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From another Forum and doctor:


How long will it take for the grafts to all grow in?


A. I find that 10% will remain from the day of the transplant; about 30% will begin growing by 3 months, 40% by 4 months, 50% by 5 months, 60% by 6 months, 70% by 7 months, and 80% to 90% by 8 months. Most of the transplanted hair will resume active growth by 8 months. You should experience full growth by 12 months.

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I believe most people see the final results in one year.

1045 FUT "hairline" with Dr Feller on Nov 05

825 "hairline" with Dr Loria "saw so so results" on Jan 01

MHR 325 "hairline" micro/mini 's 1999 "big mistake"

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I'm about 9 months out from my last surgery and I still look like a guy who is going bald and has a comb over. I think I'm going to have to start looking for other options since this transplant thing isn't working out. icon_confused.gif

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1998 500 grafts from Eliot and true

1999 1000 grafts from Dr Loria

2000 1000 Grafts from Dr Loria

2001 600 grafts from Dr Loria

2002 600 grafts from Dr Loria

2003 1200 grafts from Bosley

2005 1000 grafts from Dr Feller


You would think with all that work that I'd look like a million dollars.... Well, I don't! Feller was the only one that did good work, but it seems that at 9 months out, the hairline just doesn't look full. As I said before I look like a guy who is losing his hair and has a bad comb over... which is ten times worse than being bald. I wish I'd never started this hair transplant stuff, it's just ruined my life. At this point I have no idea what I am going to do.

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Can't imagine 6000 grafts from anyone and you have minimal results. The Loria/Bosley/Elliot thing is suspect. I suggest you go have two consultations on donor hair availability and then get measured for what can be done. Not only are those surgeons bad, but they're also cheats. My first very bad transplant was suppose to have 500. My subsequent fix doctor counted 50!!!! Don't get me wrong. It only takes 50 very bad corn row plugs in the front to ruin your life. But I was grateful I was hustled on quantity. I suspect you were as well.


If you have enough donor for one or two large sessions, something tells me you'll be okay. A case like yours calls for H&W. If nothing else just talk to them first and go from there.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by jon quin:

I'm about 9 months out from my last surgery and I still look like a guy who is going bald and has a comb over. I think I'm going to have to start looking for other options since this transplant thing isn't working out. icon_confused.gif


Have you posted any pictures? Did the 1000 by Dr Feller go into your hairline?



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un fortunatley I have not heard good things of these docs Loria/Bosley/Elliot, and my guess is their work did not harvest at your expense. I think the advice bezane gave is right. see if you much left for donar and have a good game plan. I think if you had that much work done by todays standards it would be night and day difference. good luck

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Again though Michael, I thnk 6000, even bad grafts, would have some serious volume coming up. If a guy like Loria or Elliot or the Bosleys are so bad, then I would believe they're ripping us off on top of it. Even with the better surgeons, we grow to trust them and assume they are transplanting what they say. But those other quacks are just making money. Currently a surgeon like Hasson would take a donor area from ear to ear. Back when Loria did Jon, I would bet he did a small patch. It just makes it easier for them to sew up. While they suck as doctors, I doubt they would want the hassle of opening up a gaping hole in the back of your head. I bet they screwed him on numbers big time. So I also bet he has donor area left.


At this point the only option is to have some great procedures done to cover it all up, or, a possibility that is not talked about on this forum, a "reverse procedure." A doctor that will go around and remove bad plugs that cobble or pit, with the hope that once that is achieved, Jon has the option of shaving his head without too much bad going on. Sounds crazy, but I once thought that would be better. Nice fashionable shaved bald look.


Would be interested in others weighing in with facts not spec or conjecture about this possibility.

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At his point I'd give anything to be bald. I can't shave my head due to the scars and pitting. I'm meeting with Dr Feller in two weeks, but there is now way in hell I am going to do YET ANOTHER transplant! I guess I'll be calling hair club pretty soon... It's too bad that I have a f*cking downpayment for a house on my head that ended up usless. I don't have anything kind to say about the transplant process. I'll post some pics on Friday, but they aren't good!

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Technically they did restore my hair, even if it was not satisfactory... therefore in a court of law I'd lose. I want to talk to Dr. Feller before I go posting any pics. He seems like an honest man (he was the only Doctor that met with me the first time I went for a consultation anywhere) But I'm looking at other peoples pictures who are 9 months out and I don't look anywhere near as good as they do. I may be jumping the gun here, but after what I've gone threw with this hair transplant stuff it's hard for me to trust anyone.

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Jon Quin - Do post some pictures so that we know what you are talking about specifically as then it may be clear whether you really got 6,000 or not. I had a few small procedures with Bosley in the past and - while certainly not top quality by any stretch (especially in comparison to what I just received from Dr. Ron Shapiro) - you could definitely see the hairs there.


You might also want to take a look at some amazing repair procedures which have been done (you can see some on this site or do a search on google for hair transplant repair). I know, you are hesitant, as was I after Bosley, but by going to a top-notch doctor (ie. Shapiro, Feller, H&W etc.) for a consultation you will be able to see what your options truly are. They will not lie to you and they will provide you with an honest assessment of what can be accomplished.


My final warning would be this as you mentioned Hair Club for Men. I think you are walking into another possible upsetting situation. You chose transplants as you wanted something natural, something that allowed you to be who you are and do what you want without ever having to think about your hair. This won't happen with any 'wig' / 'weave' / 'matrix' or whatever they want to call it. Every few weeks you will be re-fitted and reminded that you are bald and every day you will wonder if someone is going to notice that it is not real, etc. I have no experience in this area, but have read enough 'horror stories' to know that most do not appear happy.


I think you are taking the right steps so far: legal action on the past procedures (excluding Feller, who as you said did a great job) and consultations to determine a future course of action.


All the best and keep us posted!


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Originally posted by M&M:

Jon Quin - Do post some pictures so that we know what you are talking about specifically as then it may be clear whether you really got 6,000 or not.



Dr. Feller confirmed that I did have about 6,000 grafts worth of work done. He said the problem was that these quack Doctors just placed the grafts anywhere. He said it was a shame I had not met him 5 years ago because in two procedures I would have been done. I don't have enough donor hair to do another procedure so I am going to be looking into other options.

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