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Newbie here - Question regarding Bosley/Hair Club


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Okay, this is my first post here. I've been trolling for some time and haven't found any answers to this type of question.


First, allow me to present my case... then maybe you guys can give me a better answer to this small series of questions I have.


I'm 24, I started noticing thinning in my crown area when I was 20 and, in the middle of last year, did an accutane treatment. As far as my understanding goes, that medicine kicks your hair's ass and, as far as I can tell, keeps it that way (accutane lingers in your system after you stop taking it... I guess that's how it works?). So it wasn't until this past year that I really started to have noticible hairloss on the front region (at least, no one ever commented on it). After a consultation with Dr. Brandy in Pittsburgh (and after reading this forum I have serious doubts I'll go back to him for ANY sort of treatment), I have been typed as somewhere between Level III and Level IV. After looking at lots of photos of the elder, bald members of my family, it seems like my hair is headed to level VA, where it stays for good (if my uncles, grandfather, and great uncles hairlines are any indication).


Finally, to the question: Is a trip to Bosley, OR Hair Club, going to give me answers to the questions I have about hair transplantation? I have a great desire to learn more about this before my hair gets any worse, and I find speaking to a human being is a better way to get information then, say, the internet (at least, I felt that way before I found this particular forum). So is this advisable? Can I get a consultation from Bosley/HC and then decide whether I want to pursue this or not and take those consultation results to, say, Dr. Feller?


I'm just wondering what my next step should be, guys. I'm going to start Propecia and Rogaine, figuring I should at least do *something* while I research this.


Thanks in advance,



**EDIT: Mods, please move this to the right forum? I think this belongs in Q&A. Sorry... my bad. icon_biggrin.gif

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  • Senior Member

Hi Black


you can learn everything you need to know about HT's on this forum.. Your gameplan on doing research is smart as well as starting a hair loss regimine with propecia and minox..


As far as Bosley, do a search on here and see for yourself. What you will hear is to make sure you visit coalition doctors to ensure a high level of quality and technology.. Feller, Dr. True, Hasson and Wong, Shapiro, Rose, Bernstein .. You have many excellent choices and plenty of options..


Visit a couple and see which one you feel comfortable with .. With that being said 24 might be a bit young for a HT but not too early to do some learning..


Good luck



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

Black, welcome to the Forum. You have the right idea, get on Finasteride first, keep reading and learning on this forum, Bosley has a very bad rep but it can't hurt going to their free consult to get a perspective, then go visit some of the coalition and recommended clinics to get other opinions. As Mrjb said you might be too young for a HT but after you have done your research you'll have a good idea where you stand. Post your pictures and in a few weeks or even less you'll have a clear idea on your options.

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  • Senior Member

Oooh HK, I respectfully dissagree. It can hurt going to Bosley for a free consultation. They are Sales Sharks. They'll tell you what you want to hear and no doubt it will sound good. They'll hook you and then try to reel you in. Watch out.


See bosleymedical.com


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Sure, I guess, if you are ready and wearing body armor you can just go to listen to them. I did it and also another hairmill to feel them, I was mentally ready and I played along but for a new inexperienced member it might be a different story ...

I just had so much fun listening to their BS, I was even encouraging them and playing along, but I realize that's not for everybody.

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that is very funny icon_biggrin.gif ; it sounds like something I would do! icon_cool.gif I have absolutely no patience for liars, cheats, or self annointed blowhards attempting to use extensive vocabularies to feel better about themselves. icon_eek.gif Seriously though, that is funny. I have a mental picture of you sitting there with that leading expression on your face and the sales shark falling right into it.

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You're right Pushing 40, but sometimes I think I must be a little twisted or something ... icon_rolleyes.gif It just was so satisfying watching this consultant figuratively rubbing his hands in glee as I was naively asking the right questions, and leading him gently to close the sale. In both cases they were so hyped up they just did not know when to shut up and kept overselling me and repeating the same things, probably thinking, this guy is perfect, what a moron icon_razz.gif . We should do a hidden camera sometimes for laughs ...

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I remember this! Yes - it was Bosley on Dateline NBC, quite a few years ago.


Black82 - I would strongly encourage you not to visit Bosley, unless you intend to do as HK suggests (ie. just for fun). But for someone new to transplants, there's no value to be gained from visiting either them or Hair Club for Men. I've been the unlucky recipient of a few HT's from Bosley, so feel free to ask any questions you might have. I've thankfuly turned the corner with my latest from a coalition doctor (Dr.Shapiro) - you can see the difference it has made by visiting my blog.


The recommendations which have been suggested are very good: start by getting on Rogaine and Propecia and then stay on this site, take a look at the photos, ask a lot of questions, and then do an online (or better yet - in person) consultation with a couple of doctors. Don't let the distance of the doctor's influence your opinion - just go to the one which is best for you.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Whew... I didn't expect such a terrific amount of responses to a newb question... thank you all!


With all this in mind, I think it'd benefit me to NOT go, as I am still new to all of this and they might make it sound like I could walk away with a lion's mane.


I have more questions, but for these I'm gonna search the forums first, see if I can find the answers there. Again, thanks for the warm welcome, guys. I'm not making any moves without checking it here first.



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  • Senior Member

Good move, MrBlack....


I know where HK & Pushing are coming from........it would be kinda fun to watch a Bosley salesman squirm a little and embarrass them, but to play it safe I plainly would not go near them. They're so slick they could sell ice cubes to Eskimos, I'm convinced icon_wink.gif.


Good plan, take your time, do the research and when you KNOW where you want to go and WHY (if you want a HT a all) make your move.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I would spend my time visiting docs you will consider so you can get a good idea of what's out there. No sense in wasting time on a doc who you will not select..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • 1 year later...
  • Senior Member

What is your situation 16inchscar?


You are not the only person on this forum to have been butchered, before you let depression get you too far down you need to get consultations with experienced doctors who can determine the best alternative for fixing your work from Bosley

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the hair behind the donar area has gotten very thin. and the donar area is very visible. the back of my head is scarred and gives me trouble everyday..and its been sense june of 06. i think about it every waking moment. my largest regret ever. what was i thinking. i actually would prefer to shave my head now isnt that ironic? but with the scars thats not even an option. why didnt the doctor talk to me about everything. he just kept telling me i was a great canidate and would look great. THANKS BOSLEY ATLANTA!!

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Hang in there! I definitely feel your pain. I truly wish to this date I had never fallen for the Bosley late-night infomercials and the claim of 'staying ahead of my hair loss', which ended up in me doing multiple small procedures while in my early to late 20's, leaving me with some nasty scars, a pluggy hairline and the premature thinning of my natural hairline. Not to mention thousands of dollars down the drain.


But - I sought the advice of members on this forum and got a new hair transplant from Dr. Ron Shapiro. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I am on my way to full recovery. There's nothing I can do about the loss of money, so I suppose I will call that 'sunk cost'. But I *can* and will do something about the Bosley hairline and scar and look to have one final procedure to finally give me the thick hairline I desire and the removal of any scars.


For now, hang in there, talk to people on this forum and seek counsel with some of the recommended doctors on this site, such as Dr. Shapiro, Hasson & Wong, Feller, etc. I think they will be able to put your mind at ease and let you know once and for all that there is hope after Bosley!


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Do a bunch of consultations, live or online, with some supremely reputable docs, experienced in repair -- you can't go wrong, and you will be given a wealth of valuable information.


A lot can be done w/ "repairs" these days; you'd be surprised I bet.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Basically removing the scar is simple. They remove the portion of skin with the scar in it OR/AND can plant hair in the scar. We have seen some killer repairs on here..


All is not lost



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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