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Keeping recipient hair very short

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For those who have had HT and the hair has fully matured what do you think your hair would look like if you chose to wear it really short (say around a #3)? Would the HT be more detectable? Just wondering because of the illusion of density concept. I understand most wear it longer because that's kinda the point of the HT. Maybe a dumb question...

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  • Regular Member

For those who have had HT and the hair has fully matured what do you think your hair would look like if you chose to wear it really short (say around a #3)? Would the HT be more detectable? Just wondering because of the illusion of density concept. I understand most wear it longer because that's kinda the point of the HT. Maybe a dumb question...

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  • Senior Member

not a dumb question at all. I love wearing my hair short and I have wondered about this too.


check out Bobmans pic:




I don't know if he is wearing any concealer here or not, but it looks really damn good!


whats really funny, is that he comments on his hair as messy and he was wearing a hat before this; when I think this is one of the best shots of his hair (front) in his whole album.


his hair looks really short in this pic. Imagine if he had the crown filled too. then that would look amazing. Another thing, people always talk about blonde hair with light skin making hair transplants look "FABULOUSTTTT"....I think his hair looks much, much better here dark and short...

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It almost does look like he is wearing concealer in that pic; not saying he is, butit looks VERY similiar to my hair when I had it at that length and was using dermmatch....just speaks to the perceived thickness of it either way.


I don't think the shortness of the hair would make a good HT any more or less "detectable"; though, if you don't currently have X quotient of density at a given time the hair may look thinner when worn at shorter lengths as opposed to slightly longer ones. But, as for detectability of HT, I don't think it should be an issue.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Generally speaking.


The shorter the better for thinning hair because it has more of a "bristle" effect and the hairs tend to spread out more.


More importantly, is the type of hair you have. Curly hair tends to cover better



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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can you cut your hair as short as the Bobber and look that thick?


just curious, cuz you still haven't shown me a pic of your hair yet because of your "private" business.


--you UBL?

let us know about the hair, that would be inspiring if you can cut that short.

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Cutting and styling your hair short will work just fine though you have to take into consideration:


1. Revealing the donor scar. The shorter the hair, the more likely the donor scar will show through.


2. A thinner appearance of your hair: The illiusion of hair density works great with slightly longer hair due to the layering or feathering effect created when hair overlaps each other.


3. Hair density in follicular unit grafts / hairs per square centimeter. The more hair density, the better it will look at shorter lengths.


Personally, as i was growing my hair out and kept it down to about a 4 clip, I think it looked great from the hairline view. But it definitely was thinner in appearance when viewed from the top.



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  • 2 months later...
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What's Aaaaap People!!! Sorry I haven't been around...just been livin' life y'know?!?

Anyway, let's tackle some of those comments shall we. I have not ever taken a picture or used concealer as of yet. I wondered just recently on it's effectivness and talked with Doug about it briefly. He sent me a small sample and I haven't tried it out yet. I would assume that it would just lessen any thin spots and glare under direct lighting. I'll let y'all know when I try it...K? Also, I'll do a #3 this summer and take some pics. By now, my whole head seems fully mature and the hair has very much relaxed and has given way to a normal, unkinky if you will feel and look. Again...as I've stated before...I don't have the same density as I did when I was 19 or 20, but a HELL of a transformation that presents a much MUCH better version of who I was before the HTs. And words cannot ever describe the way my interaction with the world and it's interaction with me, because of it.

Thanks for the opinions and compliments. I will try to chime back more often. Caio for now!


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If the ht work is not very good, then it is better to keep the hair a bit longer so the exit points of the hairs from the skin are not visible. Since, obviously, you are doing your research in order to get top results, I image you will get them. In that case, the recipient area will look fine, in terms of naturalness, whether the hair is long or short.


As previously mentioned, the donor scar (rather than the recipient area) might be the deal-breaker in terms a very short cut.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by spex:

Rememeber Ht is all about the art of illusion - it tends to be that to get the full illusion out of your Ht the hair needs to be grown a little longer to allow the coverage and illusion to take place. I find mine is much ticker - or appears thicker if i let it grow a little.



Right on, Spex!


As I've experimented with different hairstyles and lengths since having HT's, I've found there are "optimal" lengths depending on your hairstyle.


For instance, if I comb my hair back, I need around 2" or so everywhere except for the sides and it has a pretty dense appearance.


For the past 9mo or so, I've been wearing it combed forward and pushed up in the front a little, and I like less length, AND, wear it a little messy.


Another tip...............use volumizing cream rather than gel. I've done both and gel definitely leaves a thinner look, while cream you can almost have a dry look but be able to style the hair in such a way to get pretty darn good coverage without looking like you're trying to.......know what I mean?? icon_confused.gif


Glad Bobman chimed in.......I've never known him to use concealers and, if I were him, I wouldn't because his hair looks friggin awesome!! Love the temple points BTW Bobman!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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