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Unsung heros

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Just out of curiosity, I was wondering how people who looked into a Ht handled it when telling their significant other about the idea of getting a HT. I've never had a real problem talking to my wife about anything but was very nervous and awkward when I initially talked to her about it. My wife's initial reaction to the idea was it was extreme (which it is), but has been really supportive especially since she visited the Shapiro group with me. We made the day of it, took the day off from work, had lunch and did the "BIG" mall of America tour. Our perspective others are really the unsung heroes as far as support goes. The only other person I confided in was my mom, who by the way has been very supportive and understanding as well. I've been blessed with three great women; a loving wife, daughter and MOM.

Smiling & laughing does wonders for the soul!

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  • Regular Member

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering how people who looked into a Ht handled it when telling their significant other about the idea of getting a HT. I've never had a real problem talking to my wife about anything but was very nervous and awkward when I initially talked to her about it. My wife's initial reaction to the idea was it was extreme (which it is), but has been really supportive especially since she visited the Shapiro group with me. We made the day of it, took the day off from work, had lunch and did the "BIG" mall of America tour. Our perspective others are really the unsung heroes as far as support goes. The only other person I confided in was my mom, who by the way has been very supportive and understanding as well. I've been blessed with three great women; a loving wife, daughter and MOM.

Smiling & laughing does wonders for the soul!

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  • Senior Member

Great thread topic, Laughter's Medicine. My girlfriend and I hit the one year mark just 18 days after my second procedure with Dr. Cooley. The day of the procedure she drove me to the clinic and picked me up after it was over. Her support has been nothing short of amazing. What is even more amazing is that she is so supportive of her boyfriend going through this at her age (she is in her early 20s). I can't easily imagine too many young women at that age being so understanding.


I think the funniest part was when we drove back up to Charlotte two weeks post-op to get my sutures removed. Dr. Cooley pulled out some of my pre-op photos from the first procedure. She had never seen just how advanced my hair loss had been before the first procedure and the meds. The look on her face was priceless, to say the least. She would constantly look from the "old" me in the photograph up to the "new" me standing before her comparing the two.


I waited until about 8 months after we had been dating to tell her that I had a procedure done. It was kind of funny because she knew that I moderated this forum and had even asked me once, "How did you get involved in doing that? You aren't even balding." When she said that I just kind of shook my head and laughed. I always take that kind of statement as a true testament of the physician's work.


So yes, the term "unsung heroes" is certainly appropriate. I was no less ecstatic about my first procedure but having someone else know about it and monitor my progression this time around has been like a breath of fresh air - even kind of fun.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

I think this is a great thread. I haven't told my girlfriend of my procedures and battle yet. She hasn't suspected anything of this nature.


I am planning on going for one more HT, and at that time of setting the appointment I will share the news.


Not that I don't trust her, it's more of a need to know basis.

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  • Senior Member

I agree..........great thread. My wife was one of those who never really cared that I was experiencing hair loss and was happy with me as is. When I opted for the HT, she was very supportive. As much as I'm very pleased about the 2 HT's I've had thus far, I must admit I wrestled with the selfishness of it. In my case, I have a wife and two wonderful daughters, which I soley support, and in the past 2 years I've spent over $19,000 on myself for hair. icon_confused.gif


I told my wife, kids, parents, brother & sister-in-law and my best friend about the HT. They've all been supportive and are excited for me. My wife accompanied me for my first HT since it was within driving distance, but for the 2nd HT we decided I'd go alone since we have kids in school.


To my knowledge, no one other than those I've mentioned, knows about my HT. Even just now, I'm 12 days post-op from my 2nd HT, have a burr and just returned to work. Other than asking about my new haircut, no one suspects a thing.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

I've been with my girlfriend for 5 1/2 years and I've never told her about my HT. The only one's that know about it are my parents and sister. Not even my hair dresser knows about it. He just mentioned the scar once and he never mentioned it again.

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  • Regular Member

Excellent topic, I couldn't have done it without my wife. Let's face it having a hair transplant is a substantial amount of dough to spend on yourself. My wife understands 100% and couldn't have been more supportive and now I'm going for number two and once again she's stepping up to the plate and being the most wonderful, supportive person in the world.

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My wife was with me every step of the way, meeting with bosley, meeting with MHR, and finally driving to Tucson with our kid to meet Dr. Keene. Without her dont know where I would be now but would probalbly have a big growing forehead and a big hole in my crown!

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My wife thought I was crazy NOT to do it. She thought I had given up on it because I spent almost a year researching. I always have trouble spending money on myself, but when that no longer was an issue, and I found the right doctor my wife was totally supportive.


Hey John Se, after consulting with Bosley and MHR, I bet you look back on the decision to go to Keene as one of the best in your life! Very smart move, my man.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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  • Senior Member

What a great topic!!!!!! My fiancee was the best!!!! I had met her when I was bald, so she dug the Mr. Clean me. Since I made the decision to pull the trigger, she was cool with it. I didn't really consult her or anything, just let her know I was thinking about it, etc... Anyway, when we went to Minnesota to Dr. Shapiro's office, her and my kids took off for Mall of America (along with my Brother and his girlfriend)--- needless to say they are fine with any additional surgeries icon_biggrin.gif Imagine a 3100 graft session on a Friday, you've been at the clinic for 10 hours, your brother picks you up, and then everyone wants to talk about their exciting day!!!!! I spent Sat and Sunday laying in bed while everyone else went out and had fun icon_frown.gif Anyway once we got home, I got the presidential treatment complete with back rubs!!!!! She really made the process a lot easier to go through...

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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This is a great thread indeed. I am enjoying the topic. My wife has been nothing but supportive through the whole process, yet at the same time, admitted that she didn't care whether I was losing my hair or not, said she found me sexy anyway...which was really encouraging, but I decided to press forward anyway. She admits that she's amazed at the progress of how I look now compared to where I was. Hopefully after one more, my wife will say something similar that Robert's girlfriend said...you aren't even balding! I like that...definately a nice compliment to someone who "was" balding.



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