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When do Transplanted Hair Fall Off?

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  • Senior Member

Hi everyone,


After being a silent lurker on this forum for a long time, I decided to start posting. I have been doing research on HT for several months, and then finally took the plunge and did my HT procedure (to restore my hairline) with a coalition surgeon. I had my surgery 11 days ago.


I have a question for you guys. I understand that the transplanted hair starts to fall off a few days after the surgery, and then the hair reappear in a few months. In your experience, how long exactly after the surgery did you see the transplanted hair fall off? Did anyone retain most of your transplanted hair throughout?


Thanks in advance for any responses.

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  • Senior Member

Hi everyone,


After being a silent lurker on this forum for a long time, I decided to start posting. I have been doing research on HT for several months, and then finally took the plunge and did my HT procedure (to restore my hairline) with a coalition surgeon. I had my surgery 11 days ago.


I have a question for you guys. I understand that the transplanted hair starts to fall off a few days after the surgery, and then the hair reappear in a few months. In your experience, how long exactly after the surgery did you see the transplanted hair fall off? Did anyone retain most of your transplanted hair throughout?


Thanks in advance for any responses.

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Forrest Gump,


I recall seeing your alias on the forum a few times and I wondered if you were ever going to post anything. I'm glad you did icon_smile.gif.


The typical time frame of shedding of transplanted hair is between 2 to 4 weeks plus or minus.


Some hair may remain in tact and continue to grow while yet some others will appear to remain in tact but not grow. The ones in tact that aren't growing have most likely broke off the follicle underneath the surface of the scalp and will fall out eventually or be pushed out when the transplanted hair starts to grow.


I hope this helps.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

When I had my 2 FUE PROCEDURES to the hairline and front including temples about 70 % stayed in place and carried on in its growth cycle without ever shedding and I kept my new hairline(this is rare though).I noticed a few that didnt grow but stayed as stumps for a while than fell out.Each person is different and you could be the 1 in 20 people who's majority of follicles keep growing in their new location place.

HT 2006/7

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  • Senior Member

It varies by patient and amount of grafts. Per Fal-- usually around a month-- HOWEVER, my last and greatest procedure, I used Rogaine post op and didnt have any fallout.



Dr. Shapiro

Propecia/Rogaine xtra

Zrii 3oz daily

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Interesting topic. It used to be that all transplanted hair would fall out within 30 days post op. We are now finding that most of our patients are retaining varying percentages of the transplanted hair from day one. Smoothy good point, the use of both propecia and minoxidil 5% bid seem to be synergistic in aiding the transplanted hair to remain. Also, this combination helps to protect the native intermediately miniaturized hairs.TheBeatles were right on, "I do believe it's getting better all the time."

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We are now finding that most of our patients are retaining varying percentages of the transplanted hair from day one.


Dr. Arocha,


I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on this, especially since this is every hair transplant patient's dream.


Can you elaborate as to why you feel that many of your patients are keeping a percentage of their transplanted hair while the majority of patients from other first-rate surgeons typically shed most, if not all their transplanted hair initially?


Perhaps you are on the brinke to discovering the key to unlocking the secret of preventing the initial shedding stage. I hope you will be sharing your findings with our forum community and to your peers at the ISHRS conference icon_smile.gif





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  • Senior Member

Bill, TC, Smoothy, and Dr. Arocha, thanks for your responses.


Yes, it is every HT patient's dream to retain all the transplanted grafts and not go through any initial shedding.


From what I am hearing from you guys, it seems that Rogaine can help in this regard. My doctor's office recommended that I can start using Rogaine after my scabs come off - that is, about 2 weeks after the surgery. My scabs are all gone, but I'll wait for a couple of more days to complete the 2-week post-surgery period before I start using Rogaine.


Will keep you guys posted as to whether it makes any difference regarding not having to go through shedding.



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  • Senior Member

forrest glump,

Have you noticed any shedding after using rogaine 5%. let us know i am curious.

#1 HT by Dr. Rahal on 08-21-08

Strip 26.6 cm

Total 4308 grafts

-1116 single grafts

-2287 double grafts

-898 triple grafts

-7 quad grafts

Total Hairs: 8412


Minoxidil 5%

Finasteride 1 mg daily

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  • Regular Member

In my case, 90% of transplanted hair started shedding after the 2nd week of the surgery.

As "omviki" said that would be nice to get some feedback from people using Rogaine after their HT and see if this helps to retain the transplanted hair.

In my case my doctor just prescribed me to Finesteride and recommended me to take it at least 2 weeks before my surgery and keep taking it for at least 8 months after the HT.

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  • 5 years later...

well i had my HT a month ago i got 1300 grafts coz of my weak donor area. any how as per some questions above. i m using Manoxidile 5% from last 5 days (twice a day) although its very small period to judge but i almost lost my 40% of transplanted hair.

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  • Regular Member

I am wondering the same. Dr. Arocha reconstructed my hairline two weeks ago and I still have all the transplanted hair. My recovery was exceptionally quick and his staff are top notch.


Because the "stubble" is in the front, it is very noticeable and I am thinking about trimming them if they are in fact temporary (only upfront where they are 1/2 to 2 inches down from my existing hairline).


Sounds like I should retain hope and not trim. Thoughts?

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