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April 16th is the big day and..........

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I have to say that I am extremley nervous but excited at the same time! First I want to thank everyone on this forum, you guys are the best. With out places like this and good people like yourselves it is very difficult for guys like me to get the information we need in order to make a informed decision about having a surgery like this done. It has been a long road getting to this point. I am 33 now and I started losing my hair when I was 26, just like everyone else I tried all of the miracle cures that were recomended by friends and late night tv infomercials and suprise suprise none of them worked and I just kept loosing my hair. So one night while I was watching tv I saw a commercial from a local surgeon about hair transplantation so I picked up the phone and made an appointment for a consultation. I have to say that I was not impressed with that surgeon or the next three that I visited. They all told me I needed about a thousand graft and that they could not work in between existing hairs so all they could do for me is rebuild my hairline. My hairline is receeding but I have diffuse thinning on top as well so they couldnt really help me achieve my goal. I just figured that for a guy like me there was nothing that could be done right now so I would have to wait until some surgeon had a break through and figured out how to work in between existing hair to thicken what I have now. So as I continued doing research I started reading about this surgeon in Vancouver named Dr Hasson who was doing things that no other surgeon was doing and was posting results that I have never seen before. If anyone on here as not checked out his site you really should Dr Hasson he has lots of pictures of happy clients and the best of all he has high definition videos on his site that shows what kind of work he does. Guys its INCREDIBLE I just cant get over the results, the density of these guys hair is amazing. At this point I have looked at hundreds of doctors and no one out there is doing the work this guy is. Anyway even after I saw all of this I still wasnt sure so I continued my research and happened to stumble across this site and started talking to guys that have had surgery with Dr Hasson and everyone has been extremley happy with there results. I finally decided to send some pictures in for a virtual consultation and I started talking to Mike at Dr Hasson's Seattle office and I couldnt be happier with the way he has handled all of my questions and the most important part he explained to me how Dr Hasson was able to get the results that he gets..... are you ready DENSE PACKING he can actually do a hairtransplant on a guy like me and actually thicken my hair because he can work in between my existing hair. He is what I have been searching for, a doctor who has taken hair transplantation to the next level! Most surgeons wont touch anything but my hairline but this surgeon is telling me that he will work in between my existing hair and he is confident that I wont have shock loss and I will have a full head of hair, I couldnt believe it. Normally I am a very skeptical person and I feel like I have seen the results and spoken with enough people that have had work done by him to know I have made the right choice. I am going to make sure that I post a lot of pictures so you guys can see my progress. For anyone out there that is looking for a surgeon that is about being a champion of his field and not doing the same procedures that so many other guys are doing you need to see Dr Hasson's and his staff. It took me a long time to take that first step and send in my pictures for a consultation, dont wait its free and he is doing things in this industry that no one else is doing right now! DONT WAIT!

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I have to say that I am extremley nervous but excited at the same time! First I want to thank everyone on this forum, you guys are the best. With out places like this and good people like yourselves it is very difficult for guys like me to get the information we need in order to make a informed decision about having a surgery like this done. It has been a long road getting to this point. I am 33 now and I started losing my hair when I was 26, just like everyone else I tried all of the miracle cures that were recomended by friends and late night tv infomercials and suprise suprise none of them worked and I just kept loosing my hair. So one night while I was watching tv I saw a commercial from a local surgeon about hair transplantation so I picked up the phone and made an appointment for a consultation. I have to say that I was not impressed with that surgeon or the next three that I visited. They all told me I needed about a thousand graft and that they could not work in between existing hairs so all they could do for me is rebuild my hairline. My hairline is receeding but I have diffuse thinning on top as well so they couldnt really help me achieve my goal. I just figured that for a guy like me there was nothing that could be done right now so I would have to wait until some surgeon had a break through and figured out how to work in between existing hair to thicken what I have now. So as I continued doing research I started reading about this surgeon in Vancouver named Dr Hasson who was doing things that no other surgeon was doing and was posting results that I have never seen before. If anyone on here as not checked out his site you really should Dr Hasson he has lots of pictures of happy clients and the best of all he has high definition videos on his site that shows what kind of work he does. Guys its INCREDIBLE I just cant get over the results, the density of these guys hair is amazing. At this point I have looked at hundreds of doctors and no one out there is doing the work this guy is. Anyway even after I saw all of this I still wasnt sure so I continued my research and happened to stumble across this site and started talking to guys that have had surgery with Dr Hasson and everyone has been extremley happy with there results. I finally decided to send some pictures in for a virtual consultation and I started talking to Mike at Dr Hasson's Seattle office and I couldnt be happier with the way he has handled all of my questions and the most important part he explained to me how Dr Hasson was able to get the results that he gets..... are you ready DENSE PACKING he can actually do a hairtransplant on a guy like me and actually thicken my hair because he can work in between my existing hair. He is what I have been searching for, a doctor who has taken hair transplantation to the next level! Most surgeons wont touch anything but my hairline but this surgeon is telling me that he will work in between my existing hair and he is confident that I wont have shock loss and I will have a full head of hair, I couldnt believe it. Normally I am a very skeptical person and I feel like I have seen the results and spoken with enough people that have had work done by him to know I have made the right choice. I am going to make sure that I post a lot of pictures so you guys can see my progress. For anyone out there that is looking for a surgeon that is about being a champion of his field and not doing the same procedures that so many other guys are doing you need to see Dr Hasson's and his staff. It took me a long time to take that first step and send in my pictures for a consultation, dont wait its free and he is doing things in this industry that no one else is doing right now! DONT WAIT!

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  • Senior Member

hey mike


weldone bud , hasson and wong are world class , you sound like your done your reaserch well .


you really can never do enough research , good luck but your in the best of hands .hurry and get some pics up bud , i wanna see ..... i wanna see hahahaha





2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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congrats on your excellent surgeon selection as he is my #1 pick too! I can *completely* relate to your thoughts on Hasson as a surgeon. Im a diffuse thinner as well, and Hasson is one of the few who appear to truly dense pack w/in native hair; also, when I first found H&W's website I was so BLOWN away by their results compared to other docs, I thought it was fake!!! Seriously, it took me many months of research to realize the guys on this forum were legit patients and H&W was indeed truly cranking out such phenomenal mind blowing results compared to all the competition!!!


That being said, are you sure your not already on their pay roll? icon_smile.gif

If I had just joined this site, I would have pegged this as an infomercial!!! You have like TEN Hasson hyper links in your post!!! icon_smile.gificon_razz.gificon_smile.gif Ha hahahah!!! icon_smile.gif


I hope, for Hasson's sake, your not as emotionaly charged and as expressive as you currently are, *if* your a late bloomer and experience extended periods in the doldrum phase! icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif


All in jest my friend. Congrats and keep us posted; care to share any pics, or are you going to after the surgery?


PS---man, can you go back and edit your post? After every 3-4 sentences hit the 'RETURN' button and make some paragraphs? I couldn't make it all the way through that thing, kept getting lost trying to follow each line...

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  • Senior Member

Best of luck to you Mike.


I didn't pick up from your thread when you're going in or what your goals are?? As NG2BB said, you may want to cut that post up into paragraphs icon_biggrin.gif!!


I'm from the school of H&W (Master Wong) and know you'll be pleased with them. From Mike in Seattle to the office in Vancouver, class act all the way around.


I'll look forward to following your story!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Wow, brother. Now THAT is a write up! Seriously, we look forward to having you with us and hope we can live up to your expectations. We'll certainly do everything we can to do just that.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well everyone my HT whent great. I posted some pictures Hair transplant patient photo album the title is Update 04/29 Dr Hasson to the rescue! I am not sure how to put up a direct link to it but you should take a look and tell me what you think! Dr Hasson and his staff really lived up to everything that I exspected him to. I just want to say thanks to Dr Hasson Mike Joe Doug and everyone else at Dr Hassons office you guys couldnt have made me feel more comforatable and at home then you did. It was truly a great experience and for anyone considering having this done this is the place to go!

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