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Decision Made - Plus Conundrum


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Following on from my last thread "Dr Wong HT - Views Comments Please" thought I would update my position. Hope my starting a new thread is not contravening protocol?


Having spoken on the telephone with Jotronic, Garageland and Dr Wong, and enjoying what I perceived to be positive, informative and constructive conversations, I have formally booked surgery for 13 May 2010. This, I feel, was the final piece of my research and critical to the decision making process. Should also mention my telephone conversations with Christina at H&W, whom has been helpful and a pleasure to speak with.


Garageland and I have spoken on the 'phone at length a couple of times and am looking forward to meeting him in person during the month of April. When contemplating surgery overseas it is of great benefit to be able to speak with a like minded person within your own country. Even better when you are both domiciled in more or less the same geographical area - in our case south east England.


Of course the research doesn't quite end here I'm sure I shall have, and do have, lots of questions relating to pre and post op preparation. On one particular point it would be good to get your views now.


I have see-sawed between staying in Vancouver for a couple of days post-surgery or a couple of weeks? For example; the benefits of a couple of weeks or so would I presume be: on hand to chart initial progress with clinic; staple removal at the clinic; holiday in Vancouver; comfortable return journey. Conversely, on this point, staples can be removed quite easily at home; will I feel like exploring and enjoying the delights of Vancouver; should I be circumspect about venturing out in the early days following surgery; in short would I be better off returning home early? Should also mention that cost is a consideration so any thoughts on hotel accomodation would be welcome. My priority here would be funtional and clean - and not too far from the clinic?


Looking forward to receiving your comments.


Many thanks.



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Originally posted by spex:
have see-sawed between staying in Vancouver for a couple of days post-surgery or a couple of weeks? For example; the benefits of a couple of weeks or so would I presume be: on hand to chart initial progress with clinic; staple removal at the clinic; holiday in Vancouver; comfortable return journey. Conversely, on this point, staples can be removed quite easily at home; will I feel like exploring and enjoying the delights of Vancouver; should I be circumspect about venturing out in the early days following surgery; in short would I be better off returning home early? Should also mention that cost is a consideration so any thoughts on hotel accomodation would be welcome. My priority here would be funtional and clean - and not too far from the clinic?




All the best - you are in solid hands with DrW.


Venturing out with a hat on post op will be no prob at all. Many do it and as long as you don't over do it - you'll be fine!


Thank you Spex, for taking the trouble to reply and for your words of encouragement. Both much appreciated.



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Vancouver is a beautiful city, many patients that I have assisted have wished they stayed longer. If you are able to take advantage of staying longer and seeing Vancouver I would definately recommend it.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Originally posted by BillyJ:

Following on from my last thread "Dr Wong HT - Views Comments Please" thought I would update my position. Hope my starting a new thread is not contravening protocol?


Having spoken on the telephone with Jotronic, Garageland and Dr Wong, and enjoying what I perceived to be positive, informative and constructive conversations, I have formally booked surgery for 13 May 2010. This, I feel, was the final piece of my research and critical to the decision making process. Should also mention my telephone conversations with Christina at H&W, whom has been helpful and a pleasure to speak with.


Garageland and I have spoken on the 'phone at length a couple of times and am looking forward to meeting him in person during the month of April. When contemplating surgery overseas it is of great benefit to be able to speak with a like minded person within your own country. Even better when you are both domiciled in more or less the same geographical area - in our case south east England.


Of course the research doesn't quite end here I'm sure I shall have, and do have, lots of questions relating to pre and post op preparation. On one particular point it would be good to get your views now.


I have see-sawed between staying in Vancouver for a couple of days post-surgery or a couple of weeks? For example; the benefits of a couple of weeks or so would I presume be: on hand to chart initial progress with clinic; staple removal at the clinic; holiday in Vancouver; comfortable return journey. Conversely, on this point, staples can be removed quite easily at home; will I feel like exploring and enjoying the delights of Vancouver; should I be circumspect about venturing out in the early days following surgery; in short would I be better off returning home early? Should also mention that cost is a consideration so any thoughts on hotel accomodation would be welcome. My priority here would be funtional and clean - and not too far from the clinic?


Looking forward to receiving your comments.


Many thanks.




Sleep will be difficult over the first two weeks and this will drain your energy.


Also depending on the planting strategy, your native hair, and healing characteristics, it may be obvious something was done for several months, maybe more.


Therefore I do not recommend staying in Vancouver. I would follow their standard recomendation and fly home the day following surgery. This will get you home before the major face swelling starts and you can recuperate in your own home.

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Congrats on your decision! You've picked a great doc and will have a great result!

Personally, I chose to lay low for a week after my surgery. I was paranoid about bumping my head or having my hat rub against my grafts. So, if it were me, I'd stay home. Plan a trip for 6 mos out so that you can u can have your doc check out your progress and enjoy the city! Good luck!

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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Glad I was able to help it was good to talk to you and look forward to meeting up next month.


It's a tough one most people tend to go home very soon after the surgery before the swelling sets in that way you can relax at home in familiar surroundings, the staples are very easy for someone to remove.


On the other hand Vancouver is a great city to explore and the weather should be good in May....decisions, decisions.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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This is an attempt to respond in one go to the various replies received on this post. Not sure of outcome as it is a first attempt - so here goes!




You confirm what I am constantly hearing, that Vancouver is a wonderful City. I spoke recently to a bank employee who had lived in Vancouver for 4 years and said that given the choice of living anywhere in the World Vancouver would be the place. Quite a recommendation!






You make some pertinent points, which support a good argument for an early return. Recuperation at home being the most compelling I feel. Thank you.






Your kind words on my decision are most welcome.


Think I would have the same concerns when venturing out post op. Your comment on making a return trip at a later date is an inspiring one and prompted further thought on an expanding theme. For instance, if I should require to return to the clinic during my healing process for whatever reason, it would be more cost effective to do so than prolonging my initial stay by 2 plus weeks under a partial self imposed curfew.




Than you Garageland, your patience, willingness to assist and support are very much appreciated.


You succinctly frame my dilemma - indeed decisions, decisions! Think I am leaning towards an early return (again!). If I stayed my cautious nature, in this respect at least, might well see me hibernating for part of my stay and worrying about venturing out the rest of it. Thus not getting the best from my visit nor perhaps the level of enjoyment I should, or normally would, derive from holidaying in a beautiful city such as Vancouver.





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Congratulations on selecting an excellent surgeon to help you meet your hair restoration goals. Dr. Wong will take wonderful care of you.


I encourage you to take some time to explore the city and its surroundings if you can. The Capilano Suspension Bridge, Stanley Park, and Grandville Island in particular are beautiful. You can see some of the photos I took by visiting "Beautiful Vancouver" and "Beautiful Vancouver Part 2" on my patient website. Admittedly, it's probably better if you can site see prior to the procedure, but as long as you wear a lose fitting hat and are cautious, I see no problem with doing it afterwards either.


All the best for restoring your hair,



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Bill ,


Thank you for your kind words and best wishes, including the testimonial to Dr Wong. It is, and has ever been, encouraging to know Dr Wong is held in high regard by those within HTN.


During my research on this site I have read many of your posts. In your role as arbiter, and as such a principal of the Network, I wish to commend you on the high ethical standards that exist within, and which you consistently strive to maintain.


It is good of you to provide a photographic travelogue of beautiful Vancouver, which strikes me as not only beautiful but enchanting too. I fear I shall constantly, and consciously, be aware of the need to be vigilent in all that I do, which shall ultimately detract from the joy of exploring this wonderful city. Nevertheless, I'm still weighing up the pros and cons and have a self imposed deadline of the middle of the month to make up my mind. Must confess at this stage I am, in common with a landmark of another intrigueing city, leaning towards a short stay.





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I've been to Vancouver twice and I love the city. It's the third best city in Canada next to Toronto and Montreal! :o


I stayed local for my HT so this wasn't a decision I had to make. But, I'm pretty certain that if I had ventured somewhere I sure as hell wouldn't have been in any kind of sight seeing mood the days following my surgery. All I wanted was to hibernate to watch tv, read, work remotely etc. in the comfort of my familiar surroundings.


That said, all the more power to you if you can actually take advantage and enjoy your time abroad.

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Thanks Megatron, you have helped crystalise my thought process in favour of a short stay. I would find it difficult to offer an argument against the sentiments you so clearly expressed - especially as I have been thinking along similar lines.


In fact the more I think about the prospect of sightseeing after surgery the more I recoil from the idea. Perhaps it is best left undone for another time and a regular holiday.



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I've been to Vancouver twice and I love the city. It's the third best city in Canada next to Toronto and Montreal! :o


I wish all the people that live here from Toronto and Montreal would feel the same way as you and go home icon_biggrin.gif/ I am sick of going to the Canucks game and seeing all the Montreal fan wearing Habs jersey or the Maple Leaf fans wearing a paper hat over there head.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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