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losing hair and depression


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many can relate to the way you feel... are u on meds?? fin/ minox??


if not give the meds 6 months to see what they can do....


if it really drives u crazy maybe the best thing here is to accept it... shave your head and see how you and others like it.... i often thinf the only ones who really beat hairloss are the ones who accept it... i KNOW how hard that can be.... all the best man

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Welcome to our forum community.


Losing hair can be difficult for many, which is why all of us are here anyway. Though no cure exists to date, thankfully treatment options exist. Frankly, without treatment, hair loss usually gets worse and so may your emotional battle with it.


You may be a good candidate to try non-surgical hair loss treatments like Propecia and Rogaine. They are both typically pretty good at stopping its further progression. Like any other medication, potential side effects exist. Be sure to read more about them and consult with a doctor to learn more.


After using them for a year, see where you are, and then potentially consider surgical hair restoration.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Dude, we all know what you're going through. Hang in there.


Good news: like Bill said, you might get good results from meds, but they take 6 mos - 1 yr to show effect and it's a life-long commitment.


Also good news: like Swagger said, shaving your head might even make you look better. Yep, I said it. Vin Diesel, Andre Agassi, even many young dudes with no hair loss wear a shaved head with style and no loss of sex appeal today. A shaved head is masculine, and it's a choice - balding isn't. I would try the meds for a year AND in the meantime try a shave. Let your hair grow back after a year and see if it made a difference, and if you're not happy with a shaved head, look into transplants - CAREFULLY, with the advice of this forum (PLEASE, seriously).


I was in my late teens when I started losing my hair. It still affects me at age 34. No medicine, surgery or treatment in the world works better for beating the hair loss blues than taking good care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually, achieving success in life, pursuing the things that excite you, and surrounding yourself with awesome people. My two cents worth.


Best wishes-


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
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i have question : if i use finastride without minoxidil what the best result i may take it in general , and i mean the <span class="ev_code_RED">best</span>

the reason for that , in my country minox is not good i don't know why and the original on is too expensive for me .

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  • Senior Member

Focus on your body, get in great shape and keep working on the hair over time...that worked for me.


You can control your muscle development more easily and chicks dig that too!@

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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Finasteride is an effective preventative hair loss treatment for most men. However, it does come with the possibility of sexual and other side effects. Only you can decide whether or not to start taking Propecia. In my opinion, consult with a physician and read all there is to know about the benefits, limitations, and potential side effects associated with this non-surgical hair loss treatment. Then you can make an informed decision as to whether or not Propecia is for you.


All the Best,



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Bill , thank you

but i meant from my question what the benefit of Propecia for my case , i meant does it work for me , will my hair regrow ?

personal question , did you take it ? or not ?

hair transplant is too expensive for me .. that why i'm thinking of take Propecia first .

thank you

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  • Regular Member

Hello Mo7a-


Yeah, losing your hair can be a bit of a bummer, can't it? I understand where you're coming from. I'm 40 and started losing my hair at age 22 and was a full Norwood 6 until I decided to go the hair transplant route. I have been taking Propecia since 2002 and I have had no side effects at all. The truth is that no one probably a doc included isn't going to know 100% how your body is going to respond to Propecia as we're all different. As Bill recommended, make and appointment and go see a doc. Unless he strongly ecourages you not to take Propecia, give it a shot and see how you respond over the next six months to a year. If you start growing an extra eye or foot, you'll know it's time to quit! In looking back on my situation, Propecia from what I understand was available in 1998. If I knew what I know now, I would have started on this immediately and who knows, there is a very good chance it would have kept the hair I had and I would have been receeding instead of completely bald.


One more thing, if you are concerned about losing your hair and not looking attractive to the opposite sex, rest easy. It looks like you have a good shaped noggin. Also, two of my friends shave their heads completely and have 10 times more dates than a lot of guys with full heads of hair. Most women don't really care that much about the hair thing unless you're doing some ugly comb over and it looks like you're hiding something.It's the age where a shaved head looks pretty darn good on a lot of guys.


Hope this helps

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Will it work for you? I don't know. The chances of it growing hair in completely bald areas are slim to none. However, there's a good chance it can thicken thinning hair and stop further progression.


I've been on finasteride for over 4 years. It hasn't regrown any hair. But I believe it's working to help keep the hair below my crown.


I hope this helps.



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<span class="ev_code_RED">Obie one</span>, thanks for your reply

I understand where you're coming from.


what do mean by this ? you mean country !?




If you start growing an extra eye or foot, you'll know it's time to quit!


lol .. i like that icon_wink.gif


wo of my friends shave their heads completely and have 10 times more dates than a lot of guys with full heads of hair.

yes this is true but i don't only have this problem .. i'm not tall which gives me another negative feature for ladies .. i'll supply a new picture for me shaved .


<span class="ev_code_RED">Bill </span>

thanks also , yesterday i visited your page really i was astonished from hair transplant result , and also from the high expense you afford . the question why you made 3 transplant sessions ? does your hair fall after the first and second one's ?

and for finasteride, my fear of side effect especially that i'm not married i'm afraid of been barrenness from having babies also if this happened i'm afraid of giving birth for abnormalities babies .

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Due to the level of baldness I had, I required several hair transplant procedures to meet my goals. I didn't lose any of the previous transplanted hair...I just need more density to get to where I wanted.


Understand that there are approximately 50,000 to 60,000 hair follicles (equaling approximately 22,700 to 27200 follicular units) that make up the hair on the top of the scalp. Thus, since 50% original hair density is required for an adequate illusion of density, a patient requires approximately 11,350 to 13,600 follicular units over a completely bald scalp to give off an appearance of minimal hair loss.


In 3 procedures, I have 7550 grafts. I recently had a 4th procedure which makes my new total approximately 9600 grafts.


Ultimately, my hair will still be a little thin even after my new transplanted hair grows in. But I'm a lot happier with hair than I was bald.


Some people have the scalp for being bald and others don't. Personally, I didn't like the way it looked on me, so I decided to do something about it.


All the Best,



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  • Senior Member

Dude, keep it tight and shaved like you have it, looks great and the down time, money and probability of a full restoration on a high NW is not that great.


You look perfectly fine and fortunately that look is what chicks dig in these days!

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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For me, I never wanted a hair transplant, the results IMO differ, especially for younger patients like myself who must consider the future implications of the surgery.


I did like others have suggested, completly shaved my head, before losing my hair i would say i was a 7 out of ten lookswise, the thining period id say i went down to a 6.5 and when shaved id say i was 5.5. I dropped to a 5.5 because when you lose the hair other facial features are more prominently visable. So i decided to grow my thinning hair back, save up and in the future get one of my ears pinned and a new set of front teeth. I think this for me is a better plan than having a HT, for you, i think you look perfectly good with a shaved head, and shouldn't worry about it. Muscle up, take the meds if you wish to keep the hair you have and live!

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Hi, my 2 cents worth from a newby. The way we look matters to most people. Often in different ways. for some its teeth, face etc. Life is no rehearsal so I decided to have a hair transplant. My girlfriend dosnt care if Im a NW 6-7 but I do. I have good teeth, a good bod,average looks but I hate my hair when i look in the mirror every day...what hair I have anyway...it really bugs me...its like its with you all the time subconsciously so Im spending $14000 this year to do something about it. Its only money...So if youre not happy with how you are I think start saving up for a HT or if you have the money, plan it. Then you have a goal, some hope for something better and something to look forward to. Ive learnt from this site its no walk in the park but seems to me if you pick a good doc you wont regret it...

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Hello Mo7a-


Sorry for the late reply. It was a long weekend here and I didn't have access to a computer on Friday. When I said "I understand where you're coming from" I meant I understand how you feel because I was in the same situation you were in.


From reading all of the comments on your current situation, everyone seems to think that you would look really good with a shaved head. Your head is shaped really well for you to pull off that look. You have several things going for you in your favor: It's the era where a lot of guys shave their heads, there are meds you can take to slow down or completely stop hairloss progression and even though surgery is not a current option, should it be one in the future, as long as you pick an outstanding doc who can back up their work and is highly recommended, your chances of having a fake pluggy look are slim to none.


Oh yeah, BTW, you stated that your height was another negative feature for the ladies. Unless you have gone up and talked to a lot of women who ignored you and said that you are too short and bald and to go away this is probably a limiting belief of your own and something that most women aren't thinking about.


I have a friend who is completely bald, 5'7 and skinny. He only dates high class women and gets at least three numbers everytime he goes out. I have another friend who is 5'8 bald and has a beer gut from drinking. He has no shortage of women either. I have another friend who is 6'0 tall, has a full head of hair is a model and can't get a date to save his life. Irnoic isn't it?


My short skinny and fat friend have all the confidence in the world and they are probably at best 5's on the looks scale. My friend who does print work I would say is a 9 or 10 on the looks scale but he has little confidence and acts nervous when he's out.


Having hair can certainly be nice but so can having a good shaped head you can shave. Hair or no hair, it all comes down to your confidence and being comfortable in your own skin.

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  • Senior Member
Ive learnt from this site its no walk in the park but seems to me if you pick a good doc you wont regret it...


the above quote is a perfect example of what worries me about this site.....i tried for a while to to push the fact that i truly believe this view point is a DANGEROUS one, ESPECIALLY FOR YOUNG GUYS WITH MORE HAIRLOSS AHEAD.... but the fact is this....... people like the creator of this quote and MANY others are so deeply affected by our hairloss, so pshycologically effected that we will cling to hope if its presented to us...


this site IMO provides hope... it shows that in SOME circumstances a man CAN deliver a fierce uppercut to hairloss with a HT,atleast for a while assuming your hairloss progresses like the typical mans does.


it often does not take much for a young man who is suffering to buy into the glossy outcomes often posted here... it does not take much for him to believe it will work out great for him too.... and maybe it will.... but i can guarantee no matter the research one does none of you have ANY idea if you will love or regret your decision until AFTER your have done it and cannot go back, will your decision be worth it 6-7-8 years from now?? guess we will see. will you and your top docs "gameplan" be executed well??



so ill just have to hope for the best for all you guys taking the plunge.. hope you have atleast a decent idea that this road is a long one... hope you guys realize that the worry and obsession you have with your hairloss will more than likely NOT stop even after your hopefully successful HT outcome....you guys are gonna go thru with this regardless... understand one last thing.... EVERY dr has plenty of patients who are less then thrilled with their outcomes.. EVERY dr..... i dont care what some of you think... im correct..... the difference is the best drs at this difficult craft also have plenty of patient who, for the time being look fantastic too... and dont you young guys worry......... those fantastic photos will be presented for you to see...that way when the "occasional" disgruntled patient pops up we can disregard his story, or place him in the "small" % of unhappy patients....... its much more comforting to click on the 'homerun' HTs and convince ourselves that they are whats really common and that nowadays the super- duper- ultra- refined technology is near flawless in the hands of the anointed top docs.....lets not forget that likely even in the best cases this process takes YEARS AND YEARS, multiple procedures and many thousands of dollars, and lifetime of meds and scars....



is this a negative post?? i dont know. maybe.. im absolutely positive some of you will view or lable it as such... personally i just think its truthful and worth SOMEONE saying it... there are alot of you who feel it, or experienced it but say nothing for one reason or another... as a result, IMO, the above quote is quite common on here.....

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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