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Hi all ... 8] ... help.

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Well i'm new to forumn/site. I am not bald, but hair is thining ... i just turned 46 this month and hair has been thining for about 10 years. I'm glad i accidently found this site because i just assumed 'Bosely' was the best since they were one of the begginers in hair transplant industry. I was all ready to go there and consult and put my trust in them.


Well now i'm reading/doing as much research as i can and plan to get at least 3 consults before deciding who to go with. These are my considerations, i am concerned about scarring because i like to wear my hair in a 'fade' style haircut sides-back being a 2 clip, Shockloss ??? scaryyyyy, and of course a good/fair price for procedure.


I went for my 1st consult at MHR. The consultant, very nice explained that my thining/balding was a Norwood 3v or 4, mostly front of head and that apprx between 1500 - 2000 grafts would take care of my situation. I explained my concerns and was told scar is virtually unnoticable and a 2 clip would be fine, also their premier Dr. can do 'Trichophytic' procedure when suturing. The photos very detailed and close up showed very good work.Overall, i was impressed. I asked a lot of questions [mainly due to this site ... : ) ] spending about an hour with consultant, the consultant commented that i was a detail person, but said that was good. I asked about FUE and they said that their Dr. does do it but did'nt reccomend it, as it is a very lengthy and more expensive procedure and really not needed generally as FUT is very good and works with most and would be excellent with my situation.


As i stated above my consult was with Medical Hair Restoration in southern calif and the Doctors there are Levitt and Mayer. Dr. Mayer would be my Doctor and i was quoted $4.00 per graft, ( i also recieved a quote of $4.00 per graft from Dr. Scott Alexander, who is reccomended/advertises on this site ). Sorry for the long post, however i would appreciate any input/experiences from anyone, as this is an important decision. ThAnX 8]

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Well i'm new to forumn/site. I am not bald, but hair is thining ... i just turned 46 this month and hair has been thining for about 10 years. I'm glad i accidently found this site because i just assumed 'Bosely' was the best since they were one of the begginers in hair transplant industry. I was all ready to go there and consult and put my trust in them.


Well now i'm reading/doing as much research as i can and plan to get at least 3 consults before deciding who to go with. These are my considerations, i am concerned about scarring because i like to wear my hair in a 'fade' style haircut sides-back being a 2 clip, Shockloss ??? scaryyyyy, and of course a good/fair price for procedure.


I went for my 1st consult at MHR. The consultant, very nice explained that my thining/balding was a Norwood 3v or 4, mostly front of head and that apprx between 1500 - 2000 grafts would take care of my situation. I explained my concerns and was told scar is virtually unnoticable and a 2 clip would be fine, also their premier Dr. can do 'Trichophytic' procedure when suturing. The photos very detailed and close up showed very good work.Overall, i was impressed. I asked a lot of questions [mainly due to this site ... : ) ] spending about an hour with consultant, the consultant commented that i was a detail person, but said that was good. I asked about FUE and they said that their Dr. does do it but did'nt reccomend it, as it is a very lengthy and more expensive procedure and really not needed generally as FUT is very good and works with most and would be excellent with my situation.


As i stated above my consult was with Medical Hair Restoration in southern calif and the Doctors there are Levitt and Mayer. Dr. Mayer would be my Doctor and i was quoted $4.00 per graft, ( i also recieved a quote of $4.00 per graft from Dr. Scott Alexander, who is reccomended/advertises on this site ). Sorry for the long post, however i would appreciate any input/experiences from anyone, as this is an important decision. ThAnX 8]

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Hello Nicias and welcome to the forums,


Well it's a good thing you came to these forums...you will find a lot of useful information here. Unfortunately I cannot give you any insight on Dr. Mayer or Dr. Levitt, but comparitively speaking, you will find just as many negative results about MHR as you will with Bosley. Take your time, do the research. Look up MHR on this form and other HT forums. I think I might have read one or two postive posts about Bosley and MHR out of the dozens of negative posts. So beware please. Bosley and MHR have been considered Hair Mills because they spend much more money on advertising than on quality HTs. Many of their doctors have been known to use old and outdated technologies such as micro or mini grafts.


I would also consider doing virtual consultations with a some of the coalition docs listed on this forum (excuse me if Dr. Mayer and Dr. Levitt are on the coalition...I am not aware if they are). Feel free to post pictures on this forum so experienced people might be able to give you a good idea what you might need too. Keep in mind that the majority of posters (including myself) are not doctors...but we might be able to help point you in the right direction.


Furthermore, are you using any hairloss prevention medication such as Propecia or Rogaine? It is typically suggested to use Propecia which should help minimize or eliminate further hairloss.


I hope this information helps.



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  • Senior Member

I have had two procedures with Dr. Alexander and am very pleased with my first procedure and am currently starting to see growth from number two. I would be cautious if you have thinning hair as shockloss will probably be an issue. If you can post some pics here there are many members on here who can give you some solid advice. You can do a search for Dr. Alexander on here as well and see some of his work besides me. He is a perfectionist who takes great pride in his work.

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If you've ruled out Bosley, you should also rule out MHR for the same reason. The problem with consultations and seeing pictures etc. is that you don't know if they are telling the truth. So how do you counteract that? You choose a doctor with consistently good results as determined by their patients. That's what this site is all about. Spend some more time reading up on what Pat describes as "ultra" refined techniques. Then choose a doctor who you KNOW produces great results.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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NO NO NO!!!!!! No Bosley No MHR!!!!!


Anyone who finds this site should recognize that the "true talent" in the HT industry is not located in large chains. You have to remember, these chains have a polished image, a repeatable sell technique, and say ALL of the things you want to hear. They prey on your insecurities and consequently your wallet.

They will NOT let Pat inspect their facilities, nor observe a surgery, and are fairly hostile when he asks.


Now, telling you that a scar is virtually unoticeable is a lie as well. You NOR your doctor can guarantee that you will not stretch or ridge. They can minimize your scar, but some of your physiological make-up and traits come into play here as well. Even slightly wider scars can be hidden with longer hair, but guaranteeing a patient can shave down to a #2 is absolutely unethical and absurd. More than likely that is the case when using the best docs and closure methods, but there is simply no guarantee that YOU will be able to do that.

A 3 or a 4 guard is your best bet to shoot for.


4.00 a graft is in line with the BEST HT doc's in the world, so check out a Shapiro, Hasson, Wong, Feller, and match their information together with Dr. Alexanders and then choose the best doc FOR YOU!

Stay away from these other guys--- The Coalition exists to prevent people from "Guessing" that a particular HT surgeon is "OK" or "Good"

I hope this helps you out, and please keep asking and asking until YOU feel comfortable!!!!!

Chin Up!!!!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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8] ......... firstly gentlemen thanx for the feedback/input. Its great to have people to talk to and support one with such an important issue/decision.


I fully understand the 'chain' - 'mill' issue, low quality Doctors vs high end, and the quantity over quality issue. I believe that these ideas and observations are generally correct. I just thought that Dr. Melvin Mayer may be one of the 'exceptional' surgeons disregarding the company he's employed by. I read a post from a senior member of this group that mentioned Dr. Mayer was supposed to be a 'Premier' Doc who is highly accredited with a good reputation, although, i guess you could say sadly he works with MHR. So i was wondering if anyone had input on this or had any firsthand experience with Dr. Mayer ?


The reason i ask is because i'm in So. Calif and Dr. Mayer is fairly close. Dr. Scott Alexander in AZ. is another option for me i could travel their, however i just thought if Dr. Mayer and Dr. Alexander are both reputable and do the same quality of work then why travel ? I dunno i'm very much in the research stage ... and am researching doctors, i'm sure Bosely has some good Docs, but like you said it can be a crapshoot, so if your not sure of the Doc why go to the 'mill'. Dont worry guys i'm not a jumper .. LoL .. i'll definatly keep researching and consulting until i'm satisfied, will definatly not rush into anything. I'll keep yas posted, Take care ......... : )

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  • Senior Member

do an online consultation with Dr. Alexander and I'm sure you will see why he along with other coaliton docs are far superior than Dr. Mayar. Especially when it comes to the custom blades and the lateral slits, trust me these docs from the hair mills are far behind the coaltion docs when it comes to using the most up to date instruments and techniques!

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Have you ruled out Dr. DeYarmen? He is a coalition memeber and does good work from what I've seen and is in So Cal like you.


See his info here.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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