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Forum Community Member Contributions for September!

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Hello everyone,


It is the forum community members that continue to make this forum what it is: a place for hair loss sufferers to come for education and encouragement in their hair restoration journey.


I thought I'd take this time to post this month's community statistics for those who are interested.




At the end of August, there were 5343 registered members. At the end of September, there are now 5482 registered members. We have 169 new members this month. Welcome all new members!


Top Contributors This Month


Thank you to EVERYONE contributing their experiences and thoughts into this community!


This month's top posters!


1. MrJB with a whopping 145 phenominal posts!

2. notgoing2gobald, one of our new members trailing close behind with 106 thoughtful contributions

3. Arrie with an incredible 79 posts

4. wanthairs with a powerful 68 posts.


This Month's Top Topic Starters


A 3 Way Tie for First Place!


1. mrkneed - one of our new members with 14 new topics

1. Sanjeev also with 14 new topics

1. Notgoing2gobald who also ties for first with 14 new topics

2. giants with 12 freshly started topics



This Month's Most Active Topics


JoTronic, 5.5 years after it all began posted by JoTronic (with 33 posts and 2208 page views)


Wingnut 8 Months posted by Wingnut (with 9 posts and 1674 page views)


1 year down by Glock08 (with 19 posts and 1996 page views)


RJVW - 8 Month Update posted by RJVW (with 10 posts and 1611 page views)


How Easily Can a HT Be Spotted? Posted by El Guapo (with 35 posts and 1234 page views)


Best wishes,



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Hello everyone,


It is the forum community members that continue to make this forum what it is: a place for hair loss sufferers to come for education and encouragement in their hair restoration journey.


I thought I'd take this time to post this month's community statistics for those who are interested.




At the end of August, there were 5343 registered members. At the end of September, there are now 5482 registered members. We have 169 new members this month. Welcome all new members!


Top Contributors This Month


Thank you to EVERYONE contributing their experiences and thoughts into this community!


This month's top posters!


1. MrJB with a whopping 145 phenominal posts!

2. notgoing2gobald, one of our new members trailing close behind with 106 thoughtful contributions

3. Arrie with an incredible 79 posts

4. wanthairs with a powerful 68 posts.


This Month's Top Topic Starters


A 3 Way Tie for First Place!


1. mrkneed - one of our new members with 14 new topics

1. Sanjeev also with 14 new topics

1. Notgoing2gobald who also ties for first with 14 new topics

2. giants with 12 freshly started topics



This Month's Most Active Topics


JoTronic, 5.5 years after it all began posted by JoTronic (with 33 posts and 2208 page views)


Wingnut 8 Months posted by Wingnut (with 9 posts and 1674 page views)


1 year down by Glock08 (with 19 posts and 1996 page views)


RJVW - 8 Month Update posted by RJVW (with 10 posts and 1611 page views)


How Easily Can a HT Be Spotted? Posted by El Guapo (with 35 posts and 1234 page views)


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Interesting to see the statistics. Always has interested me as to who is actively participating.






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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145 , I need to get a life..


Well, I guess I just like helping people .. I know the hell it is to lose your hair but I can tell you.


Getting it back is even sweeter!!!! Hang in there guys!!



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Thanks for recognizing some of our most active members for the many contributions they make.


Mrjb, now that you are into the stratosphere of the follicular salvation club you are on such a high plane that daily life activities like eating and sleeping will diminish in importance. Thus you will find that you no longer need to have a normal "life". Just ask Nervous Nelly, who I believe gave up normal terrestrial life months ago.


Of course you have a way to go before you walk on water and accend into the celestial heavens with you know who - no not the guy in sandals - Bill.


Onwards and Upwards, Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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  • Senior Member

yes, congragulations to all of you. But, personally I feel these numbers are skewed. Somebodys' cookin the books. I have personally been counting my posts and they are in the seven figure range, which will put me well above MrJBs' measily 145... I have given up family, friends and loved ones' to achieve this and have yet to recieve any recognition...


Also I think we should be giving awards to members for their sensitivity and thoughtfulness to another members topics. If somebody emails me a picture of their head asking my opinion of their loss I completely ignore them and just ask them.."how do you FEEL about yourself as a person?"..."as a baby, were you fed by breast or by BOTTLE?..."

Obviously my care and concern is more of a wholistic approach and is not skin deep....cant I get an award for something like this?


I like awards.

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I can't tell if you are kidding or not....but if you take a look....you are number 2 in This month's top posters! and tied for first in This month's top Topic starters. So take a look again icon_wink.gif.


I'd say that's some pretty hefty recognition my friend. icon_smile.gif


Thanks for your participation.


And Arrie....it was notgoing2gobald who posted that...not Mrjb. You are feeding into his insecurity icon_biggrin.gif.


Maybe notgoing2gobald is Mrjb's alter ego? Hmm...never thought about that icon_biggrin.gif. Just jokes!


I really appreciate your contributions!



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  • Senior Member

Yeah sure,

just take a look at your description of everyone ELSES posts: PHeNomeNaL!!!...PoWeRfUL!!!...InCrEdIbLe!!!!!......and mine:

....thoughtful......Oh how sweet. thats like saying the fat ugly kid has a "nice personality"....to hell with everyone!!! IM GOING TO START MY OWN FORUM called haircloning.com. Everyone will belive me. Hell, if they can clone a whole sheep then why cant they clone some hair. makes sense.

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thats better!


Nobuzz, yeah it might take others a lifetime for what I do in one month....But Ive gained 100pounds from sitting on my couch drinnking new castles, chain smoking, and ordering pizzas in...I havent seen the light of day...I just slide the money under the door when the pizza gets here...most guys who do this are watching porn, but Im sitting here looking at mens bald heads...SHIT....Im going to get a life...

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Notgoing2 is drinking the MATTSKIBA juice..


Hey, I tell you it is worth it to help people on here with once of the most negative things which has affected me in my life. I can tell you, getting your hair back is one of the most positive.



I know it is only hair but everything is relative. I am committed to helping others get out of the hole I was in ..


I salute you forum members


( Now JOBI flys away in the sky)



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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