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post-op exercises

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Sorry. Too vague. I'm a fitness fanatic. Taking it easy for me might be intense for someone else. I'm looking for specific movements which people have performed and been known to cause strain or widening.

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This was a concern of mine as well, as I've been paying a trainer $250 per month + gym membership for two years and don't want to lose what I've achieved.


Dr. Cooley told me this morning to not do anything for 5 days, and go about 70% after that. I should have asked 70% for how long but didn't. I get my stitches out in 14 days so I figure I'll be able to go 100% then.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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First and foremost you need to be cognizent of any unusual strain in your donor. That having been said, specific stuff you should seriously use caution with or not do at all: neck exercises, abdominal exercises, squats. I also found any type of running to take a while before I stopped feeling a strain.


I did nothing for my first two weeks; after that I started doing low-intensity cardio and I began doing most weight-lifting exercises...to the point I was breaking a sweat and feeling fatigue, but not trying to set any records in intensity. After 1 month I resumed my brazilian jiu-jitsu training, but I did so with some caution and took breaks during class when I normally would not have; I also began lifting with more intensity, but I still did not run or do neck exercises for a bit longer.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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DA Bears..DA Bears.... Da Koch.. Ditka is GOD. NY Giants against mini Ditka.... Giants 3 (tree if you live on the southside you know) mini Ditka 79. Sorry, honestly don't do anything that stretches the back of your head (ie situps, or anything you do that makes your head tilt forward barbell military presses etc... Also don't do anything crazy like hang upside down or lie on a decline bench press for an extended period of time. Pretty much your trying to prevent extra pressure by rushing a bunch of blood into your scalp. Also I took a lot of time off, i didn't hit the gym again 3-4 weeks post op

You only live once...

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  • Senior Member

Great Topic! I've been hitting the gym hard and will continue right up until HT-Day (next Thurs). I plan to take the 2 weeks off until the stiches come out and then get back into the weight room.


It seems that everything I traditionally do in the gym would put *some* pressure on the area. So, I would recommend doing about 50% of your usual for about a month and then building up every two weeks.

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Welcome to our forum.


As a semi-fitness fanatic, all I can tell you is use common sense. In my opinion, for the first 10 days, take it easy and do NOT work out. I know you will be tempted to, but avoid it.


After 10 days, you can do just about any exercise, but reduce the weight significantly and do more reps. Personally, I'd avoid any exercise where you are resting your head against anything such as flat bench, etc. As an alternative to bench, I did hammer strength machines, sitting up, keeping my head straight and not resting against anything.


When doing abs, don't put your hands behind your head as you will be tempted to pull. Also avoid any exercises where you have to put your chin to your chest.


As I said...use common sense. If you feel a strain, reduce the weight or move onto a different exercises.


Best wishes,



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Your Doc must have given you some sort of guidelines?


If you truly are a 'gym fanatic' then you're aware that muscles have precision sharp memory, taking a month or so off to heal properly and not risk widening or stretching a scar that will NEVER go away... much, much more important.


I know its hard to imagine taking that time off, maybe after 2 weeks just get in there and hit the bike or treadmill lightly. I'd be willing to bet your muscles would appreciate the break as well.


Once you get back in there, you'll be back where you left off in no time!

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  • Regular Member

Blindmelon, I wasn't looking for "guidelines", I was looking for specifics. I definitely wasn't looking for condescension. I don't have any problems taking time off at all, nor did I imply that in my post. I just wanted to know what EXACTLY were healthy or contraindicated movements. Bill, your post answered my questions perfectly. Thank you.

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he wasn't being condescending....you are asking for specifics as if this topic was researched with a double blind study.


use common sense, and if you want to hit it hard, live with the fact that you might get a wider scar.


Bill talks about what worked best for him, but i assure you that it doesnt mean that it will work for you. it is common knowledge that it takes 3 to 6 months for the scar to heal properly and to gain some of the lax back in the scalp.

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No aim for my post to be condescending, if that was my goal I would have told you what had already been mentioned- use common sense. Apologies if I came off in the wrong way.


I took your self description as a fitness fanatic to heart, as I was one addicted to the gym and am well aware at how taking even a week off could seem impossible.


Realize when you are reading text the intended meanings and tones can be misunderstood.

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