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Is Dr. Epstein still among the best


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When Pat and Bill (maybe 3 months ago?) mandated clinics to do a required amount of documentation this was a key step of forward progress. Even though the quality of documentation and % of grown-out cases has to date been a bit lacking at times, IMO, we are still able to get a much better "flavor" for the respective clinics out there.


I think PGP is absolutely right, and that this would be an ideal that serves the patients, the forum, *and* the doctors performing high-quality work.


Frankly, I'm surprised more clinics haven't stepped up and gone into a mode of rigorous competition in doing their work justice.


*also, IMO, when clinics like Bernstein's don't even allow for a mere *comment* or critique of their work by patients and prospective patients alike it is a slap in the face and serves to stymie the forward progress that Bill works so hard for, and that we all look forward to.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I don't think 100 is excessive because if you assume just 200 surgeries per year, and five years of performing hair transplants, that comes out to only 10% of the work. And let's be honest, these doctors perform more than 200 surgeries per year. Plus, many doctors already post in excess of that number for us to view. If for example, Dr. Epstein, H&W, Rahal, etc. can post literally hundreds of examples, why can't we holdexpect all doctors to do the same standard?


Consider the fact that almost every member of this forum would never consider having a surgery with a non recommended doctor. The benefit then for a physician in being recommended is immeasurable. (probably one of the reasons why non recommended physicians keep suing) What is wrong with compelling them to post a small percentage of their work, continually updated, for us to see? I think it is only fair that if they wish to continue to reap the benefits of recommendation, that they must be willing to show us work.

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when clinics like Bernstein's don't even allow for a mere *comment* or critique of their work by patients and prospective patients alike it is a slap in the face and serves to stymie the forward progress that Bill works so hard for, and that we all look forward to.


It's also much more concrete than that. It's stymies the doctor's bottom line as well. Each prospective patient who reads these comments represents, literally, thousands of dollars. Why they wouldn't want to remain competitive is beyond me. It amounts to leaving money on table. But I'm not a businessman. Maybe there's some part of the equation I'm missing. But I certainly appreciate Bill & Pat's efforts. I'd be lost without this site.

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I believe alot of clinics do not have the confidence to show their work.

Its also hard to get that many patients in for pics or even their consent to post.

Thats why I tell everyone to stick with the top clinics and dont even consider the others.

If they cant be decent enough to keep us updated on their work Ill never take a chance and send someone there

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Though I appreciate everyone's concern and desire to see as many photo examples of a prospective doctor's work as possible, it's simply not realistic to ask them to present hundreds of examples of their work. In many cases, we can get a good idea for the quality of their work and their standard of care by interviewing them and evaluating several examples of their results and surgical photos. Additionally, we garner input from our entire community, patients and physicians alike before we make a final decision on who's recommended. Pat also visits as many clinics as he can and if their work looks solid, posts his review in the "Visits to Leading Hair Transplant Clinics" section of the forum. See also how we recommend hair transplant surgeons.


Surgeons are continually reviewed based on the input we receive from patients and physician posted results in the "Results Posted by Leading Hair Transplant Clincs" section of the forum. Each recommended clinic also agrees to be open to inspection and visitation upon request. As we speak, Pat is touring across country visiting with and observing several of our recommended physicians in live surgery for evaluation.


Though our prescreening process is not perfect (nothing is), we carefully select surgeons based on a large quantity of information we collect both privately and publicly.


That said, we always encourage all prospective patients to research all surgeons they are considering. Ultimately, though we believe surgeons we recommend are doing state of the art work according to our high standards, patients are ultimately responsible for their own research and choices.


I hope this helps to address your questions and concerns.


Best wishes,



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I am glad that i was not the only one who felt the fact that bernstein's clinic not allowing comments is insulting.


To the most experience posters like PGP. Do you feel clinics that charge at the top end of the pricing scale for FUE should be required to post more FUE results?


Due to the fact that alot of people who come here would assume the higher cost will mean a better result.

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I am glad that i was not the only one who felt the fact that bernstein's clinic not allowing comments is insulting.




I just spoke with Bernstein medical about this yesterday as a matter of fact, and they assure me that it wasn't done intentionally. I told them to be extra careful when posting the next album, and to make sure they allow members to post comments.


Thanks for your interest,



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Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:
I am glad that i was not the only one who felt the fact that bernstein's clinic not allowing comments is insulting.




I just spoke with Bernstein medical about this yesterday as a matter of fact, and they assure me that it wasn't done intentionally. I told them to be extra careful when posting the next album, and to make sure they allow members to post comments.


Thanks for your interest,




Thanks for the update bill. But do you think that charge at the top end of the pricing scale for FUE should be required to post more FUE results?


Because as i stated above a newbie coming here would assume those who charge most equal top quality.

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Thanks for the update bill. But do you think that charge at the top end of the pricing scale for FUE should be required to post more FUE results?


Because as i stated above a newbie coming here would assume those who charge most equal top quality.




All physicians recommended on the hair transplant network are already posting examples of their work on the "Results Posted by Leading Hair Transplant Clinics" forum, though not necessarily FUE.


Anyone who believes the highest cost is equal to the highest quality should take more time to research.


This community is filled with information proving many of the misconceptions of hair transplant surgery incorrect. Ultimately, it's up to our members and visitors to sift through the information to draw their own conclusions and select a doctor that impresses them the most.


If you'd like to continue this discussion, since it's unrelated to this thread, please contact me privately.





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