipers. I said to wife I have to call my mother right away and see if she told anyone else and I hung up on my wife. I called my mothers and she answered and I said hello how are you? She said good!!!! I then said I know that you know that I had something done to my hair!! She was like what are you talking about son? I said ma, dont be playing games with me, my wife told me she spilled the beans to you!!! My mother says oh yeah that!!! My next question was so who did you tell in the family and why did you tell my brothers girlfriend? My mothers reply was everybody knows in the family!!! Guys that means all my aunts,uncles,cousins and there friends. This sucks!!!!!!!! any help boys I got all this news today!!! and Im pissed at my mother,so that means she gets no calls from me for awhile or gets to see the new grand daughter. She is on my shitlist with my wife. I think its funny and comical at the same time,because I thought I had the perfect plan,but it was foiled!!!! Guys make sure your wives read this messege because even your family can take you down.

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djdennis, First of all, congrats on your 2953 grafts!!! That's a decent amount of work and should look great! I think you learned a good lesson with telling family--anything, unless you want it repeated. I've learned that if something slips out when I talking, the last thing I'll say is, "don't tell anyone".

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For those of us who've never told a soul I guess we want people to think it's au natural (I know I do). I've planted a couple seeds with the "I just ordered up some Propecia" story. If the final results looks as good as I'm thinking they will then I think I'll develop some sort of amnesia and forget I've ever even had one icon_smile.gif


Damn Women chatterboxes icon_smile.gif Now that the word is out it might be easiest to just go with it. In 7-8 months they all be like NG2GB and want to rub their grubby little mittens all over your wonderful new mop top. Just imagine! Christmas time might look like monkeys grooming.


Hey Bill. How come this message board doesn't allow you to imbed video code ? If it does how?

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I hate to break it to you, but families are suppossed to be supportive of each other. my entire family knows and they have really been there for me. i mean, these are the people who love you and you should be able to tell. also, if you have mpb, someones else in your family probably will suffer from it too. you can be in the unique position of helping a nephew or cousin or brother with all of your wonderful knowledge on the subject. and if they snicker? so what! once the ht is grown in i guarentee they'll be impressed. besides i'm sure if they just rib you a bit eventually they'll just forget about it.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Dude, BE PROUD of yourself!


A great HT is like a great boob job.... good for EVERYONE!!!!


You will find that YOU are much more worried about your HT than others. Eventually,people will forget, etc... except when they go bald or someone they know is looking for a HT doc.


Most people are too afraid to treat baldness with surgery, so don't worry about it.... strut your stuff and hold you head up and wait for the "Did you lose weight" and "What have you been doing, you look younger.." questions.


On another note--- your Mom and daughter deserve to see each other AMAP. Next to mom and dad, grandma's love is the best recipe for success--- slip some ex-lax in her coffee, etc... but don't hold your kid away from her!!!!


Talk to you later,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I would be angry too because it would feel like a betrayal of trust. That sounds like something you really have to talk to your wife about. Perhaps ask her how she would feel if you told a bunch of people something she desperately wanted to keep a secret?


On a brighter note, the novelty of the fact that you had a hair transplant will wear off in time with your family. But for you, your new head of hair will be forever and you will enjoy that the rest of your life icon_smile.gif.



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Those are tough shoes to be in. Your wife knows the nature of your family and its ability of sharing information, she knew how much of a secret you wanted it to be... BUT ... At the end of the day, it is your family. Not like she went to the local media or radio stations. In addition, you've got the hard yards out of the way and you will now benefit heavily from having a world class HT!


None of my bidness, but don't be to rough on your Mom. No doubt she has your best interest at heart and your daughter will also be short changed if she loses time with good 'ole grand ma ma!



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Bitterness is a Disease and we will not have it,so thanks guys for your input. My wife does not think an ht is a big deal,but I use wisdom in who I share certain info with. I dont want to load any ammunition for someone to try to use against me in the future. My wife has to learn wisdom. She does lack it!!! But I love her and I forgive her. I think she has really learned a great lesson about our personal business and we do not need to tell everyone everything.As for my mother, Great mother, but I dont understand her thinking,she has made poor choices from her past and they have arose back in the future to haunt her. Its funny that my mother does come to me for advice, but never takes it!!! She just recently took my advice on a situation and she listened and everything worked out great for her. Maybe she feels less of a mother,because I handle situations in proper order. Where she is fly by night!!! I have to nip this in the bud with my mother and she has to respect my requests. I think this could be an episode on everybody loves Raymond!!! lol, As I said this to will come to pass and everyone will forget eventually and maybe it will open u some doors for others in my family who might feel insecure in other areas or even men in the future of my family with MPB. I JUST NEED TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS TO MY FAMILY. THEY THINK THEY KNOW EVERYTHING!!!! ITS THE MEN IN MY FAMILY WITH FULL HEADS OF HAIR WHICH ARE ALL OF THEM,THAT WILL BE MY DISCOMFORT FOR AWHILE,BUT I WILL RISE TO THE OCCASSION AND WILL NOT BE DEFEATED

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