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Month 7 Hairline photos


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  • Senior Member

I had some requests after my 6 month photo upload to focus on the hairline with the next set of pictures. I have included one "before" photo from 7 months ago. My HT was accomplished by Dr Hasson (4944 FU).

If there is enough laxity, and Dr Hasson believes there will be no safety issues, I will have my second HT in mid January. The second HT will be for the crown and a slight lowering of my hairline ( maybe 1/2 cm or so). Cheers


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HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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For some reason the picture looks somewhat better than real life. I've tried various lighting but nothing I've found yet looks quite exact. I am very happy with where I am at right now, but , of course I'm hoping for greater density and somewhat thicker hair shafts as time passes. I also still have quite curly hair to date. I'm told it straightens out over time.

When I play with gels, it seems to mat the hairs together creating more scalp visibilty, actually making the HT look tless dense ( but a more modern, stylish look).

I believe that part of the process for me is to get my eyes to adjust to view my hair as a total stranger would see me. I'm sure I will always be my worst critic. Cheers

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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Hey, those look really, really good. Really, at 7 months, you should experience a decent bit of thickening many months to come. It looks great! How many grafts are you shooting for on HT #2??


I had the same dilemma after my first 2 HT's......I'd like more density. However, I've come to realize no matter how many grafts I get it would be difficult if not impossible to pull of the wet or gelled look.


The last part of your post is very true. We're our own worst critics!! Happy growing and best of luck for #2 in January.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Guest Cousin_It

Looks fabulous! Those guys really can work some magic, you look perfectly fine now, but I have a feeling the "bug" has hit you so I can understand looking for some hairline work. Since you will be doing crown might as well get the look you want up front. Best of luck and keep us up to date.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks Gentlemen for the encouraging comments--

Hairbank, I think 2000 +/- 500. The vast majority of that total is for the crown. It really depends on my laxity and what Dr Hassons' opinion is. I, unfortunately, don't think I have the greatest amout of hair for harvesting---probably average at best.

Faceless Man--Thanks bro, Happy Holidays, be safe!!

Cousin it----I'll post 8 month photos that will capture my HT to date from multiple angles---then I will also post my post HT #2 initial results.....

Bill--Thanks, you are a maniac on this forum- and I appreciate the love. I am very pleased to date. Like you, I go to the gym every day. I try very hard to watch the diet, try to dress proper etc etc. but I had no control over my hair loss. It really did affect how I felt about myself. Now, I feel my total presentation to others matches more closely head to toe and it makes me feel so much better. Perhaps a bit narcistic, but it is a very visual society. Quite possibly, getting an excellent HT is one of the best decisions I have made in my life!! Stay tuned for the 8 month photos. Thanks again. Cheers, S-n-P

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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Things look great and will only continue to get better. Glad to hear that you are happy with the results and it has had a positive influence on your confidence. Keep us posted.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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This is for Cousin It----My hair line addition is to add about 1/2 cm of "soft" hairline to the front of what I currently have. I am quite pleased with where the hairline is now but i think visually, for a 48 year old, a few distracting hairs in front would be even better.!!! Cheers

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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  • Senior Member

Too Thin- I have not had any work on the crown yet. I was essentially bald on the crown ( about a 3 inch diameter) but by using Avodart for the past 7 months there has been some growth of baby fine hairs....maybe 10 per cm square. Just a guess. The second HT will concentrate on the crown. I am estimating that about 1500 FU should fill my crown at 40 cm per cm squared. Some members here really concentrate on the front half , since I am a bit older than most here, I prefer a reasonable coverage over my entire head. Just my personal preference. FWIW, as I was leaving Dr Hassons' office 7 months ago, he said I would not be back.......I said to him "you wanna bet". Again it is only because I really desire minimal coverage throughout. Cheers. S-n-P

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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  • Senior Member

oh, sorry I didn't answer before....I don't have any pictures at 7 months wet but I promise to get some 8 month pictures that show ,wet, dry and hairline . As I answered earlier, the wet look on me, at this point , seems to really expose more scalp than the dry brushed back look. Once I have my crown attended to, I will try a brushed forward look with a little gel on the front hairline. Cheers

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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  • Regular Member

Ahhh the hair greed kicking in. Man, we all have it. I'd love more density too! Its crazy how the hair greed kicks in. It comes in waves that damn hair greed. Some days everything is fine, than all of a sudden when your not suspecting it---> BAM, it hits you and you feel like you need more and more....



0.5 mg Avodart daily since 6/19/06


1950 grafts with Dr. Hasson in the front line 6/19/06.


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  • Senior Member

I hear you bro- after my second HT, I plan on waiting for future developments in hair cloning ( which I saw a segment on TV just last night, somehow it involves stem cells...... )

Hair greed, hair envy....I got all of those ailments. S-n-P

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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  • Regular Member

I know!!! man, what I wouldn't give to be able to put a large wad of gel in my palm and my finger tips and just slick back my hair like I was 16 again. All I want for Christmas is more density.

0.5 mg Avodart daily since 6/19/06


1950 grafts with Dr. Hasson in the front line 6/19/06.


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