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Everything posted by NiCiaS

  1. hi, sry to hear about your experience ... hope all works out for you. Were is your blog/pics, i could'nt find it. Is Dr. Lehr a coalition Doc ???
  2. Hiyas gg, well im new here to, and looking into HT ... im not bald but hair is thining to. I am little older than you, but i'll say this DONT jump into anything Read & Research. I've learned so much from these forumns.I've gone to 1 consult so far, was kinda impressed but plan to see AT LEAST 3 Drs before I decide(read my other 2 threads). The HT clinics are not highly recommended due to the 'crapshoot' as wether or not you'll get a good Doc. Genetic Male Pattern Baldness (although it can skip members of the family) if you got it WILL happen its just a matter of how soon. I truly believe you can slow it down, 'minimize' the hair loss in different ways, some choose drugs/medicines ... others a more natural approach. My brother who is apprx 15 years younger than me is almost totally bald which i attribute greatly his lifestlye of some drug use, lotsa alchohol, smoking, etc ... just not a very wholesome - healthful way of life to 'Fast Forwarding' his Genetic MPB. I on the other hand try to live healthfully, plenty of excercise, Natural Vitamins 2 -3 times a week, drink/eat wholesome healthy foods - drinks. Once in a while I splurge and will eat out - fast food, the key to this is 'MODERATION'. My cosmetics are ALL natural - soaps, shampoos, deoderant, etc.... as i believe that unnatural chemicals dyes, coloring, fragerance, aluminums, sulfates, etc are Not Good. Health starts from the inside, and your body, skin, hair need to be taken care of! This helps as I can attest personally. At my 1st Consultation it was recommended trying Rogaine, Minoxidal, Propecia, and I said no thats not an option for me, as I dont like drugs/medicines except for extreme case or emergency. They said I am a developing Norwood 3V - 4 and that between 1500 and 2000 grafts would be good for me. I am still researching Drs tho. You are Very Young, and I would suggest being Very careful, your piC does'nt look bad at all, remember some hair loss (even every day) is normal, hair grows back tho! especially at your age ... don't get duped!!!. If the loss exceeds the re-growth over a lenth of time, and you do decide to go through with an HT choose a GOOD Doc, read these forumns and others. Any Doc that tells you you need a LARGE transplant right off the bat I would shy away from and get 2nd, 3rd opinions. This decision WILL be a very Important Life Decision, thats the way I am treating it and the way you should! Be smart Be patient ... Good Fortune, Take Care ! 8]
  3. Hi, i'm kinda new hear to ... i've read several posts and came across posts concerning swelling, one good one said to rotate warmth with cold. Put warm cloth on forehead/head - swollen area for a few minutes 5 - 10 and then put cold pak/cloth for a few minutes. I would say you do this whenever you can randomly through out the day and night, take it easy ... relax and stay positive. Good mind/mental attitude disposition i believe really helps as with anything! Stay positive, watch/listen/read something humorous funny ... happiness - laughter a good medicine/remedy.
  4. 8] ......... firstly gentlemen thanx for the feedback/input. Its great to have people to talk to and support one with such an important issue/decision. I fully understand the 'chain' - 'mill' issue, low quality Doctors vs high end, and the quantity over quality issue. I believe that these ideas and observations are generally correct. I just thought that Dr. Melvin Mayer may be one of the 'exceptional' surgeons disregarding the company he's employed by. I read a post from a senior member of this group that mentioned Dr. Mayer was supposed to be a 'Premier' Doc who is highly accredited with a good reputation, although, i guess you could say sadly he works with MHR. So i was wondering if anyone had input on this or had any firsthand experience with Dr. Mayer ? The reason i ask is because i'm in So. Calif and Dr. Mayer is fairly close. Dr. Scott Alexander in AZ. is another option for me i could travel their, however i just thought if Dr. Mayer and Dr. Alexander are both reputable and do the same quality of work then why travel ? I dunno i'm very much in the research stage ... and am researching doctors, i'm sure Bosely has some good Docs, but like you said it can be a crapshoot, so if your not sure of the Doc why go to the 'mill'. Dont worry guys i'm not a jumper .. LoL .. i'll definatly keep researching and consulting until i'm satisfied, will definatly not rush into anything. I'll keep yas posted, Take care ......... : )
  5. Well i'm new to forumn/site. I am not bald, but hair is thining ... i just turned 46 this month and hair has been thining for about 10 years. I'm glad i accidently found this site because i just assumed 'Bosely' was the best since they were one of the begginers in hair transplant industry. I was all ready to go there and consult and put my trust in them. Well now i'm reading/doing as much research as i can and plan to get at least 3 consults before deciding who to go with. These are my considerations, i am concerned about scarring because i like to wear my hair in a 'fade' style haircut sides-back being a 2 clip, Shockloss ??? scaryyyyy, and of course a good/fair price for procedure. I went for my 1st consult at MHR. The consultant, very nice explained that my thining/balding was a Norwood 3v or 4, mostly front of head and that apprx between 1500 - 2000 grafts would take care of my situation. I explained my concerns and was told scar is virtually unnoticable and a 2 clip would be fine, also their premier Dr. can do 'Trichophytic' procedure when suturing. The photos very detailed and close up showed very good work.Overall, i was impressed. I asked a lot of questions [mainly due to this site ... : ) ] spending about an hour with consultant, the consultant commented that i was a detail person, but said that was good. I asked about FUE and they said that their Dr. does do it but did'nt reccomend it, as it is a very lengthy and more expensive procedure and really not needed generally as FUT is very good and works with most and would be excellent with my situation. As i stated above my consult was with Medical Hair Restoration in southern calif and the Doctors there are Levitt and Mayer. Dr. Mayer would be my Doctor and i was quoted $4.00 per graft, ( i also recieved a quote of $4.00 per graft from Dr. Scott Alexander, who is reccomended/advertises on this site ). Sorry for the long post, however i would appreciate any input/experiences from anyone, as this is an important decision. ThAnX 8]
  6. Well i'm new to forumn/site. I am not bald, but hair is thining ... i just turned 46 this month and hair has been thining for about 10 years. I'm glad i accidently found this site because i just assumed 'Bosely' was the best since they were one of the begginers in hair transplant industry. I was all ready to go there and consult and put my trust in them. Well now i'm reading/doing as much research as i can and plan to get at least 3 consults before deciding who to go with. These are my considerations, i am concerned about scarring because i like to wear my hair in a 'fade' style haircut sides-back being a 2 clip, Shockloss ??? scaryyyyy, and of course a good/fair price for procedure. I went for my 1st consult at MHR. The consultant, very nice explained that my thining/balding was a Norwood 3v or 4, mostly front of head and that apprx between 1500 - 2000 grafts would take care of my situation. I explained my concerns and was told scar is virtually unnoticable and a 2 clip would be fine, also their premier Dr. can do 'Trichophytic' procedure when suturing. The photos very detailed and close up showed very good work.Overall, i was impressed. I asked a lot of questions [mainly due to this site ... : ) ] spending about an hour with consultant, the consultant commented that i was a detail person, but said that was good. I asked about FUE and they said that their Dr. does do it but did'nt reccomend it, as it is a very lengthy and more expensive procedure and really not needed generally as FUT is very good and works with most and would be excellent with my situation. As i stated above my consult was with Medical Hair Restoration in southern calif and the Doctors there are Levitt and Mayer. Dr. Mayer would be my Doctor and i was quoted $4.00 per graft, ( i also recieved a quote of $4.00 per graft from Dr. Scott Alexander, who is reccomended/advertises on this site ). Sorry for the long post, however i would appreciate any input/experiences from anyone, as this is an important decision. ThAnX 8]
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