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Pat's 8 month post op update from Dr. Ron Shapiro surgery

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As of July 21st my last session with Dr. Ron Shapiro was at 8 months post op. I took photos then but only now have I posted them to both my photo album entitled Pat's Nov 21st 2006 Surgery with Dr. Ron Shapiro in Mpls and my Hair Loss blog .


My impression at eight months is that I did not see much of an improvement. In fact, during the past few months I have really not noticed the transplanted hair growing in, if it has grown in.


This could be due to the transplanted hair being added in between existing hair. Or it could be that after five surgical sessions my scalp vascularity is compromised so that my new hair growth is suppressed or greatly delayed.


I am a bit disappointed to have done 5 surgical sessions over several years and still feeling thin on top, especially in the crown.


I'm proof indeed that hair loss is "progressive" and can only be treated as it progresses but not "cured". All twenty two year olds who are in a rush to use up their limited donor area to dense pack their receding hairlines should keep this concept in mind.


Again, as they say, hair transplants can't restore a full head of hair on people with extensive hair loss - transplants can only create the "illusion of fullness".


However, I find that by Prothik spray does dramatically increase the look of fullness of my hair transplants. I expect that other cover up products like Toppik etc also provide similar benefits.


I like the spray rather than the sprinkle on Toppik or paint on couvre. Of course, I may get black lung disease like a coal miner from breathing all that sticky spray over the years. But small price to pay to have a full look, right?


I hope my growth is just very delayed at eight months. I'll keep everyone posted.


Best wishes, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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As of July 21st my last session with Dr. Ron Shapiro was at 8 months post op. I took photos then but only now have I posted them to both my photo album entitled Pat's Nov 21st 2006 Surgery with Dr. Ron Shapiro in Mpls and my Hair Loss blog .


My impression at eight months is that I did not see much of an improvement. In fact, during the past few months I have really not noticed the transplanted hair growing in, if it has grown in.


This could be due to the transplanted hair being added in between existing hair. Or it could be that after five surgical sessions my scalp vascularity is compromised so that my new hair growth is suppressed or greatly delayed.


I am a bit disappointed to have done 5 surgical sessions over several years and still feeling thin on top, especially in the crown.


I'm proof indeed that hair loss is "progressive" and can only be treated as it progresses but not "cured". All twenty two year olds who are in a rush to use up their limited donor area to dense pack their receding hairlines should keep this concept in mind.


Again, as they say, hair transplants can't restore a full head of hair on people with extensive hair loss - transplants can only create the "illusion of fullness".


However, I find that by Prothik spray does dramatically increase the look of fullness of my hair transplants. I expect that other cover up products like Toppik etc also provide similar benefits.


I like the spray rather than the sprinkle on Toppik or paint on couvre. Of course, I may get black lung disease like a coal miner from breathing all that sticky spray over the years. But small price to pay to have a full look, right?


I hope my growth is just very delayed at eight months. I'll keep everyone posted.


Best wishes, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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As we have discussed, it is possible you are a late bloomer and may still see some added results.


I do agree with you, however, that there doesn't seem to be a significant improvement since before your 5th procedure. Have you discussed this with Dr. Shapiro? What does he have to say?


From the looks of it, however, the majority of grafts were placed into the front? I didn't see an immediately post op picture of your crown in your hair loss blog.


However, for what it's worth, you still have a NICE head of hair even if it is a little thin in certain areas.


It does appear that Prothik goes a long way for you - adding the "illusion of density" into your crown. But remember...don't inhale icon_wink.gif.


Hang tight my friend - perhaps you will still yet see some growth. Keep us posted!



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Hi Pat


I had results up to 14 months so don't worry. They say every procedure takes longer to grow in ??


Maybe this is true?



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Thanks for the encouragement. I'm stepping down off the ledge :-)

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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You look great!

It's an imperfect world, particularly for us "hair challenged." Just be thankful you didn't have 11 relatively fruitless (hairless?) procedures, using the old plug method.

I feel lucky that I had just enough donor hair to give me what I wanted.

You've come a long way from your beginning, but it's always disappointing to feel skin instead of hair.

"Oh, ye of little faith."


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Heck...if this isn't an encouragement nothing is...


It is because of seeing Pat's transformation after his first three surgeries by reading his online testimony that inspired me to start my chain of HTs and also become actively involved in this community!


I remember being 27 years old (only 3.5 years ago) and coming online to find some way to end my hair loss problem.


Pat's testimony page was the first one that I clicked on. I was in awe. I ran in to tell my wife of this so called "follicular unit transplantation" procedure that I didn't know even existed.


I brought her in to see Pat's transformation. She was equally impressed!


Obviously I was impressed by what I saw...still am!


But I think Jobi could be right - more hair could be around the corner for you Pat.



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Doh! I don't need to read anything about poor growth from SMG. Funny, this would be the only thing I have ever read regarding SMG that shows a hint of negative results in my 2 years of research and it is just after coming back. icon_smile.gif



Any of us that have a knowledge of HT's knows that it could be several things:

1. Slow growth

2. Shocked other hair and therefore appears like no growth

3. Because you have hair, difficulty assessing


In all my research I can't recall any cases where there was no growth at all that was done using scalp hair.


Hang in there Pat. Give it time. I can't think of any reason why nothing would happen. You haven't pissed them off at SMG have you? icon_wink.gif






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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I have to agree with the others here--- after 5 sessions you may just be coming in more slowly.


I have to believe at 14-15 months your going to see some very different results.


Hang in there Pat!!!!!


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Is it possible that since the grafts were planted between existing hairs, that the hair grew properly and you just can't see the difference as well? 1600 grafts, if spread out, is not a large amount... I could be totally wrong here, but just thought I'd offer my 2 cents.

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Hang in there Pat I am also a patient of Dr Shapiro and at 5 months Im waiting for that first graft to sprout

Its very difficult but as we all know hes one of the best.

It just goes to show that EVERYBODY gets nervous when growth doesnt happen at 3 months .

Im sure youll be happy in 6 more months as its probably coming in so gradually that you havent noticed any thing.

Have you talk to Dr Shapiro or Matt

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Pat, even you occasionally need reminding that sometimes things move a little slowly - especially after 5 sessions. At about 15 months, you'll probably be saying "ok, this is starting to look good".


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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I just got done looking at your 8 month pics. If I recall correctly, and your 1 day post op pics confirms my recollection of the work done on you. We planted majority of the grafts in the central core and the sides of your hairline. I believe your first intention was to cover your crown with your last surgery, however, with more discussion with Dr. Shapiro, a decision was made to put most in the central core. Very little of your 1500 fu's were planted at the top 1/3 of your crown. You have very salt and pepper hair, which is evident by your one photo (8 months post op) you posted from the front. The white hairs are harder to see. Can you take more photos showing your front top area, much like your immediate post op pics?


Everyone is correct as to the reasons why your growth may be a little behind the curve. You started surgery 11 years ago when surgery cases were smaller (we were doing the largest sessions back then), therefore you have had to have more procedures than if you started today. The multiple procedures increase the potential for slower growth. In addition, other factors may be at play. Because most of the graft are in the central core between hairs they are harder to grow. But the biggest reason why you don't see alot of growth in the crown is simply that there are not many fu's in that area as you stated in your one day report. I am glad to see you use this example as evidence that people like yourself who are destined to be type 5-6 may not have the ability to get full coverage in the crown despite great work.


Below is a slide where your fu's were planted.


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Thanks for your input and reminder that the crown only got a limited number of grafts toward the top of the crown.


I hope that with time I prove to be a slow or late grower rather than a no grower in the mid scalp area. So far I have seen no signs of new hair growth in the areas transplanted.


It will be interesting to see if my growth characteristics have really been diminished since when I was a hair transplant virgin.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Originally posted by Janna:

Because most of the graft are in the central core between hairs they are harder to grow. .


I am not sure what this means. Does this mean they grow slower or they may not grow at all? I have never heard either before. Please explain.



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I truly believe that following almost every hair transplant in which grafts are packed in reasonably close together that there is at least some mild degree of "shocking" to previously existing hairs, both "native" and even some of the previously transplanted ones. So,as a result, in the several months after the procedure you are not only waiting and watching for the newly transplanted hairs to start growing and get long enough to make some kind of visual impression on you, but you are also probably observing the gradual recovery of some hairs that were there before the procedure and which now have to sit out their 3-4 month telogen "rest" period and then begin growing all over again at a half-inch a month. The only hairs that would be permanently lost would be either those wispy "native" hairs that were on their last life cycle or hairs that were physically damaged during the transplant process while making the recipient sites. All of this together can easily make someone at 6-9 months be wondering if they are going to gain anything, but it's amazing at 12-15 months how many of these patients report that everything is much fuller than at that earlier time point.

Mike Beehner, M.D.

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Pat real quick I hooked up with a buddy of mine last night night who got me to go to Nuhart with in in 94 (What a good friend}

Anyway I didnt see him for 4 years until yesterday and his hair looked amazing

Well it should after 4 surgeries and an intact crown

His 4th and last he had some old plug removel and a strip of 2700 .

Anyway I told him that Im getting real anxious for growth at 5 months and he just laughed and said that it took almost 10 months to even see one graft sprout then it explode in month 11,12.

Long story short I think youll be fine

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I apologize for the typo, I meant to say they're harder to see rather than grow.

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