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A trip to Pakistan?

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Ive considered going to Pakistan to visit the dr. that this forum recommends, Dr. Mohammad Humayn.

My concerns are not with this doctor, however im curious to here from anyone who recently travelled to the middleeast to get a transplant?


My worries are that the ministery of foreing affairs recommends people to stay out of this country due to obductions etc. This is a high risk area so this worries me. Ive mailed Mohammad to ask him about wich precations he has made for europeans and americans, and im awaiting his respons.


Did you go to the middle east recently to get a transplant please let me know.


If Pakistan is out of the question im going to poland to Kalishinsky instead, though its far more expensive allthough im pretty sure that i wont be in the ring of fire there :-)

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Ive considered going to Pakistan to visit the dr. that this forum recommends, Dr. Mohammad Humayn.

My concerns are not with this doctor, however im curious to here from anyone who recently travelled to the middleeast to get a transplant?


My worries are that the ministery of foreing affairs recommends people to stay out of this country due to obductions etc. This is a high risk area so this worries me. Ive mailed Mohammad to ask him about wich precations he has made for europeans and americans, and im awaiting his respons.


Did you go to the middle east recently to get a transplant please let me know.


If Pakistan is out of the question im going to poland to Kalishinsky instead, though its far more expensive allthough im pretty sure that i wont be in the ring of fire there :-)

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  • Senior Member

I don't have information on the Dr's in questions. Your 2nd paragraph says it all to me...............if there is even a hint of risk of abduction while traveling there, it's not worth it.


I'm not sure where you're from but, if possible, don't limit your HT choices based on location. The HT hair you receive will be with you for life so make sure the procedure is first class all the way.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Please check out other European clinics. Although I might get some slack I can say for sure that if you are looking at FUE the most experience nowadays (after dr. Woods of course) is 100% located in Europe.

This has become very clear during the last European version of the ISHRS.



Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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dav kobenhavn,


snakke du danske?


If not, I'll let you know that I've been to Dubai and Muscat last summer - Not to get a HT, though, but just to visit on business. My experience in Dubai and Muscat couldn't have been more pleasant or safe. In fact, it felt safer than in NYC. I'm sure things in big cities like Karachi, Islamabad or Lahore in Pakistan should be relatively ok.


vi ses.

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I have travelled a lot for my work to Pakistan. Not a problem. Go there stay there in Marriot which is equivalent to any best hotel in NY, where all the diplmats hangout. The hotel car will take you to clinic and bring you back. Get the operation done

Dont wonder off on your own for adventure and you will be fine

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Dr. Mohammad Humayn appears to be well respected and though I've seen minimal work by him, I know Dr. Wong gives his stamp of approval on his work - thus, seeing Dr. Wong's work, gives me confidence that Dr. Mohammad does good work.


That being said, I always recommend going to a doctor where results have been SEEN and not just HEARD.


Personally, I have not nor do I know anyone who travelled over to the middleeast to get a transplant - but I'm sure there are some. Here in the Americas, we have several well renowned surgeons that have a proven SEEN track record. I would prefer patients go to doctors that have an outstanding SEEN track record over a lesser known heard about only doctor - regardless of who it is.


This is yet another reason, IMO for clinics of these lesser known clinics to get more involved here. A clinic who does excellent work should not only NOT be a afraid to post their work online, but want to make special time out to do it, since it will inevitably bring in business to them.





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Hello Copenhagen! :-)


I went to Pakistan for a hair transplant 6 weeks ago (may 2007), and had no problems. I visited Dr. Hussain in Islamabad (www.myhairclinic.com) arriving by plan via Copenhagen. I have no knowledge of Dr. Humayn, whom you mention.


Dr. Hussain did a fantastic job for me (much better than Scandinavian and European clinics I have visited). I've written a blog entry on my hair transplant in pakistan (eller les om h????rtransplantasjonen p???? norsk hvis du foretrekker).


One of my fellow patients at hair clinic went to see a plastic surgeon in Islamabad to remove an ugly scar on his chest. He was very satisfied, and the scar was replaced by a tiny, thin red line, which I guess is invisible by now. Given the ugly strip surgery scar I have in my neck after visiting New Hair Clinic in Sweden, Pakistani surgeons seem to have much more professional pride in their work than the european surgeons I have encountered. Check out my blog again for reasons to stay away from New Hair Clinic and Nobel Clinic in particular.


Although the trip turned out to be no trouble, I did have big uncertainties about traveling to an unknown surgeon in Pakistan. It helped me a lot to meet him in person before I made my decision. Dr. Hussain gives consultations at a hospital in Norway (in Denmark too, I believe), and I met him a month before my operation. Meeting him, and the fact that Dr. Hussain speaks Danish/Norwegian, helped me make my decision


The trip to Pakistan itself was no trouble whatsoever, but you'll do good to order your visa in good time. My flight was quick and pleasant (I opted for "club class" on the return flight), but I never actually got to see Islamabad. My tickets were scheduled so I arrived directly at the clinic night before surgery, and left immediately afterwards.


I had some questions about going to Pakistan myself, as there were some protests against the president at the time. But I read up on the situation on the website of the norwegian embassy. According to them, travelling is quite safe, and their only advice was to stay away from demonstrating crowds - which I guess you would do in any country. In hindsight, Islamabad seemed totally safe to me, and some of my fellow patients stayed on after their operations to get to know the city. They were out shopping and eating when I had my operations. (The clinic has its own patient rooms, so we used most of our evenings together.)


I took some weeks off from work which I spent in Copenhagen after my operation, and the demonstrations in N????rrebro actuelly worried me more than going to Pakistan. Enough to cancel my hotel room and switch to a different hotel at least.

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  • Senior Member

Can I bring my m-16 or should I just buy an AK when I get there? Sounds kinda dangerous but I am loosing some hair. Please advise.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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I have three hair transplants from Pakistan, one was a strip one and two were F.U.E from Dr. Mazhar Hussein M.D from from Denmark. I still regret why i had a FUT (strip one) in the first place. It is just horrible because of the a more than visible scar in the donor area and the associated tension in the scar area which in my case is still there. I would never ever recommend some one to go for FUT.I am sure many others will agree with me. In contrast, FUE is just superb. Man it is what any person thinking about the a hair transplant should have. I had the FUE done from Dr. Mazhar because of his credentials, being a hair transplant surgeon in many countries of Europe ( i think in Denmark and Norway and Belgium)and he is the only F.U.E surgeon in Pakistan and he is offering F.U.E at the fraction of the cost that you pay in Europe. I dont know if you have checked his website www.myhairclinic.com. He also has a Bed and breakfast which is a top notch place. About your fear of travelling to Islamabad, i would say dont base your decisions on second hand info!! It is as safe as i would say copenhagen or even more because the security is really tight!! have a pleasant journey and nice time. let me know how it went!!!

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Originally posted by copenhagen:

thank you for the very subjective and useless respons.


I second you. This is really stupid. The yankees dont realize that the net does not belong to them. Its English zappo, NOT american.


Maybe, they are plain stupid. I prefer the germans and the Japanese. Atleast they had the brains.

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Originally posted by Aquarius:

Can I bring my m-16 or should I just buy an AK when I get there? Sounds kinda dangerous but I am loosing some hair. Please advise.


See this is just what I meant. Iran's Ahmednijad is a moderate in comparison to this a**hole.

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I can't believe how ppl are worried about going to Pakistan. It hurts me to be honest


I find this quite strange how media has transformed our minds into believing something which are not factual and basically myths.


Anyway forget about all this stuff I am not here to dicuss politics.


I am from Pakistan fellas currently in Brisbane (Australia) _ I have been ripped-off by Advanced Hair Studio bastards, paid $20,000 for a WIG and finally shaving my head.


I have posted my full-story here





I wish I had looked at this website before going to Advanced Hair Studio..


I didn't know that everything was there for me in Pakistan (SHITT) it would have saved me heaps of money.


I am gonna go back and talk to Humayn and Hussain and get a surgery done as well.


I still can't believe how ppl have BBC/CCN media mapped mind believing everything what media says. It's nothing like what you see on the media. It's not like we see a WHITE person and starts throwing stones at him (hehe)


I can understand to some extent that ppl are worried, I was worried too when I was moving from Pakistan to Australia (I was having second thoughts that Aussies gonna kill me but it's all good just BASHED a few times, being abducted by the Police for two weeks with no reason and finally being watched constantly 24/7 by the Australian Authorities, I should also be warning my paki fellas regarding the situation here, but we dont see this media, don't we ?) (hehehe).


Anyway - Things are all good now, as ppl are suggesting I would say so too to stay away from the crowds


It would be good if you had any Paki friend (Universiry/work friend) it would help you if you would like to travel and experience different stuff.


I'll be going back in two/three months to get more information about the surgery.



Please PPL it's my advice stay away from 'Advanced Hair Studio', it is nothing but a rip-off. You will be paying ($AU9000.00) for an Asian-made ($AU200.00) WIG.



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Recently returned from visiting Dr Hussain at my-hair clinic in Islamabad, pictures are post op plus 5 days.

He is a specialist in FUE surgery only and works out of three clinics based in Denmark and, and Pakistan.


Placed 3100 grafts over 4 days he takes his time extracting and making the incisions himself, I must admit to be very impressed with his approach and attention to detail.


He combines his private living quarters on the ground floor of the clinic and a set of well-appointed rooms for clients on the first floor to recover after the day's surgery.


This is my first HT so many questions were asked and answered on e-mail prior to making the flight. Although prior to contact I spent many hours researching independent feedback rather than sponsored. I wear my hair short so wanted to ensure no scars and don't really need to look like Elvis or Donald Trump.


I think there is a great deal of difference and it is your head they will be damaging if you don't do your homework. Looking at the surgeons who receive poor feedback on the forums they all seem to have great photographs on their sites that lead me to believe there's a lot of creative marketing going on?


I arrived a day early to give myself some time to recover from the flight, later that day we sat down to discuss the long term plan, based on the donor area and my expectations as I wanted a conservative approach.

He is very straightforward in his advice and recommendations using many examples to demonstrate his work and successes much more than on his site.


He also has an extensive list of clients he has completed operations on to repair previous strip surgery.


He started the next day with his team of three supporting him as his completed the extractions around 850 grafts during the first day.


After lunch, he started on the incisions matching angles and direction to restore the frontal area; he also covered up an area below the crown on the last day, as my donor was better than expected.


Once he completed the incisions his team worked to replace the grafts under his supervision.


This process continued through out the four days of surgery a very careful and methodical approach.


Once finished it is just a short walk to your room to rest, relax watching DVD's or simply chill out.


The clinic in Islamabad is on the same floor as the client rooms, but I am not sure about the other clinics he maintains in Denmark.

Hygienic standards in Islamabad were similar to BUPA standards in the UK.


It is too early to determine the results but based on the donor area and the graft density I am looking forward to a good coverage let's see in 7 months time.One of the biggest benefits to me personally was the recovery time due to the method. This was correct as stated on his web site and I will be back at work within 10 days of the surgery based on my current level of recovery.


Walked through Heathrow without a second glance after six days apart from immigration control who spent a long time looking I just smiled back confidently and was let through.


Final point as a G.M of a multi national company I spent many hours on the research focusing on quality and method rather than price, biggest surprise was finding an excellent surgeon specializing in FUE with a reasonable pricing structure based in Islamabad.


I have already planned to go back later this year as part of my long-term HR plan.








Originally posted by copenhagen:

Ive considered going to Pakistan to visit the dr. that this forum recommends, Dr. Mohammad Humayn.

My concerns are not with this doctor, however im curious to here from anyone who recently travelled to the middleeast to get a transplant?


My worries are that the ministery of foreing affairs recommends people to stay out of this country due to obductions etc. This is a high risk area so this worries me. Ive mailed Mohammad to ask him about wich precations he has made for europeans and americans, and im awaiting his respons.


Did you go to the middle east recently to get a transplant please let me know.


If Pakistan is out of the question im going to poland to Kalishinsky instead, though its far more expensive allthough im pretty sure that i wont be in the ring of fire there :-)

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I travelled to Pakistan in mid feb with my 7 year old son for a H/T. we stayed in the Capital Islamabad. Where I stayed there was many europeans male/female and around the corner there where Europeans working in a English school teaching for the GVT. The place was clean pretty modern all the facillities one can ask for. The shopping was incredible I shopped like crazy snapping up all the designer brands I mean legit not fakes. The food was fab, the climate, the hospitality. We had a driver who took us to mueseums, zoos, and othet places of interest and also to The North 3 hour drive from the Capital, mind blowing scenary of mountains , water falls and many hotels with Europeans and Americans as tourists not to mention the amount of Hippies we saw with their big fat motor bikes camping in the open near huge lakes. Security was also pretty high with police stationed almost on every corner businesses with private gaurds. In a nut shell I felt more safe there than in the UK I could even go out at night 11.00pm until 2.00am as the public mainly tend to come out at nights for some strange reason. And it was very cheap.

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