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Dr. Mark DiStefano

Bill G

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  • 4 months later...
Guest 80sdude

I have a session of 1,000 scheduled with Dr. DiStifano next month. I have looked into several doc's before making the choice. He seems to have built up a good practice without the benefit of a huge advertising budget. I could have gone to NY but my situation is not so bad. I am a Norwood Class 3. If you would like, I will try to send you some before and after photos. Let me know.

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I'm in Toronto at the moment and Dr Jones is doing my HT today. I'll send you an email update when I return. DiStefano doesn't use all FUs so I would stay away from him regardless of cost. The ticket up here from Manchester NH was $228 and the Holiday Inn is very nice and really close to Dr Jones' office. More to come.

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"A nice guy, a good job, a low profile clinic, none of this will cut it. You must demand the top of the line or not proceed in my opinion".


EXACTLY! Don't bother with "pretty good", because those hair transplants are usually still detectable. What's the point of spending thousands of dollars on a cosmetic surgery that everyone can spot?


"If he says he uses 'magnification' you need to ask how? Does he really use microscopes?"


YES! Microscopes, not 'magnifying loops'.


Also, seeing lots of photos is okay, but it is much better to see patients in person. Preferrably guys who had a similar amount of hair loss as you, similar hair quality etc. Not just one or two guys who work in the office, either.

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Be aware that there are no doctors in Mass or Rhode Island performing total follicular unit transplants using high power microscopes. You will have to travel to.


It is misleading for doctors and clinics to use terms such as "micro follicular unit grafting" as this is not the same as "follicular unit surgery"

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I had a 1800 FU strip procedure with Dr J last Friday. I went to Toronto for the procedure because none of the Dr in this area including DiStefano and Leonard use outdated procedures. Dr J uses the latest techniques and you'll save a bunch by going to Canada. Best of luck to you.

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I live in Connecticut and am schedualed for a procedure in Tampa FL in 2 weeks at Dr. Paul Rose's office. You really should be willing to travel to get a GREAT result (especially around here.)

One long trip that may eat up a week of vacation time and money for an airline ticket but its is worth it if you get great results you can be proud of for the next decades. I think that beats determining a doc based soley on whether you can drive to the place or not.

Good luck!

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I agree with Jotronic there does appear to be a line of something on the scalp behind the hairline. While I realize the possibility that this may be nothing, I would pass on ANY Dr where you have ANY doubts. Realize if a Dr puts a picture on their website it is going to be what they consider to be their best work. So if we can quickly find questions with the best work what does the worst work look like? I'm now 11 days post op from Dr Rob Jones and I couldn't be happier. The vast majority of my 1800 FU grafts haven't fallen out yet and they look great. I still expect them to go, but I'm very happy about my decision to travel to Toronto versus accepting the local option which was of a lesser quality for MORE money.

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Not to be picking on any Dr, but if you go to the web-site it appears the patient has "Blue" eyes "before" and "hazel" eyes "after"..I guess it could be lighting ?? looks rather odd though.


Again, only calling them as I see them.



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