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I know there are a host of variables which dictate the final results for a hair transplant, but cant most of these variables be determined by the doctor prior to your individual surgery to help assess what your individual outcome will be? For instance, measuring the thickness of your hair and showing you a patient who has similar characteristics so you can see how you will turn out? I know individual results will vary, but I would really like some input as to why the below examples were so outstanding.


Here are a couple examples of my personal favorite outcomes and I would like some input from others as to why their hts' turned out SO outstanding:










"Shuffle" (the second example) is one of my personal favorites, because he was COMPLETELY bald and ended up with what appears to be a FULL head of hair... In addition, his hair is straight (not curly) and does not appear to be extremely coarse and thick, yet he still achieved this fantastic result. He did have over 7K grafts, but there are others who had that much and don't appear as good as he does. Any ideas?

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  • Senior Member

I know there are a host of variables which dictate the final results for a hair transplant, but cant most of these variables be determined by the doctor prior to your individual surgery to help assess what your individual outcome will be? For instance, measuring the thickness of your hair and showing you a patient who has similar characteristics so you can see how you will turn out? I know individual results will vary, but I would really like some input as to why the below examples were so outstanding.


Here are a couple examples of my personal favorite outcomes and I would like some input from others as to why their hts' turned out SO outstanding:










"Shuffle" (the second example) is one of my personal favorites, because he was COMPLETELY bald and ended up with what appears to be a FULL head of hair... In addition, his hair is straight (not curly) and does not appear to be extremely coarse and thick, yet he still achieved this fantastic result. He did have over 7K grafts, but there are others who had that much and don't appear as good as he does. Any ideas?

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Agreed, those are some impressive results. There are many wow results around the forums and often they are achieved with varying hair characteristics. As you rightly say, I think the trick is to see patients that have close to the same characteristics as yourself to get a true representation of your likely outcome.


The first thing is to go to a great surgeon as each of your highlighted guys did. H&W have delivered some amazing results including Bobman and JoTronic, neither of whom you would have though had exceptional characteristics but the Dr. made the most of them.


Evolution looks to have minimal loss and a high density transplant to the front third which together with his favourable hair colour has given him great results.


The second guy, shuffle, has had 7k of grafts which is a lot and if i remember rightly he had a small head lol


And the hall of famer NicNitro apparently has great donor density that allowed for his 10k grafts and has many more in reserve for future HT's should he need them. He also looks to have nice thick hair calibre.


I'd be happy with any of those results !!!

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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yeah Shuffle did mention that he had a small head, but this is something that I have never heard a doc discuss as a variable to the outcome of a procedure and I find that strange as it follows common sense that the smaller the balding area, then the greater amount of density could be achieved. I wonder if the top (balding area) is smaller than average and the back (donor area) is average, then can one expect more density and a greater end result? I wonder why this is never discussed. In addition, with as technical as hair transplants have come in the past decade, I wonder why actual donor hair thickness is not measured and discussed so one could compare themselves with other patients who have equal characteristics. I think clinics don't want patients to not only expect but demand that their results are equal to those of patients who have similar characteristics. Probably because hair and skin color also play a role in the outcome.


Can somebody chime in and tell me what the most ideal hair and skin characteristics are to have for the best results? Other than curly hair...

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A typical NW6 has c200cm to 250cm of balding area to cover. It stands to reason that the smaller the area requiring transplanted the higher density can be acheived. This may not be discussed explicitly but it is probably assumed knowledge.


The best characteristic include having minimal hair to skin contrast (light hair and pale skin or dark hair and dark skin), thick hair calibre and curly hair rather than straight. Other preferable characteristics are high donor density and good scalp laxity.


I think there is a device to measure donor density. Hair thickness is likely noted by the Doc when doing a visual inspection of a patients donor at consultation.

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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Those are some nice examples.It is hard to predict exact outcomes but if you look at the ones who have 5000 plus grafts and are not a N6 or above, the results are generally quite good ( coalition doctors) Go to the website of these docs and you will see these type of results. Lastly, the exapmles you picked have cool haircuts too with the exception of Nic who is a bit conservative.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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good point on the cool haircuts Mrjb. That is one thing I have always wondered about. When I see someone with a simple part and sweep to the side, I think I automatically assume its not a great hair transplant. When in reality it very well could be and some guys just prefer that look. Take that latest guy from H&W for example, you know the guy they made a video out of who had I think around 7K in one session? He looks like he has plenty of hair, but still sweeps it to the side. Maybe its just his preference?


Question: how many of you guys with ht comb your hair to the side BUT do it only because it is your preferred hair style and not out of limitations of density?

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I think they do the swept to the side look for a few reasons: They think it provides better coverage. They haven't been to a good hairstyles. They're just used to doing it.


Personally I think it makes it look like a bad HT or a rug. If you're gonna spend thousands of dollars to get your hair back I think you should at least spend some extra loot to get a hip hair cut.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I completely agree with you. If your going to spend thousands on your hair then you obviously care about it. Why not at least style it? I've always just assumed it wasn't dense enough for a better style. Now I wonder if it is, but they just don't care.


I'm in NO WAY knocking this guy, but this is who I was referring to:




It looks to me like he has PLENTY of density to enable him to choose from a variety of styles. I wonder if he does indeed have enough density for other styles and just prefers this one. If you see this buddy (guy in the hyperlink picture) please let us know about your density...By, the way, you have more hair then me and it looks great, just curious about styling options.

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you previously mentioned that a typical NW6 has 200-250 cm of balding area. I just checked and Shuffle only had 120cm2 less than HALF of a typical NW6! No wonder his results are so dense!

I have never heard of this statistic before. Where did you get it? Im wondering what a NW5a is, because I was told that is my categorization . But Im a diffused thinner so I still have alot of native hair...very interesting stuff.


I think knowing the size (measured in square centimeters) of the balding area is much more helpful than merely knowing the NW scale. This really sheds light on Shuffles' case as to why his results are so outstanding and its very logical. That makes a lot more sense then merely saying he had comperable hair to skin tone or something of that nature. I think it would be very beneficial if we knew the following when looking at ht photos:


1. size of balding area in square centimeters.

2. actual measurement of the average density of their donor hair; or at LEAST on a scale of 1-10 how thick it is.

3. and of course graft count


I think this would really help prospective patients know what they can reasonably expect.

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I've seen that figure quoted on the forum a few times. Probably closer to 200cm of baldness for NW6. Hopefully Bill or someone will confirm. If Shuffles was 120cm, then with his 7k grafts he would have achieved really good density and hence his results.

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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Well without actually taking a ruler to measure, I can't be sure of the exact area, though I imagine about 200 square cm sounds about right.


In order to transplant at 50 FU/sq cm throughout the entire area, one would need about 10,000 grafts which only a few forum members such as NicNitro has been able to get. Of course, higher densities are typically transplanted in the frontal 3rd as it trails off into the crown and back of the head.


Area will also depend on the size of the head icon_wink.gif



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I commmented on this guys haircut previously as well. His style adds 10 years to his age but then again some people are conservative



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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