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Dr.Cole and ethics ?


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lol, http://www.stronghealth.com/services/primarycare/domd.cfm


The sordid issues surrounding Cole have been touched upon, and why they haven't been clearly enumerated has been answered, as well.


FYI, if you want to see them explicitly discussed refer to the forum already mentioned on page 1 of this thread and run a search on Cole and browse through the many links.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Now hold on one second.


You are welcome to share your experience and defend Dr. Cole, but you are not welcome to trash someone's online reputation with slanderous lies.


Dr. Feller IS a doctor.


Do you not know the difference between an MD and a DO?


The difference can be found on the following thread.


I've quoted also below:


Dr. Feller is a D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy)which provides the identical training as an MD.


DO vs. MD


If you are like most people, you probably don't know the difference between a medical doctor, MD, and an osteopathic doctor, DO.


DOs and MDs are alike in many ways:


Applicants to both DO and MD colleges typically have a four-year undergraduate degree with an emphasis on science courses.


Both DOs and MDs complete four years of basic medical education.


After medical school, both DOs and MDs can choose to practice in a specialty area of medicine"???such as psychiatry, surgery, obstetrics, or sports medicine"???after completing a residency program (typically two to six years of additional training).


Both DOs and MDs must pass comparable state licensing examinations.


DOs and MDs both practice in fully accredited and licensed hospitals and medical centers.


Both are medical doctors; MD is specifically Doctor of Medicine and DO is Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.


I trained in a DO hospital which had both MD and DO attending physicians.


My internist is a D.O. and my allergist is an MD.


As I said, as a Dr. Cole patient, you are free to share your experience and express your opinion.


But be careful of false and defammatory information.



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Let me first dis-arm you by saying you are great on this board.

Having said that........ to say I "trashed" Feller was a little over the top,I was giving my opinion.

You said nothing about the issues I brought up w/regards to Coles situation,I feel I was harder on Cole then Feller and I am a patient of Coles.

As far as the MD vs.DO we can wrestle w/ this one for years,you feel it's subjective,I do not.




For the record I will use Cole if/when I need another pass.

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Saying that "Dr. Feller is not a doctor" is not an opinion nor is it subjective. It's an absolute statement. Either that statement is true or it is false. In this case, it is completely false.


I got on your case especially because you making this claim was not only false but completely irrelevant to this thread. It was a blatant attack on Dr. Feller as an attempt to steer the conversation away from Dr. Cole.


Notice that I did not get on your case when you said "I met w/ Feller and liked him but feel Cole does much better work"


That is clearly an opinion and you are entitled to it.


You are welcome to share your experience, opinions, and thoughts about anything you'd like. But misrepresentation is very serious and had to be addressed.





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Markcia ,please find the full explanation below .


Bill is right you made a statement ,not ,as you said ,an opinion . Be very careful making slanderouse statements without facts .


Pay perticular attension to the part were it says "both are medical doctors" , so Dr Feller is infact a doctor .


DO vs. MD


If you are like most people, you probably don't know the difference between a medical doctor, MD, and an osteopathic doctor, DO.


DOs and MDs are alike in many ways:


Applicants to both DO and MD colleges typically have a four-year undergraduate degree with an emphasis on science courses.



Both DOs and MDs complete four years of basic medical education.



After medical school, both DOs and MDs can choose to practice in a specialty area of medicine"???such as psychiatry, surgery, obstetrics, or sports medicine"???after completing a residency program (typically two to six years of additional training).



Both DOs and MDs must pass comparable state licensing examinations.



DOs and MDs both practice in fully accredited and licensed hospitals and medical centers.



Both are medical doctors; MD is specifically Doctor of Medicine and DO is Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.


What Makes DOs Different?

DOs can perform surgery, child delivery, treat patients, and prescribe medications in hospitals and clinic settings.



DOs look at the "total person." Osteopathic physicians focus on preventive care. Instead of just treating specific symptoms or illnesses, they look at the whole body.



DOs receive extra training in the musculoskeletal system, which is comprised of the nerves, muscles, and bones. This training gives DOs a better understanding of how an injury or illness in one part of the body can affect another part of the body; therefore, DOs have a therapeutic and diagnostic advantage.



DOs use what is called osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). OMT is a technique in which the DOs use their hands to diagnose injury and illness, giving special attention to the joints, bones, muscles, and nerves. Manipulations improve circulation, which in turn, creates a normal nerve and blood supply, enabling the body to heal itself.


i hope that helps


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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God forbid I bring up the point Feller isn't an M.D.,dont your members deserve to know that?

You guys are running Cole down like he is some hack with has an ethics issue and thats OK?

Listen,I understand how sites work and how they're funded, you walk a fine and that is not easy.

My issue is that you are doing your members a disservice by steering them away from Cole because of an ethics issue that can't be addressed.

If you toss me from this site thats OK and what I expect at this point.

For what it's worth I spent alot of time looking at H/T docs and meeting w/ patients(that was not easy),money was not a factor as I just wanted the doc w/ the best skills.

Cole was my 1st choice Wolfe was my 2nd choice.

For a NY guy to go to Georgia and get this procedure pretty much tells the story.




Sorry Georgia members, but the south is still a mystery to us.

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Hi Markcia

I asked before so i`ll ask again have you any photo`s to show your ht with Dr Cole.Then everyone can see your results and judge for themselves.


I have nothing against Dr Cole and know posters who are happy with their ht from him but i agree with Bill on the Dr Feller issue and if you do have an issue just start a new thread regarding this.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion and what doctor they feel is the best for them.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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God forbid I bring up the point Feller isn't an M.D.,dont your members deserve to know that?


Now you are trying to cover yourself with Lies!


You did NOT say that Dr. Feller isn't an MD, you said he wasn't a DOCTOR! That is a HUGE difference.


A D.O. is still a doctor, therefore, you have misrepresented the truth.


The other problem is you brought it up at a completely irrelevant point. Dr. Cole's ethics are being discussed and you had every right to disagree with those who have said there is an ethical issue.


My defense of Dr. Feller has nothing to do with funding - it has to do with the representing the truth.


Members are welcome to share their experiences and opinions here. But why toss a reputable doctor to the wolves with blatant lies? If you were JUST a patient member satisfied with your hair transplant experience, you would have left it at that.


I am on your case for ONE reason - because of the blatant attack on and false information you made about Dr. Feller.


It sounds to me that you have an agenda. If you work for or are compensated by Dr. Cole in any way, I suggest you follow the forum rules and add this into your signature. See our terms of service.



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Markcia i take it that no reply to my question means no pictures.


On the question of ethics do you remember this nice ethical reply by yourself.



Veteran Real Hair Club Member

Posted July 13, 2005 05:05 PM Hide Post






Posts: 45 | Location: NY | Registered: June 28, 2005

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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No I do not have an agenda nor do I need money.You dont seem to have an answer as to why your running Cole down other then to say " Our legal consul has advised us, as the publishers of this community, to limit any mention of Dr. John Cole publicly due to previous legal threats"

You feel you need to win this, but I suspect your members are getting some clairity.


I'll punch out now.

One last question .......is a Chiropractor a Dr.?

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Quote from Felixthecat topic stater """


however , from time to time - and on several different forums - i come across posts about Dr.Coles "ethics" .


Since according to Felix this is not the only forum where Dr Coles ethics are questioned i suggest that Felix provide these links for anyone interested to have a look.


As i have said before i personally have nothing against Dr Cole .

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I have already stated my opinion about Dr. Cole. Whether you like my answer or not, my opinion remains the same.


Now stop ignoring why I got on your case and admit your intentions here.


You first said,


Did everyone forget that Feller i'snt really even a Dr.


Then you said,


God forbid I bring up the point Feller isn't an M.D.,dont your members deserve to know that?


Your intentions are only one of three things:


1. You made a big mistake in which an apology is appropriate

2. you are not very bright (and don't know that a D.O is a doctor)

3. You have an agenda to promote Dr. Cole and smear a good doctor's name


Which one is it?



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Game. Set. Match.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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For what it's worth I spent alot of time looking at H/T docs and meeting w/ patients(that was not easy),money was not a factor as I just wanted the doc w/ the best skills." And that is all that counts seeing the skills with your own eyes. No comment on the doctor issue.
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Regarding Dr. Cole and ethics, I have found the following website.


I'm going to say up front that I cannot confirm or deny any of the information that is presented here.


Therefore it is up to the reader to draw their own conclusions:





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I'm at a loss for words,the odd thing about this " rant "is Pat Mawamba was the most grounded guy in the office and Bridges seemed to be very focused as well,for what it's worth the techs seemed to really like both those guys.


At this point I'm feeling lucky,I still must say I'm happy w/ my results.


I suspect this was a BHT, BHT seems t/b a capital intensive low yielding procedure.



The other 3 patients I met were h/t vets w/ other docs and Cole was their favorite.

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I don't think an observation as to the behavior of these individuals is in question.


Also, does it seem that any person employed there would disparage his or her employer in front of a patient?


There seems to be a great deal of evidence (language aside) supporting some of the claims.


My advice would be to dismantle the blog until the situation is legally sorted out.


I have no firsthand knowledge of this situation.



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Just so everyone is clear...


This blog is NOT hosted on the Hair Transplant Network.


Clearly there are legal issues here and I will not even attempt to validate or invalidate any claim made.


Therefore it is up to the blog owner and blog host owner to work out whether or not the blog should remain or be dismantled pending all legal issues.


But since this thread draws out the question of "ethics", here is someone who appears to be a patient sharing his experience.


I posted this link for all of you to discuss. As stated previously, draw your own conclusions.



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That post is too much to digest at one time,(the poster seems a little upset)were those photos of the poster or stock BHT photos as I have seen those before?

Dr Bridges having a drug problem is a concern as he does all the FUE "coreing",(although I may have a drug problem if I did that 50+ hrs/wk).When Bridges cored my graphs he talked about hitting the gym and how his young wife competed in fitness or bodybuilding shows.It is scary to think he worked on my melon.

What exactly is he trying to say about Mawamba?

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Revolting. Feel horrible after reading all that, and it far exceeds whatever concerns over "ethics" I suspected his clinic might have; if there is an iota of truth to some of the stuff he states and the pictures he shows that is a true travesty, disgrace, and crime. He seems so aggrieved that he is willing to lay it all on the line, regardless of the "scare tactic lawsuits" that may get thrown his way.


The website's postings seem to at least have been posted recently; in addition to paying so much (125k+ !?!?!?!) for BHT, I am guessing the case itself is from the recent past.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Think about it chucky: a person makes an idiotic statement, has it proven wrong, tries to lie about it (with the truth about 4 posts up in the same thread!), has that exposed too, at which point the person ignores any & all references to their faux pas rather than be a man and admit own stupidity in that particular case.


Do you think such a person would stoop to an apology?

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